MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 Network Infrastructure
Chapter 7
Configuring File Services in
Windows Server 2008
• Discuss File Services in Windows Server 2008
• Install the Distributed File System in Windows
Server 2008
• Discuss and create shared file resources in
Windows Server 2008
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Introduction to File Services
• Functions of the Windows Server 2008 File
Services role
File Server
Distributed File System
File Server Resource Manager
Services for Network File System
Windows Server 2003 File Services
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Installing the File Server Role
• File Server role
– Install by activating File Services if necessary
– Role services, and other features can be installed
through the graphical user interface (GUI)
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Installing the File Server Role
• Activity 7-1: Installing the File Server Role
• Time Required: 5 minutes
• Objective: Install the File Server role to implement
Windows 2008 Server File Services
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
File and Folder Sharing
• Sharing creates
– A network access point for clients to access data
across the network
• Clients use
– Server Message Block (SMB) connections to access
shared resources
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Public and Standard Sharing
• Public folder sharing
– Allows users to share files with all the users logged
on locally or on the network, if that feature is enabled
– Public folders are located in the
• %systemdrive%\Users\Public directory
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Public and Standard Sharing
• Activity 7-2: Using Public Folder Sharing
• Time Required: 10 minutes.
• Objective: Learn how to use public folder sharing
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Public and Standard Sharing
• Standard file sharing
– Makes files and folders accessible from a network
• The preferred format in Windows Server 2008
• Shares on FAT32 volumes can only use share
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control
• Share-level permissions
– Defined at the shared resource level
– Allow clients access to a network share
– Apply only when a file or folder is being accessed via
the network
– Do not apply to a user logged into the machine
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control (continued)
• Default and administrative shares
– Administrative shares can be identified by name
because they always end with a dollar sign ($)
– Default shares include:
Drive Letter Shares
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control (continued)
• Activity 7-3: Creating and Verifying Administrative
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Create and verify administrative shares
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control (continued)
• User-level permissions
– Defined at the folder or file level
• The preferred file system used in Windows networks
• Permissions apply anytime a file or folder resource is
• Permissions are divided into two types: file
permissions and folder permissions
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control (continued)
• Activity 7-4: Modifying NTFS Permissions Using
Windows Explorer
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Modify NTFS permissions
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control (continued)
• Activity 7-5: Modifying NTFS Permissions Using the
CACLS Command
• Time Required: 5 minutes
• Objective: Modify NTFS permissions with CACLS
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Access Control (continued)
• Access control lists
– Used by NTFS to define permissions to resources
• Authentication
– Token: object attached to a user’s account that
validates the user’s identity and privileges
– Security identifiers (SIDs): used to make every
user, computer, and resource on a network unique
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares
• File and folder sharing can be implemented
Shared Folders console
Windows Explorer
Net share command
Share and Storage Management console
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Deploying shares with the Shared Folders console
– Shared Folders console is available through the
Computer Management consol
• Deploying shares with Windows Explorer
– Network file and folder sharing, or sharing, is
performed when using the File Sharing Wizard
• Deploying shares with Net share
– Net share allows you to create and manage shared
folder resources
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Activity 7-6: Managing Shared Folders through the
Shared Folders Console
• Time Required: 10 minutes
• Objective: Explore the Shared Folders console and
close open sessions
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Activity 7-7: Creating a Shared Folder through
Windows Explorer
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Create a shared folder in Windows
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Activity 7-8: Modifying the Advanced Sharing
Properties on a Share through Windows Explorer
• Time Required: 10 minutes
• Objective: Modify a share using Advanced Sharing
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Activity 7-9: Creating a Shared Folder Using the
• Time Required: 15 minutes.
• Objective: Use the CLI to create shared folders
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Offline files
– Allow shared file resources to be available to clients
when they are not connected to the network
– Caching: defined by administrators at the shared
resource level
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Deploying Shares (continued)
• Activity 7-10: Creating a Document on a Remote
Server and Setting Up Offline Availability
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Set caching requirements for offline files
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Distributed File System
• Distributed File System (DFS)
– Set of client and server services that allows
companies to deploy their shared file resources as a
single file structure
– Comprised of two technologies
• DFS namespace
• DFS replication
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Introduction to DFS
• DFS namespace
– Allows you to create an entry point for shared file
resources using a naming convention of your choice
– Two types of implementations
• Domain-based
• Stand-alone
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Introduction to DFS (continued)
• Activity 7-11: Adding DFS Role Services
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Install the DFS Role services
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Introduction to DFS (continued)
• DFS replication
– Responsible for synchronizing the data within a DFS
• Load balancing
– By replicating your file resources across multiple
servers, you can spread the usage load to multiple
• Fault tolerance
– By replicating data across multiple servers, a copy is
maintained on a separate system should you
experience a failure
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Introduction to DFS (continued)
• Backup centralization
– DFS can facilitate centralized backups
– Once deployed, DFS has a hierarchical namespace
structure that allows users to locate information
using a UNC path location
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS
• Steps for deploying DFS
– Install the File Services role and the Distributed File
System role services
– Create a namespace
– Add folders to the namespace
– Configure the DFS referral order
– Create a DFS replication group
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS (continued)
• File Services and Distributed File System roles
– You need to install the File Services role along with
the DFS services of your choosing
• Namespaces
– Create a DFS namespace to act as the central point
for clients to access network shared data
• Namespace folders
– After you create your namespace, you can populate
the folder
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS (continued)
• Activity 7-12: Creating a Namespace for the
Applications Folder
• Time Required: 10 minutes
• Objective: Create a new DFS namespace
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS (continued)
• Activity 7-13: Adding Folders to the DFS
• Time Required: 10 minutes
• Objective: Add folders to DFS
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS (continued)
• Adding servers to DFS namespace
– Once added to the DFS namespace
• The new server creates the file system hierarchy for
the namespace in its DFS root located at c:\DFSRoot
• Configuring the DFS referral order
– DFS namespaces use a referral order to determine
the DFS server that will provide shared resources to
client requests
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS (continued)
• Activity 7-14: Adding Servers to a DFS Namespace
• Time Required: 5 minutes
• Objective: Add servers to the DFS namespace
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Configuring DFS (continued)
• Activity 7-15: Creating a DFS Replication Group
• Time Required: 20 minutes
• Objective: Configure DFS replication between DFS
namespace servers
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Managing Windows Server 2008 with
• FSRM allows administrators to perform various
tasks in managing files and disk volumes through
the FSRM console, including:
– Managing file and disk quotas
– Screening files using built-in and custom templates
– Creating reports on storage resources
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Managing Windows Server 2008 with
FSRM (continued)
• Activity 7-16: Installing FSRM
• Time Required: 10 minutes
• Objective: Install the FSRM role service
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Managing Windows Server 2008 with
FSRM (continued)
• Managing File and Disk Quotas
– FSRM quotas use actual file size instead of the
logical file size
• Screening Files Using Built-In and Custom
– Filter screening: allows administrators to block
specific types of files from being stored in Windows
Server 2008 file directories
• Creating Reports on Storage Resources
– FSRM can help you forecast space needs and plan
for deploying additional storage
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Managing Windows Server 2008 with
FSRM (continued)
• Activity 7-17: Creating Quotas
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Create a custom file quota
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Managing Windows Server 2008 with
FSRM (continued)
• Activity 7-18: Creating a File Screen
• Time Required: 10 minutes
• Objective: Create a file screen to block files
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Managing Windows Server 2008 with
FSRM (continued)
• Activity 7-19: Running a Storage Report
• Time Required: 15 minutes
• Objective: Create a storage report
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
– Provides a framework for creating a centralized point
of entry for accessing network data
• File and folder sharing
– Creates a network access point, or share, for clients
to access data across the network
• Share permissions can be read, change, or full
• User permissions
– Based on NTFS settings and are defined at the file
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Summary (continued)
– Uses ACLs to define permissions to resources
• You can implement file and folder sharing using:
Shared Folders console
Windows Explorer
The net share command
Share and Storage Management console
• DFS technologies
– Include the DFS namespace and replication
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration
Summary (continued)
• In Windows Server 2008, DFS allows you to:
– Create an entry point for shared file resources using
your preferred naming convention
• DFS replication
– Responsible for synchronizing all of the data within a
DFS structure
– Can be used to provide load balancing for shared file
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Network Infrastructure Configuration