Essentially - The Exchange Network

To the cloud my friend!
State of Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality
Why Georgia has its node
in the cloud
Steve Alison – Georgia EPD
Simon Watson – Windsor
Session Purpose
In 2011 Georgia EPD decided it would be beneficial
to their organization to relocate their exchange
network flows from an internally hosted
OpenNode2 instance to a new cloud based instance
This session discusses why the choice was made, the
solution provided and whether hosted solutions are
viable for other EN participants.
The challenge
◦ goals
◦ approach
◦ future
The solution
◦ architecture
◦ choices
◦ conclusion
The Challenge
The challenge
Costly support contract in place at the state level.
 Lengthy turnaround in resolving issues
 Lack of skilled resources that understand the node
 Difficulties in utilizing contracting mechanisms.
 EPD lacked an affordable infrastructure and sufficient
skilled resources to support the EN environment.
 Rapidly evolving
technology stacks.
State Supported Infrastructure Dependence – removed
 Node Upgrade – included
 Flow Support – included
 Reliability - maximum
 Infrastructure – provided
 Technology Currency - included
 Technology Platform - indifferent
 Need for own EN skilled staff – gone
 Peace of mind – in the cloud
the pictorial view
Georgia has taken the bull by the horns.
◦ Implemented OpenNodeC instance within Amazon’s EC2
◦ Five flows TRI, WQX, Beaches, SDWIS and EIS
◦ Established a Cloud Node support contract
◦ We don’t worry whether the node is up and running anymore.
◦ We simply have a periodic check-in with our vendor to review
status and issues (rare).
◦ We are able to focus more on the data and business of the
agency rather than the technology that supports it.
So what does the future hold
◦ Georgia’s EPD commitment to the cloud.
Waste Water Permits
Water Withdrawals Permitting
Current Application Migration
Next up
Environmental Warehouse then FRS data flow.
ICIS data flow
Electronic Permitting, Reporting, and Fee Collection
The Solution
Architecture – the “Cloud”
Wikipedia Definition:
Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service
rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software,
and information are provided to computers and other
devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network
(typically the Internet).
Architecture – the “Cloud”
Essentially, “Internet-based hosting of application(s) and/or
We are all likely to use some cloud based services
 Back up (iCloud, Mozy, Carbonite)
 Email / Calendaring (Gmail)
 Collaboration / Social (Picassa, Pandora, DropBox)
 Hosting Services (RackSpace, Amazon, Microsoft)
Architecture - Georgia
Windsor Cloud
Georgia Hosted Node Flows
· Beach Monitoring
· Beach Notification
• Amazon EC2
• SaaS model
• Periodic pull
• Cached data in Node
• Node DB services all queries
What does all this mean to the EN?
 Why should I consider the cloud?
 What challenges still exist?
 What should you do?
Cloud & EN
Another viable alternative.
 Cost effective option.
 A hosted node could form an integral part of a cloud
based strategy.
 Opportunity to remove some technical aspects of the
EN and return focus to protecting the environment .
Reasons to consider the Cloud
Massive uptake in cloud deployments as organizations
see benefits.
 Less dependence on a particular technology stack.
When its in the cloud it really is software in a box or
Software as a Service (SaaS).
 Big use of Amazon and more players available.
 Best practices promised in order to provide cloud
security peace of mind.
 Protection of sensitive data.
Reasons to consider the Cloud
Factors driving others to choose a cloud option
 Scalability
 Overall Cost Savings
 Easier Management
 Redundancy
 Greater Flexibility
 Elasticity/Ability to adjust to fluctuations in resource
 Improved Hardware Utilization
 Security
Reasons to be careful
Still some challenges ahead. In particular building
confidence and trust.
• Network Lag
• Security
• Availability
• Costs
• Trust
• Control
The conclusion
Is a hosted node, or even a hosted solution the right thing
for you:
Maybe, but develop a cloud strategy / approach first.
Understand your in-house ability to support the business need
Understand value of a hosted environment (cost / benefit)
Understand the migration effort to make the transition
Pilot before you go full bore
Contact Information
Steve Allison
Georgia EPD
Simon Watson
Windsor Solutions, Inc.