The Benefits of the International Dimension 1 The Benefits of the International Dimension OBJECTIVES To reflect on: 1. What is meant by the International Dimension 2. What the benefits to the school are of having an International Dimension 3. How the International Dimension is demonstrated in schools 4. What a Global Citizen looks like 5. How schools may develop their International Dimension and Global Citizenship Also: 1. Carrying out a SWOT analysis of the International Dimension 2. Creating an elevator pitch for the International Dimension 3. Considering the importance of each of the 8 dimensions of the Global Education in schools Q1. What do we mean by an International Dimension in a school? and What are the benefits to a school of the International Dimension? Q2. How is this demonstrated in your school or where have you seen it demonstrated in other settings? An International Dimension: “Demonstrating a commitment to developing global citizens by embedding internationalism throughout the ethos and curriculum of the school.” Q3. What does a global citizen look like? Think about the: • qualities, • attributes, • skills, • knowledge and • aspirations an individual needs in order to thrive as a global citizen. Is globally aware questioning thirst for knowledge confident independent willing to have a go listens and reflects makes a difference gets on well with others perseveres generates ideas literate critical flexible communicates well self-esteem curious shaper shows initiative acts with integrity learns from mistakes creative ‘can do’ attitude thinks for themselves With thanks to QCDA Activity 1 SWOT analysis What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the creation of global citizen in your school? S W O T Strengths inside the school Weaknesses inside the school Opportunities outside the school Threats outside the school Q4. How will the International Dimension and Global Citizenship be made real in your school? Will it be: • a lesson or series of lessons • a project • embedded in the curriculum • part of the culture Activity 2 Why is the international dimension in schools important? How do you articulate to others the reasons why do you believe in having a global dimension within your school? This is your “elevator pitch”. The Global Dimension from a UK Perspective This is a document produced by the DfE in the UK. It sets out 8 key concepts of International Education. Activity 3 What is the meaning for you of each of these? The 8 key concepts of the Global Dimension in schools (UK) are: 1. Global citizenship 2. Interdependence 3. Conflict resolution 4. Sustainable development 5. Diversity 6. Social justice 7. Human rights 8. Values and perceptions So is it possible to produce a Global citizen? • Born in Honolulu • Father born in Kenya • Mother born in Kansas • Step father born Indonesia • Brought up in Jakarta • Then raised in Hawaii • Graduated in New York Who is this? YES I AM! • Would you say he is a global citizen? • What would he say? Plenary What action will you now take to develop the International Dimension in your school?