
1.2.1a Your body and the
effects on participation
Learning objectives
To be able to define the terms overfat, overweight, obese,
underweight and anorexia.
To body mass index and the affect of weight on performance.
To understand the different body somatotypes and the influence
on performance.
To describe ways of measuring fat and muscle in the body.
Somatotyping is a method of determining an
individuals body shape
Body shape is determined genetically (born with it). It
can be improved but not dramatically changed
3 Basic Somatotypes
Wide hips and Narrow shoulders
Shot putters, sumo wrestlers.
2. MESOMORPH (Muscular)
Narrow hips and broad shoulders
Tennis, rugby, sprinters & swimmers
Narrow hips and shoulders
High jumper, marathon runner
Somatotype is important, it may mean that you are
better suited to one sport more than another.
Many people are a normal
shape – not an extreme body
You can be a mixture of body
Body Weight
There is a clear link between calorie intake, exercise levels
and weight.
Every person has an optimum weight. This depends on a
number of factors:
-Bone structure
Body Weight
Some athletes need
to maintain their
weight carefully
(i.e. boxers and
The table shows a
weight guide based
on height
A person who is significantly heavier than their optimum
weight is classed as overweight.
- “having weight in excess of normal”
Extra weight can be in the form of muscle mass.
However, if the extra weight is in the form of fat, then the
person is classed as overfat.
- “is an abnormally large percentage of their body is
composed of fat”
This can lead to:
-High blood pressure
-Heart attacks
Obese people are people who are extremely overfat.
Men are obese if
more than 25% of
their body is fat.
Women are obese
if more than 30%
of their body is fat.
Obesity is very damaging to health and the risk of diabetes,
high blood pressure and heart disease are much GREATER.
People who are underweight are 10% under optimum
This can lead to:
-Women have irregular periods
-Can lead to malnutrition
-Poor health
-Energy drain
Weight loss should be gradual and realistic.
Dieticians will oversee weight loss and
ensure it is safe.
Excessive weight loss can lead to a
disorder called anorexia nervosa.
Individuals with anorexia do not eat
because they see themselves as fat.
There mind state means they
dramatically reduce their food intake.
Anorexia can also be linked with
depression and can result in kidney
damage and even death.
Body mass index (BMI)
BMI is a general way of working out whether a person is
the right weight for their height.
Use the following formula:
Weight (kg)
Height (m) x Height (m)
TASK: Calculate your BMI.
Body mass index (BMI)
Generally the higher the BMI the more % body fat, but
elite athletes with have a high % body mass due to
muscle weighing more than fat.
How would body weight affect participation
in sport?
TASK: Think with the person next to you
How would body weight affect participation
in sport?
-Fatigue quickly
-Speed when playing/speed of movement
-Strength levels
-Flexibility may be affected
-The need for more weight in certain activities i.e. Rugby prop
Measuring the body
To assess suitability for as particular sport you can
measuring the ratio of the body. Fat levels vary depending
on age and gender.
Measuring fat levels can be done with skin fold callipers.
Measuring muscles should be
done when the muscle is
TASK: Pupils to measure skin
fold and muscle girths
What Somatotype Plenary?
Past exam questions:
(g) (i) What body type would you expect a successful female gymnast to have?
(ii) Explain your answer.
Ectomorph/ecto - mesomorph allow mesomorph (if qualified in part
Light body weight to allow successful completion of moves. Sufficient
muscle to generate power for required moves