2013-2014 School Improvement Plan PowerPoint Presentation

2013/2014 Merriam Cherry Street
Carol Rine
Assistant Principal: Teresa Holzman
Susan Wise,
Art Teacher
Team Members:
Ashley Christie,
TAG First and Second Grade Teacher
Nichol Linvill,
Fifth Grade Departmentalized Math Teacher
Krissy Brown,
Fourth Grade Teacher
Improve student academic
proficiency levels
Lack of rigor in
ELA instruction
Teach reading using SRA
school-wide to ensure rigorous
skills-based instruction.
Step 1: Teachers implement SRA as a core reading program
beginning in mid-September and continuing
throughout the school year.
Evidence: SRA Mastery Test Data
Step 2. Teachers analyze their class SRA mastery test results after each
mastery test which range from each day to every few days (ongoing).
Evidence: Data chat notes
Step 3. Each student will analyze individual SRA mastery test data monthly
evidenced by documents which may included exit slips, charts and graphs.
Evidence: School-wide data
notebook of SRA mastery test data
Monitoring for Fidelity of
Grade level chairs meet with grade level
teams to analyze and interpret data
Evidence: Grade level team minutes
Plan to Monitor for Effectiveness
Administration and the School Improvement Team will collect
data (that shows that teachers implemented SRA classroom
instruction) to determine if progress made by teacher is
successful (marked as “continue plan”), questionable (marked
as “questionable”) or poor (marked as “not achieved/revision
needed”) on a progress monitoring chart posted in the lounge
each month.
Evidence: updated progress
monitoring chart posted in the lounge
Teach writing using Six
Step 1. Teachers teach writing using Six Traits
from August 20th to May 2014.
Evidence: School-wide data
notebook of SRA mastery test data
Step 2. Teachers analyze formative writing samples
for individual growth from August 20th to May 2014.
Evidence: Lesson plans
Step 3. Students will analyze individual writing progress data
beginning in September and continuing through May 2014.
Evidence: Spreadsheets and graphs
Monitoring for Fidelity of
The writing committee will develop a
campus-wide writing plan with a timeline
for four school-wide writing assessment
collection point (quarterly).
Evidence: Spreadsheets
Plan to Monitor for Effectiveness
Administration and the School Improvement Team will collect
data (that shows that teachers implemented Six Traits
classroom instruction) to determine if progress made by teacher
is successful (marked as “continue plan”), questionable (marked
as “questionable”) or poor (marked as “not achieved/revision
needed”) on a progress monitoring chart posted in the lounge
Evidence: Updated progress
monitoring chart posted in the lounge
Use Kagan structures to
engage students in effective
ELA cooperative learning.
Step 1. Teachers use KAGAN structures to engage students in effective
cooperative learning from August 20th to May 2014.
Evidence: CWT forms and lesson plans
Step 2. Teachers will be provided opportunity to effectively model KAGAN best
practices for colleagues or observe colleagues modeling KAGAN best practices
from September through May 2014.
Evidence: TDYs, faculty meeting slides,
Google Docs, and Sign-in rosters
Step 3. Jeremy Centeno, Kagan Coach, will coach teachers and offer
professional development for those who did not attend the summer training
Evidence: Sign-in sheets and lesson plans
Monitoring for Fidelity of Implementation:
KAGAN-trained teachers lead trainings for
peer teachers and offer coaching
assistance (ongoing).
Evidence: Google Docs.
Listing of training opportunities
Plan to Monitor for Effectiveness
Administration and the School Improvement Team will collect
data (that shows that teachers implemented KAGAN classroom
instruction) to determine if progress made by teacher is
successful (marked as “continue plan”), questionable (marked as
“questionable”) or poor (marked as “not achieved/revision
needed”) on a progress monitoring chart posted in the lounge
(ongoing through daily classroom-walk-throughs.
Evidence: Updated progress
monitoring chart posted in the lounge
Analyze progress
monitoring data to drive
Step 1. Teachers examine data to note trends and individual
needs from August 20th – May 2014.
Evidence: Data chat notes
Step 2. Teachers use data to determine their next instructional
decisions from August through May 2014.
Evidence: Lesson plans
and reflections
Step 3. Students manage their own data to help achieve
personal learning goals (ongoing).
Evidence: Student data journals,
binders, graphs and /or portfolios
Monitoring for Fidelity of Implementation
Administration Team will meet with individual
teachers and grade levels to analyze and
interpret data for impact on student achievement
Evidence: Teacher-generated
graphs, analyses and plans
Plan to Monitor for Effectiveness
Administration and the School Improvement Team will collect
data (that shows that teachers implemented data-driven
classroom instruction) to determine if progress made by teacher
is successful (marked as “continue plan”), questionable (marked
as “questionable”) or poor (marked as “not achieved/revision
needed”) on a progress monitoring chart posted in the lounge
monthly during data chats.
Evidence: Updated progress
monitoring chart posted in the lounge
Plan to Monitor Progress Toward GOAL
School Improvement Team uses the criteria of
successful, questionable, or poor to decide if the
GOAL is being achieved (monthly during the first
Wednesday of each month).
Evidence: Progress monitoring
chart posted in the lounge