DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Centre Region Greenhouse Gas Project DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Background Penn State Campus Greenhouse Gas Project 2003-2005 Borough of State College Greenhouse Gas Project 2006-2008 Centre Region Greenhouse Gas Project 2009-2010 DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY The Centre Region DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 1: GHG Emissions Inventory DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY (2006) DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY (2006) DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY (2006) DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 2: Generate Mitigation Options 24 community participants 3 focus groups 107 options DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 3: Research Options Description Stakeholders Measure of Success Pros and Cons Selected Funding Opportunities Existing Programs DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Example Options 1) Encourage use of compact fluorescent (CFL) and Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting 2) Encourage and develop energy purchasing co-ops with the mission of reducing energy consumption in homes and businesses DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 4: Prioritize Options This is where you come in! First Step: Break into three small groups, discuss a portion of the options, and choose top two for each of these three time frames: short-term, mediumterm and long-term implementation. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 4: Prioritize Options Second Step: Reconvene into one group, present top options, and create a consensus priority list through discussion and voting. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 4: Prioritize Options Third Step: Rank each option individually using score card. DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Phase 5: Drafting of regional climate change action plan by COG using your prioritized list as a planning tool.