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Chapter labeled for each binary
Part 1: Basic Analysis
Chapter 1: Basic Static Techniques
Chapter 2: Malware Analysis in Virtual Machines
Chapter 3: Basic Dynamic Analysis
Chapter 1: Basic Static Techniques
Statically analyze payload to determine its
Recall Aitel 2011 USENIX Security talk
File signatures
Common code or data used across malware
e.g. embedded URL strings, decryptor code
Hashing (e.g. MD5, SHA)
Strings search on metadata, errors, constants
Polymorphism and metamorphism easy for an
adversary to deploy
Analyzing executables
PE (Widows), ELF (Linux)
Tools for dumping linked libraries
Look for common shared libraries (e.g. kernel32.dll,
User32.dll, libc.so, etc)
Dependency Walker, PEView, PEBrowse, PE Explorer,
Function convention in Windows
CreateWindowEx - “Ex” refers to new version
CreateDirectoryW - “W” refers to wide character
strings vs. ASCII
Note: a short function list is an indication of a packed binary
Packing and obfuscation
Code whose execution is hidden by author
Obfuscated code in which programs are compressed
and encrypted to prevent static analysis (Figure 1-4)
Prevents file signatures from working
• Example: UPX
Code to unpack binaries is common, however
Can be identified (PEiD)
File signature coverage
Astronomical growth in signatures
Coverage by a single tool is difficult
Cloud-based anti-virus
Chapter 2: Malware Analysis on VMs
Chapter 3: Basic Dynamic Analysis
Malware and VMs
Most malware must be executed in order to analyze them
Requires a safe environment
Host-only networking to monitor network traffic
Snapshots and roll-back
Record and replay execution
Behavior isolation and coarse-grained tracking
of malware execution
File system activity
Registry activity
Network activity
Examples: GFI Sandbox, Norman SandBox
Executing malware
Directly launching or via debugger
Malicious DLLs
Monitoring execution
Combines FileMon and RegMon to track
execution behavior
Process explorer
Free tool from Microsoft to verify running process
against the disk executable image
Useful for determining if malicious documents are
launching new processes
Flag changes in registry
Monitoring execution
Useful for proxying and emulating connections to
Free tool from Mandiant to see DNS requests
from malware and modify replies
Packet capturing tool
Linux tool to simulate common Internet services
Tools in action
See p. 57 in text
Contacts web site (the textbook's) – ApateDNS
Creates new file (winhlp2.exe) – procmon
Modifies registry to autorun – regshot
Creates a mutex to ensure only a single execution
– Process Explorer
Contacts a server over port 443 (https), but does
not speak SSL – INetSim
Speaks a custom ASCII protocol – Wireshark
In-class exercises
Lab 1-1
Show the results of virustotal.com
In PEView, show the timestamps
Show the list of imported system library calls. From these calls, what
might this executable be doing?
Show the list of imported calls from Lab01-01.dll. From these calls, what
might this DLL be doing?
Show where the malware is attempting to create its malicious file
Show the results of virustotal.com
In PEView, show the sections that contain the packed executable code
Run UPX to unpack the code and load unpacked executable in PEView
Show the functions imported from Wininet.dll. What might this
executable be doing?
Show the URL the malware connects to in memory
Lab 1-2
In-class exercises
Lab 3-2
Find the functions this DLL exports (Figure 3-5L)
Find the imported functions that are used to modify the registry, create
services, and make network connections. Which DLLs are they loaded
Use strings to reconstruct the URL being requested
Set-up Regshot and Process Explorer before running rundll32 to install
this malware's service. Using regshot, show whether or not the DLL
installed its registry key.
Copy binary to Desktop and run it. What happens?
Examine the binary's strings using a tool of your choice to find the
cmd.exe command used
Use Process Monitor (procmon) to monitor events from this binary to
generate Figure 3-11L
Lab 3-4