Genocide in Rwanda and Darfur

Rwandan Genocide /
Genocide in Darfur (Sudan)
I. Darfur, Sudan (2003)
1. Aggressors
A. Sudanese government.
B. Janjaweed – Arab nomads.
2. Victims
A. Black African ethnic groups from
southern Darfur.
3. Cause – nomads have invaded
southern Darfur for access to better
4. As many as 450,000 dead from
violence & disease.
Darfur (Sudan)
• Culture is divided between those of Arab
background and those of African background.
• Arabs control the government and have used
this power to oppress the black population.
• Janjaweed – Arab militia supported by the govt.
have attacked black villages in Darfur (over
450,000 dead, thousands of women and girls
raped, over 2.5 million displaced refugees)
• International Court has issued a warrant for
Pres. Omar al-Bashir.
• Not enough action on the part of the world to
stop this genocide.
I. Rwandan Civil War (1994)
1. Tutsis –
A. Held most of the power, but was only 15-20% of
the population.
B. Were given special treatment  better jobs,
C. Redistribution of land.
2. Hutu –
A. 80-85% of the population.
B. Mistreated by Tutsis.
3. Genocide – trying to kill off an entire ethnic group,
religion, race, etc.
A. Hutu uprising – wanted a Hutu run government.
B. April-July 1994
i. 500,000 Tutsis die.
ii. Total death = 800,000 – 1,000,000.
Tribal Makeup –
divided between
Hutus and Tutsis.
Hutus – 85% of the
Tutsis – 15% of the
Pre-1800s – Tutsi royal family ruled the area (held
most of the wealth).
European Imperialism
• 1800s – early 1900s – Rwanda controlled
by Germany and then Belguim
• Tutsis are favored over the Hutus by
Europeans (over the years, creates
tension btw. the two tribes)
Rwandan Independence
• 1959 – Rwanda given ind. by Belgium
• Elections held – Hutu majority wins the election.
• Hutus use power to begin to take rights/power
away from Tutsi minority.
• Violence breaks out causing many Tutsis to flee
the nation.
• 1985 – Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) created
by Paul Kagame to fight for Tutsi rights in
• 1990 – Civil war breaks out as
RPF attacks Rwandan army.
• 1993 – Civil war ends as RPF and
Hutu govt. try to make peace.
• Hutus in the army and govt. begin
to gather arms and train militias in
preparation for mass killings.
• April 6, 1994 – Rwandan
president Juvenal Habyarimana
assasinated (plane shot out of
Genocide Begins
• Moderate members of
the govt. are all killed
by the radicals to
prevent their blocking
of the killings.
• April – July 1994 –
Tutsis and moderate
Hutus are rounded up
and killed. (1 million
World’s Response?
• United States doesn’t want to get involved
because of what happened in Somalia in
• UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda is too
small to accomplish anything. UN
commander in Rwanda constantly asked
for reinforcements.
Genocide Ends
• RPF immediately resumes its attacks after
hearing word of the genocide.
• July 1994 – RPF seizes control of the capital
ending the genocide.
• 2 million Hutus flee Rwanda to neighboring
• Paul Kagame becomes President of Rwanda in
2000 (still is today).
• Trials held in Rwanda to punish those who
participated in the genocide.