Welcome to Class 4-F14
Please choose an object from the bag. Using the phoneme clues on the table tents, find the table with the phoneme that represents the beginning sound of the object you have chosen from the bag.
During this class, we will be discussing word analysis strategies that are appropriate for emergent readers , with a focus on phonological awareness, phonemic awareness and phonics.
These are strategies you may use for your first word analysis lesson assignment, if you are working with emergent or early beginning readers .
Please turn in your Collaborative Contract if you are collaborating with an
MST/ESC colleague for WALP
RICA Review
Answer the practice RICA questions.
Submit, only if you think you may have answered all correctly.
Story and Learning Activity
Story: Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC
Written by June Sobel, Illustrated by Henry Cole
Learning Activity: Class Alphabet Book
Other alphabet books:
ABC For You and Me by Meg Girnis photos by Shirley Leamon Green
Spooky Alphabet by Eve Merriman
Eye Spy by Linda Bourke
Tomorrow ’ s Alphabet by George Shannon
The Disappearing Alphabet by Richard Wilbur
Gathering the Sun by Alma Flor Ada
The Accidental Zucchini by Max Grover
The Alphabet Tree by Leo Lionni
Animalia by Graeme Base
Alphabet City by Stephen T. Johnson
Story and Learning Activity
We have provided examples of pages from possible class alphabet books, many of which were modeled after the ABC books that are displayed on the various tables around the room.
Consider: How might you adapt this for students with special needs (e.g., GATE, ELLs, special education)?
Stages of Reading Development
Question: What are the characteristics of students who are at each of these stages of reading development?
Chapter 2: Reading – Word ID
Literacy Assessment
Literacy Assessment
Chapter 2: Word Identification – Emergent
Assessing Student ’ s Concepts of Print
Basic Procedures-Print Orientation
Print Orientation Recording Sheet
Phonological Awareness Survey
Letter-Sound Identification
Assessing Emergent Readers
Phonological Awareness and Phonics
Word Identification
Note Taking Graphic Organizer
You have graphic organizers with which to take notes.
The Four Language Systems
Word Analysis Strategies
The /f/ words
The Four Language Systems
Syntactic System
Semantic System
Pragmatic System
The Four Cueing Systems
4 Language Systems Resource
Introducing Word Analysis
How DO you figure out an unknown word?!
Introducing Word Analysis
Read the following words aloud quickly:
In your groups, discuss the following:
Who tried to read the words letter-by-letter?
Who tried to read the words by chunking them into syllables?
What other strategies did people use to figure out the words?
What words do you know the meaning of, or think you know the meaning of?
How do you handle unknown words when you encounter them in your daily reading?
What are the implications of this for classroom practice?
Word Analysis Strategies
Warning: The following two slides contain definitions that relate to your
Word Analysis
Lesson Plan
Word Analysis Strategies
Sight Word Vocabulary
Grapho-Phonic Analysis
Word Analysis Strategies
Structural Analysis
Contextual Analysis
Which Strategy will YOU teach?
Which Strategy will YOU teach?
Emergent Readers
Phoemic Awareness
Beginning/Fluent Readers
Grapho-phonic Analysis
Structural Analysis
Contextual Analysis
Word Analysis Strategies Resource
The /f/ words
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness:
Note: If you are in first grade or kindergarten, you may teach a phonemic awareness lesson for your WA lesson plan assignment.
Note: You might teach a phonics lesson for your WA lesson plan assignment.
Cooperative Matching: Definitions &Terms
Number off: 1-2-3-4
The task person distributes a set of terms (pink) and a set of definitions (green) to each person in the group.
The facilitator guides the group through the process. Group members take turns reading one term from their set. All look at their definitions and trade as needed.
The consensus maker ensures that there is consensus among the group members.
The reporter should be prepared to report out the group ’ s decisions.
The recorder keeps the terms and definitions for the group.
Cooperative Matching: Definitions &Terms
Task person randomly distributes an approximately equal number of terms and definitions to each group member.
First person reads one of her/his terms aloud.
Each group member reads through her/his definitions to find one that is a match.
Group members must come to consensus.
Definitions and Terms
Each reporter will read one of the matches (term with definition).
Each team will agree/disagree with thumbs up/down signal.
Teachers will then provide clarification for only those that are, at this point, not yet clear.
Sorting it out…
Phonemic/Phonological Awareness
Chapter 5: Cracking the
Alphabetic Code
Phonemic Awareness
My definition:
A question I have:
Phonemic Awareness Games:
Something you can play when talking on the telephone!
Or in the dark...
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Games: Something you can play when talking on the telephone! Or in the dark…
m c
Phonemic Awareness : refers to the ability to hear and manipulate the sounds of the language.
Letters (graphemes) are NOT involved!
Phonemic (Phonological)
Levels of Phonemic Awareness
Dechant, 1993; Adams, 1990
Level One
Awareness of gross differences
Awareness of rhyme
fought-not, chime-rhyme, bum-come, debt-threat, great-fate
Segmentation of words into syllables
Level Two
Awareness of initial consonant segments
Alliteration (awareness that 2 words begin with the same sound)
Segmentation of onset and rime
c -at, f -it, p -et
Level Three
Phonemic Synthesis (blending)
Phonemic Segmentation
Phonemic Manipulation (additions, deletions, substitutions)
Adams suggests that the development of phonemic awareness needs to occur in the context of real literature.
Shared reading, using literature that has rhyme, rhythm and repetition, is an application of this theory
See Tompkins page 131 (Word Play Books)
Research has established a strong link between phonemic awareness and beginning reading
There is a correlation; it is not causal!
Identify sounds in words
identify which begins with /d/ phoneme
Phonemic Awareness
Categorize sounds in words
Identify the pictures that begin with the same phoneme.
Blend sounds to form words
/b/ /a/ /t/ = bait
Segment a word into sounds
late = /l/ /a/ /t/
Substitute sounds to make new words
Bar-car, tip-top, man-mat, etc
Hallie Yopp (1992) suggest a progression for
Phonemic Awareness instruction:
Hear rhymes or alliteration
Blend sounds to make a spoken word
Count phonemes in spoken words
Identify beginning, middle and final sounds in spoken words
Delete phonemes from words
Segment words into phonemes
Substitute one phoneme for another
Picture-Object Sort
Phonemic Awareness:
Minimal Pairs
A minimal pair consists of two words that sound the same
except for one phoneme.
R hymeT ime, Sh oesCh oose, R eadF eed
Wi tch -Wi sh , Chea t -Chee se , Loo se -Lo se
P e n-P i n, M a p-M o p, Ch ee se-Ch oo se-Ch o se
Phonemic Awareness – Elkonan Boxes
Segmenting syllables
Segmenting sounds (phonemes)
Representing sounds with letters
Applying spelling patterns
Sung to the tune of “ Old MacDonald ”
What ’ s the sound that starts these words:
Turtle, time and teeth?
/T/ is the sound that starts these words:
Turtle, time and teeth.
With a /t/ /t/ here and a /t/ /t/ there,
Here a /t/, there a /t/, everywhere a /t/ /t/.
/T/ is the sound that starts these words:
Turtle, time and teeth.
- on website
Phonemic Awareness - a caveat
David and Yvonne Freeman, 1998
Exercises designed to help students develop phonemic awareness are based on the assumption that students ’ oral language (in
English) is already well-developed.
Since English learners and some special education students have not yet gained full control over
English phonology, these exercises will be more difficult for them than for students whose English oral language development is well established.
Sorting it out…
My definition:
Chapter 5: Cracking the
Alphabetic Code
Record 3 “ aha!
” moments. One in each light bulb.
My experience with teaching/observing phonics in the classroom:
Graphemes are involved, so the lights must be on!
Something to ponder…
“ Letters don’t say anything, because they can’t talk.
” Sabrina Tuyay
Letters represent sounds .
Grapho-Phonemic Analysis
(or Grapho-Phonic Analysis, or Phonics)
Readers use their knowledge of the sound-letter relationships and spelling patterns to decode words when reading and to spell words when writing.
To Use Phonics Successfully
Students need:
Good auditory discrimination
Good visual discrimination
Good memory
Knowledge of left-to-right movement
Phonemic Blending Ability
Phonemic Segmentation Ability
Knowledge of sound-letter correspondence
Oral familiarity with the word
Picture-Object Sort
Some Ways to Teach/Practice Phonics
Alphabet books
Object Sorts
Card Sorts
Shared Reading
Shared Writing
Interactive Writing
In your groups, generate some more ideas!
Blending PPT
Who Let the Alphabet Out?
You only need to know letter names for spelling…
Sort the words that are on the post-it notes in the appropriate column:
hat - make - rain - ?
Be prepared to justify your decisions.
back, shade, paid, said, ham, cave, have, what, crab, crash, snake, lap, plate, drain, law
Word Analysis Lesson Plan
Choose one word analysis strategy that is appropriate to teach your students.
Using the Lesson Design Frame, write a lesson that explicitly teaches that strategy. Remember, activities are not lessons.
Refer to Tompkins for specific ideas for teaching the word analysis strategy you selected.
Teach the lesson.
Analyze student work.
Reflect (using reflection questions listed in assignment).
MST/ESC Colleague Contract Due Today
Optional Draft Due Today
Literacy Assessment Chapter 1
Draft of Introduction and Disposition – Optional
.doc or .docx form
Please upload to GauchoSpace 320
Please name the document as modeled below: grade level - section – last name – first name
Tompkins Chapter 6: Developing Fluent Readers (pgs 180-194 and
200 – 209)
To do:
HW Reading Guide for Chapter 6 (Lotus)
Word Analysis Lesson Plan Assignment (K-2) Due Oct. 20
Download: Lit. Assessment Chapter 2 Tools – Beginning and Fluent
Chapter 6 Reading Guide: Lotus
Status of the Class
On the half sheet of paper provided…
Write your name
Answer the following:
What questions do you have at this point?
What do you plan to DO (specific steps related to the literacy assessment) this next week?
Final thoughts…
D_d y_ _ kn_w th_t y_ _ c_ _ld r_ _ d w_th_ _t kn_w_ng th_ v_w_els,
_u_ _ou _a_ ’ t _ea_ _i_ _ou_ _ _e
_o_ _o_a_ _ _?