Marzano Evaluation Rubric Mentor Teacher Review

Marzano Evaluation Rubric
Mentor Teacher Review
September 20, 2012
Santa Rosa, FL
Amy Gropper, MS, NBCT
Discovery Education Professional Development Team
Did You Know?
Learning Goal
Participants will further their understanding of
the Santa Rosa/Marzano Teacher Evaluation
Rubric in regards to domain 1, through
completion of a self-reflection tool and review
and discussion of key points in the rubric.
Let’s review the categories and
Routine Events:
Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Tracking Student Progress
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Celebrating Success
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Learning Goals
Do/Be able to…
What will the student know and how will they
demonstrate that knowledge?
Learning Goals
Declarative Knowledge – What the student will
understand (what they’ll be able to “declare” after
instruction about the topic
Students will understand….
Procedural Knowledge – What the student will be able to
do to show what they understand
Students will
Learning Goals
Students achieve the learning goals through carefully
planned learning activities.
Learning Goal: Students will be able to identify
similarities and differences between various planets
in the solar system.
Related learning activities: take notes, complete Venn
diagram, watch video segment, etc.
Let’s review the categories and
Routine Events:
Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Tracking Student Progress
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Celebrating Success
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Let’s review the categories and
Routine Events:
Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Tracking Student Progress
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
Celebrating Success
What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals,
track student progress, and celebrate success?
What’s the difference?
Do This…
On your new copy of the rubric, please highlight or
underline the words in the Routine Events section that
distinguish between Highly Effective and Effective.
Reflect on your own teaching practice. Please rate
yourself on Routine Events.
Addressing Content
Reflecting on Learning
What will you do to help students effectively interact with
new knowledge?
Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen
Knowledge (Grouping routines)
What will you do to help students practice and deepen new
Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks
(Grouping for cognitive tasks)
What do you do to help students generate and test
hypotheses about new knowledge?
Addressing Content
Engaging students in Cognitively Complex Tasks
involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing.
What do you do to help students generate and test
hypothesis about new knowledge?
Providing Resources and Guidance
What will you do to provide students with resources and
What’s the difference?
Do This…
On your new copy of the rubric, please highlight or
underline the words in the Routine Events section that
distinguish between Highly Effective and Effective.
Reflect on your own teaching practice. Please rate
yourself on Routine Events.
Enacted on the Spot
Demonstrating with-it-ness, acknowledging behavior,
and applying consequences.
What will you do to recognize and acknowledge
adherence or lack of adherence to rules and
Demonstrating value and respect for all students.
What will you do to communicate high expectations
for all students?
What’s the difference?
Do This…
On your new copy of the rubric, please highlight or
underline the words in the Routine Events section that
distinguish between Highly Effective and Effective.
Reflect on your own teaching practice. Please rate
yourself on Routine Events.
Do This…
Review your own self-rating. Based on what you’ve
assessed, what is your personal learning goal or goals
for the school year?
How can this process assist teachers at your school?
How might you use it with your teachers?
Let’s take a break!
10 minutes
Teaching Channel Examples
Learning Goal
Participants will further their understanding of
the Santa Rosa/Marzano Teacher Evaluation
Rubric in regards to domain 1, through
completion of a self-reflection tool and review
and discussion of key points in the rubric.