DfM Questions - StuartMeldrum.co.uk

Product Design @ Hawick High School
Design for Manufacturing Questions
This topic will be taught throughout the year and will take the form of weekly lecture-style lessons, with time to answer
questions. As such it is expected that students read ahead and come prepared for the class. Questions will be completed in the
student’s own notebooks and will take the form of written and graphic work. This unit serves as an important platform for exam
preparation and for the Developing Design Proposals unit. The topics will be taught in the following sequence, the page numbers
beside each topic header refer to the relevant section of the Leckie and Leckie Higher Product Design Course Notes textbook.
Woods – 3 periods. P172-179
Design for Manufacture/Material Choice. P124-127
CAD/CAM/CIM. P196 – 201
Rapid Prototyping. P202
Plastics – 3 periods. P128-133
Testing Plastics/Material Identification – 3 Periods. P134-139
Plastics Processes – 6 periods. P140-153
Metals – 2 Periods. P156-161
Metals Processes – 3 Periods. P162-171
Adhesives/Joining Materials. P180-183
Recycling Materials. P184-185
Production Costs. P186-187
Production Types. P188-189
Manufacturing Systems – 2 periods. P190-195
BS Standards Drawings and Conventions. P204
Students should complete the questions in this booklet after the relevant lecture,
students should also complete the ‘Revise as you go’ tasks in the course book.
Product Design @ Hawick High School
1) Describe the three categories of timber. Remember notes on
age of tree and location.
2) What do the terms hardwood and softwood refer to?
3) Explain what the term hygroscopic means?
4) What can be done to prevent warping?
5) Describe some of the ecological issues relating to the use of
timber, especially hardwoods.
1) Describe the aesthetic properties of softwoods.
2) Describe the structural properties of softwoods.
3) Where are softwoods found?
4) Copy the table of softwoods from P175
5) Which softwood would you choose for
a) interior joinery/skirting boards
b) good quality furniture
c) exterior work?
1) What are the general characteristics of hardwood trees?
2) Where do you generally find hardwoods?
3) Describe some of the ecological arguments against using
4) Describe why would a designer prefer to use hardwoods in
terms of
a) aesthetics
b) strength
5) Copy the table of hardwood timbers from p176.
6) Which hardwood would you choose for woodworking tools?
7) Which hardwood would you choose for building houses etc?
8) Why would you use walnut for prestige car dashboards?
Hardwoods cont.
5) Copy the table of hardwood timbers from p176.
6) Which hardwood would you choose for woodworking tools?
7) Which hardwood would you choose for building houses etc?
8) Why would you use walnut for prestige car dashboards?
Man Made Boards
1) Describe what is meant by a Man Made Board?
2) Explain three reasons for using MMBs rather than natural
3) Explain the disadvantages of using MMBs
4) Copy the table of MMBs from p179.
5) Give an example of a mass produced product that utilises MMBs.
6 )Give and example of a unique product that utilises MMBs.
Design for Manufacture
1) Describe what is meant by the term Standard Component. Give
two examples to help explain.
2) Why is it important to know how modern products are
3) Describe each of these identifying features.
Split Lines
Break Lines
Tapered Sides
Radiused Corners
Surface Texture
4) Using a picture from your teacher, label the identifying features.
Product Design @ Hawick High School
Choosing a Material
1) How can a design team structure their work to avoid
problems with material choice ahead of time?
2) What 9 factors should designers consider to get the right
3) What properties can a material possess? Explain what
each term means.
4) What is the purpose of Value Engineering?
5) Describe the 5 steps in Value Engineering.
For each of CAD, CAM, and CIM:
1) Explain the term
2) Give three advantages
3) Give three disadvantages
Rapid Prototyping
1) Describe what role rapid prototyping plays in modern
industry. Why is it an advancement from older methods of
model making?
2) What does the term ‘clean manufacturing’ mean?
3) Describe Stereolithography.
4) Name 4 other methods of rapid prototyping.
5) What method does the RapMan use?
6) Why might a small design company not want to use rapid
prototyping, and how can products like the RapMan help to
solve this?
1) What are the main raw materials for plastic?
2) Briefly state the 4 main stages for converting the
materials into plastic.
Plastics cont.
3) Describe some of the ecological issues surrounding man’s
continuing use of plastics.
4) What can be added to plastic to improve/modify its
performance? What does each do?
5) State the 7 general properties of plastics.
6) In what 8 forms can plastic be delivered?
Thermosetting Plastics
1) Describe in detail what is meant by thermosetting plastics.
Use an analogy to aid your explanation.
2) When is it useful to use thermosetting plastics over other
3) Copy the table on p130
4) What material might you use for:
a) tough fittings that must have good insulation?
b) hard surfaces that must stay hygienic and stand
up to knocks and scratches from sharp objects?
c) tough curving forms that will have to withstand
large forces?
d) bonding surfaces together?
1) Describe in detail what is meant by thermoplastics, use an
analogy to aid your answer.
2) Describe the term plastic memory.
3) Copy the table on p132
4) What plastic might you choose for :
a) lighting covers?
b) covering cables?
c) casing for a kettle?
5) What is meant by elastomers and what are they used for?
Product Design @ Hawick High School
Identifying Plastics
1) Explain where the names of plastics come from, and why some
plastics have multiple names.
2) Copy the codes and symbols from p137
3) Explain why testing sometimes needs to be doen to identify
Composite Materials
1) Describe what is meant by composite materials and why they
are used.
2) Give an example of one composite material and explain why it
has benefits over an individual material.
3) Explain the 4 types of composite material.
4) What is meant by smart materials?
5) One smart material decreases its electrical conductivity as
pressure on it increases. Explain some ideas of how you could
utilise this property.
Plastic Processes
For the following list copy the description from p141:
Calendering; Bending; Coating; Forming.
For Homework you should visit bpf.co.uk and find three examples
of uses for each process.
Injection Moulding
1) Trace or draw the sectional view of the injection moulding
process from p132. Label the parts.
2) Explain the process of Injection Moulding
3) What is one major advantage of injection moulding?
4) What is a major disadvantage of injection moulding, and how
must it be overcome for the process to be viable?
5) What is meant by dwell time?
Injection Moulding cont.
6) What are the possible identifying features of an injection
moulded product?
7) What materials are suitable for Injection Moulding?
Compression Moulding
1) Describe and illustrate the process steps.
2) What materials can be compression moulded.
3) Explain the identifying features of compression moulding, in
particular flash.
4) What can compression moulding be used to manufacture?
1) Extrusion is best suited for what sort of product?
2) Describe and illustrate the general process steps.
3) Describe and illustrate the process of forward extrusion
4) Describe and illustrate the process of backward extrusion.
5) Which materials are best suited to extrusion?
6) Explain the identifying features of extrusion moulding
7) What can extrusion be used to manufacture?
Blown Film Extrusion
1) Using the sheet from plasticstech.info explain and illustrate
the process of blown film extrusion.
2) Explain some of the key differences between this and
conventional extrusion.
3) What materials can be used for Blown Film Extrusion?
Product Design @ Hawick High School
Vacuum Forming
1) Explain three advantages of using Vacuum Forming
2) Describe and illustrate the general process steps.
3) Which materials are best suited to vacuum forming?
4) Explain the identifying features of vacuum forming
5) What can vacuum forming be used to manufacture?
Rotational Moulding
1) Explain three advantages of using Rotational Moulding
2) Describe and illustrate the general process steps.
3) Which materials are best suited to rotational moulding?
4) Explain the identifying features of rotational moulding.
5) What can rotational moulding be used to manufacture?
Blow Moulding
1) Explain an advantages of using Blow Moulding over
Injection Moulding
2) Explain a disadvantage of using Blow Moulding over
Injection Moulding
3) Describe and illustrate the general process steps.
4) Which materials are best suited to blow moulding?
5) Explain the identifying features.
6) What can blow moulding be used to manufacture?
Mould Making
1) Explain why the role of the mould maker is so important.
2) Explain 3 of the things the mould maker has to consider.
3) Describe the process of designing and making the
1) Where does metal come from?
2) What are the three categories of metal? Explain the
3) Why is it important that metals are available in a large variety
of forms?
4) What is meant by a ferrous metal?
5) What are alloy metals?
6) Copy the table on p158
7) Explain what is meant by a non-ferrous metal.
8) Where does aluminium come from?
9) What reasons are there for using aluminium?
10) What reasons are there for not using aluminium?
11) How can the properties of aluminium be improved?
12) Copy the table on p160
13) Why is copper such an important metal?
Die Casting
1) What are the two types of die casting?
2) Sketch the equipment used in pressure die casting from p162
3) Describe the process of die casting.
4) What materials are suitable for die casting?
5) What identifying features do die cast parts have?
Sand Casting
1) What sort of production is sand casting suitable for mainly?
2) Sketch the equipment used in sand casting from p164.
3) Describe the process of sand casting.
4) What materials are suitable for sand casting?
5) What identifying features do sand cast parts have?
Product Design @ Hawick High School
Press Forming
1) Describe and illustrate the process of Press Froming
2) What materials can be press formed?
3) What may need to be done to allow the use of metals
such as aluminium and brass?
4) Explain why press forming is an expensive process.
5) What are the identifying features fo press forming?
6) What products can be press formed?
Piercing and Blanking
1) Explain and illustrate the process of Piercing
2) Explain and illustrate the process of Blanking
3) What is the purpose of the stripper plate?
4) Explain the term Progressive Piercing and Blanking
5) What materials are good for Piercing and Blanking?
6) Explain the identifying features of Piercing and Blanking.
7) What products can be made in this method?
Drop Forging
1) Explain and illustrate the process of drop forging.
2) What can happen to the products made as the dies get
3) Why are High Alloy Steels used in the die construction?
4) What materials are suitable for Drop Forging?
5) What are the identifying features of drop forged
6) What products can be drop forged?
1) Explain why choice of adhesive is important.
2) For each of the following write down two or three bullet
points to summarise the type of adhesive:
a) PVA
b) Tensol Cement
c) Epoxy Resin
d) Contact Adhesive
e) Hot Melt Glue
f) Double sided tape
Joining Materials
1) Explain the difference between Permanent, Non-permanent,
and Semi-Permanent methods of joining materials
2) Write bullet points to summarise the following:
a) Welding (2 types)
b) Riveting
c) Fitted Joints
d) Fixed Joints
e) Bolts
f) Screws
1) What are 4 considerations a designer must make when
dealing with ‘green’ issues?
2) What three things can be done? Explain them.
3) Explain what the three REs of recycling are.
4) Explain 4 guidelines for responsible designing.
Product Design @ Hawick High School
Production Costs
1) Explain what is meant by the term Fixed Costs, give
2) Explain what is meant by the term Variable Costs, give
3) What are stepped fixed costs?
4) What are prime costs? Give an example of why they have
to be a major consideration of a company.
Production Methods
1) Write 2 or 3 bullet points for each method listed on
2) Explain the different variables from p189 that affect the
choice of production method.
Sequential and Concurrent Engineering
1) Explain what is meant by the term Sequential Engineering.
2) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of such a
3) How to teams involved in sequential engineering work?
4) Explain the term Concurrent Engineering.
5) How do teams in these projects work?
6) What are the benefits of Concurrent Engineering?
7) What is required of a team using a concurrent engineering
model from the very start of a project?
Manufacture Systems
1) These are similar to Production methods, so make notes
for anything new in relation to:
Small Batch production
Assembly Lines
Flexible Manufacture
2) What does the term TQM stand for?
3) In a TQM system what phrase are employees asked to
remember and act upon?
4) Give an example of a type of TQM system and name the
company from whom it originated.
5) What percentage of products have to be manufactured
without any fault before it meets the criteria of the system
identified in 4)?
Product Design @ Hawick High School
Front cover image credits:
Roller Coaster http://www.flickr.com/photos/thomashawk/2941551448/
Jet Engine http://www.flickr.com/photos/icatus/1800268463/sizes/l/
Spanners http://www.flickr.com/photos/tashland/428577287/
Abesses Metro Station http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevecadman/771216725/
Scrap Metal http://www.flickr.com/photos/28481088@N00/4380174213/
Hallway School Chairs http://www.flickr.com/photos/28481088@N00/2874575218/
Burst Balloon http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyonflickr/3436288903/
Dyson http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr_t_in_dc/2367913342/
Ferrari http://www.flickr.com/photos/mnadi/19399882/
Playstation controller http://www.flickr.com/photos/kwl/3010180401/
Barcelona chair http://www.flickr.com/photos/jamison/107301751/
Beer kettle http://www.flickr.com/photos/setaou/503719614/
Vintage kettle http://www.flickr.com/photos/h_is_for_home/2185739593/
Booklet written May 2010