Proprietary and Confidential to Rogers and Accenture
Dynamic RFQ Training
Dynamic RFQ Event Rules
Q & A
Proprietary and Confidential to Rogers and Accenture
Agenda Item
Award Decisions
Dynamic RFQ Training
Dynamic RFQ Event Rules
Q & A
Emil Thorose
Wil Donovan
Emil Thorose
Emil Thorose
Cam Patterson
Cam Patterson
Cam Patterson
/ Emil Thorose
5 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
30 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
Proprietary and Confidential to Rogers and Accenture
Quebec Regional Fiber Construction
− 2011 Forecast is at $17 M
− Suppliers will be charging task code rates for projects less than $30K
− This Dynamic RFQ is only for projects $30K and up:
Project Tiers
# of Projects** Incremental Discount
$0K - $30K $ 2.17 M 111
Projects executed with task code rates with no discount
$30K - $60K
$60K - $100K
$100K +
$ 6.51 M
$ 5.67 M
$ 2.65 M
$ 17.00 M 354
* All the projects less than $30 k will be executed under agreed upon task code prices
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A quick overview of the Scope of our Fiber Construction Projects
Fiber Construction Projects consist of construction only (permits, route, engineering are excluded in scope)
− Our project volumes have increased by 6 times compared to last year
− These projects, on an average, equal 2kms and are located in Montreal, Laval and
South Shore surrounding areas
− Types of projects include Backbone, NNI, Business or Commercial fiber builds
• 60% aerial and 40% buried
• Some require Civil builds and others leverage 3 rd Party support structures
− All 2011 projects are expected to be completed in 2011
− 50% of the projects complete within 2 months of the year i.e. June/July or Sept/Oct and the remainder throughout the year
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1. Online Bidding Event Training – May 4 th , 2011 (10am EDT)
2. Pre-bidding Begins – May 4 th , 2011 (11am EDT)
3. Pre-bidding closes – May 9 th , 2011 (10am EDT)
4. Online Bidding Event – May 10 th , 2011 (10am EDT) – Quebec Region
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Award Decisions
In the PQ area, we believe we can deliver our business needs over the next few years with 4 primes. In exchange for providing us with attractive discounts during this event, we are prepared to provide additional volumes to the top ranked vendors. Our goal is to use the following allocation model across our chosen primes in PQ:
1 st Place :
2 nd Place :
3 rd Place :
4 th Place :
45% volume
30% volume
15% volume
10% volume
Any new vendor will be brought in under pilot mode for the first 3 months, before being ramped up to the volume allocation committed.
Rogers Communication reserves the right to remove prime status from vendors under the following scenarios:
- Undue delays in project timelines
- Work quality not meeting Rogers standards
- Undue cost over runs
- Excessive change order
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The Email Invitation
Invitation email includes:
1) Your user name or ID
2) Hyperlink to access the website for bidding (just click on it to proceed)
3) Help Desk phone #
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1) Enter your user name
2) Enter your password
Creating a Password
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Create a permanent password
Accept Terms and Agreement
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Ariba Terms & Conditions for use of the site must be accepted
Create Personal Profile
Create your personal Profile
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Open the Event
1) Find the online event in
OPEN or PREVIEW status
2) Click to open
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Review Prerequisites
1) Click to proceed with answering required Pre-
Bid questions
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Submit All 3 Prerequisites
You must :
1) Accept the agreement
2) Agree to the process
3) Download then upload a revised Capability worksheet.
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Accept Rogers Online NDA
Accept the online Rogers
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Select Lots
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Before entering your opening bids, please select the appropriate lot you will be bidding for
Phase 1 – Pre Bid : Enter Opening Bids (1 of 3)
1) Read each section of the event carefully
2) Enter your bids
(discount percents) for the three highest $ groupings of projects
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Phase 1 – Pre Bid : Enter Opening Bids (2 of 3)
1) Click the link to download a file
2) Click update file to upload into the tool
3) Help is on every page!
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Phase 1 – Pre Bid : Enter Opening Bids (3 of 3)
1) Need to talk with
Rogers? Compose a message online
2) Save every 10 minutes or when you set away
3) Submit when ready, you can do revision.
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Revising your Pre-Bid
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1) Your Pre-Bid has been submitted
2) Click Revise to make changes
Login For Event Day
1) Enter your user name
2) Enter your password
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Event Day Screen Layout
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You must :
1) Enter Discount %
2) Update Total (optional)
3) Submit Current Lot to send bid to Rogers
4) Click on All Content to review other sections of this event.
Phase 2 – Online Event: Enter Bids (1 of 4)
You must :
1) Enter a Discount % in
Line 1 – 2 – 3
2) Click Update Totals to see Extended Price
3) Click Submit Current
Bid to send to Rogers
(click OK if asked)
4) Review other parts of the event
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Phase 2 – Online Event: Enter Bids (2 of 4)
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You must :
1) After you click Submit
Current Lot, you must
SUBMIT for Rogers to receive the event
Phase 2 – Online Event: Enter Bids (3 of 4)
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You must :
1) After you click Submit
Current Lot, you must
SUBMIT for Rogers to receive the event
Phase 2 – Online Event: Enter Bids (4 of 4)
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If a bid is submitted within the last 3 minutes, the time will be extended an additional 3 minutes
Repeat Bid if Applicable
You can submit bids as many times as you want before the time runs out, and see how your rankings change
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Bid Increment Error
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To fix an increment error:
1) Your new bid must be at least 0.25% less than you previous bid on the overall spend
2) Actual increment changes with every bid
Alternate Bidding Submission: Increment Selected Items (1 of 3)
To fix an increment error:
1) Your new bid must be at least 0.25% less than you previous bid on the overall spend.
2) Actual increment changes with every bid
Proprietary and Confidential to Rogers and Accenture
Alternate Bidding Submission: Increment Selected Items (2 of 3)
To Bid a % Increment:
1) Mark the Lines you want to bid
2) Enter the Increment % and click Apply
3) Submit Current Lot
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Alternate Bidding Submission: Increment Selected Items (3 of 3)
To Bid a % Increment:
1) Click OK to actually submit to Rogers
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Compose Message (1 of 2)
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Need to communicate with
Rogers? Click the Compose a Message button
Compose Message (2 of 2)
Type your message here.
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Type your message or attach a file, then click Send
End of Bidding
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The online event is complete:
1) All participating suppliers must send a screen- shot of this page to the Rogers contact to confirm final bids.
2) Rogers will contact selected suppliers to finalize Awards.
Review Period
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The event will go into
Review mode once bidding ends
Contact Info
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Call Rogers or Help Desk
Dynamic RFQ Execution Rules
Dynamic RFQ Type
Auto-Extension period
Grace period for Auto-extension
(Period in which extension are triggered)
Trigger for Auto-Extension
Bid increments amounts
(or percentage)
Values Strategy and Potential Options
Rank • Rank – Participants see their current rank
30 minutes • Event will be executed for 30 minutes
3 minutes
• Auto-extension period is set to allow that any additional movement is allowed to take place by extending Dynamic RFQ timing (prevents last second movement without other suppliers being able to react)
• This extends the overall Dynamic RFQ length each time each time a trigger occurs
3 minutes • For bids placed near the end of the Dynamic RFQ , the extension period will apply
• Any Bid within the grace period
• Movement within top 4 participants
0.25% • The minimum increment that is needed to be placed for successful increments
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Questions and Answers
Proprietary and Confidential to Rogers and Accenture