PhotoStory 3 Nikki Miller Darlene Robinson Dax Valles-Wallace Amjaad Mujallid Group 2 Introduction 21st Century Skills We want our students to be successful in work and in life. We want our students to compete with the global society through: Thinking critically Communicating effectively Solving problems Collaborating with others Resource: 21st Century Skills-The Framework Life and Career Skills Initiative and self-direction Social and Cross cultural skills Productivity and accountability Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and innovation Critically think and solve problems Communicate and collaborate Information, Media and Technological skills Information literacy Media literacy Information, communication and technology literacy Resource: Tony Wagner’s 7 Survival Skills for the 21st Century 7 Survival Skills Application into Story Board 3 #1 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Think of new ways to solve math story problems #2 Collaboration Create a play with a group #3 Agility and Adaptability Describe how an art work was important during a certain time period #4 Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Sell a particular item for a fundraiser #5 Effective Oral and Written Communication Develop stories to share with others #6 Accessing and Analyzing Information Research a particular time period #7 Curiosity and imagination Invent a character that describes a scientific process PhotoStory Background A free application allows users to create slideshows using digital photos to share their visual stories. Editing pictures, adding effects, sounds, and your own voice narration. Text Originally was based on a Microsoft Research project in photo sharing in 2001. Some findings: Free Download Voice Text Recording Text Windows Movie Maker Undo Button PhotoStory 3 Imovie MAC Integration PhotoStory3 Higher Education High Schools Middle Schools Elementry Higher Education A course description video and put it on the course’s webpage. Digital storytelling and presentations PhotoStory 3 Can be used in any class need using photos Ex: Media art, Marketing, Culture, and Language classes Example High School 1 3 2 Language arts: 9th grade create an autobiographical account of a time when you had to make an important decision results (S3 C1 PO 1). History: 10th grade students create a narrated timeline highlighting new ideas (i.e.Heliocentrism, Scientific Method, Newton’s Laws) changed the way people understood the world. (S2 C6 PO 3). Math: 11th Create a tutorial explaining vectors and the addition, subtraction and multiplication of vectors. (HS.N-VM.1). 4 Technology: 12th grade create a digital presentation using data collected. (S1 C4 PO 2). Example Middle Schools 1 Math: 6th graders work in teams to create a survey, gather data and analyze results through creating a graph. They illustrate and narrate results (S2 C1 PO 1). 2 3 Reading: 7th grade students create a book report through narrating and illustrating a journal of the main character that describe their thoughts actions and words (S2 C 1 PO 3). History: 8th graders work in groups to narrate an artwork that can stand alone and is representative of the Civil Rights movement. They describe the impact on individuals or groups during that time period (S3 PO5). Example Elementary 1 2 1st Reading: graders read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like natural speech to narrate a picture (S1 PO 2). Math: 2nd graders find real life polygons and describe why the image fits the characteristic (S4 C1 PO1). 4 4th 3 Science: grade students can classify animals by identifiable group characteristics (Life Science PO 2) Writing: 3rd graders develop a narrative based on imagined or real events. (S3 C1 PO 1). 5 History: 5th graders in groups describe the geography, cultures, and economics of the Southern, Middle Atlantic, and New England Colonies through pictures (S1 PO 5). Example Homer Davis Elementary School Technology Integration Plan Group 2 Professional Development Plan Professional Development Rationale based on Needs Assessment Purpose of Professional Development Action Plan 21st Century Skills Overview Feedback from Needs Assessment shared a common thread with district initiative to produce 21st Century Learners . Provides a framework for professional development. 1.5 hours of PD facilitated by building principal. Tony Wagner (2008), The Global Achievement Gap; SmartBoard/Smart Notebook Overview Feedback illustrated a significant gap between possessing equipment and possessing enough understanding to fully integrate technology for and by students. Assess prior knowledge and build background knowledge. Provide reteach and enrich opportunities for users on all points in the technology continuum. 2 hours of PD with Terry Bohr (District Technology Facilitator). 1 hour of follow-up coaching to be used by participant as either further instruction, collaborative planning, and/or as an observation with follow-up coaching. Coaches are two building experts. Classroom visits and supervision. Concepts found in Glickman, Gordon & Gordon’s (2001) book, Supervision and Instructional Leadership. Feedback demonstrated a high need of technology integration between all grade levels and content areas. PD is differentiated not only by grade concentration but by varied technology ability levels. 2 hours of PD with Sitebased experts (one primary and one intermediate). Mandatory 30 minute follow-up coaching opportunity to assess transfer and provide additional support. Smart notebook lessons found at m/smart-notebooklessons. Primary Integration or Intermediate Integration of Smartboard/Smart Notebook Research Professional Development Rational Based on Needs Assessment Purpose of Professional Development Action Plan Research Response to Intervention (RTI) Overview Most feedback responses expressed a need for utilizing technology as a teacher resource tool for monitoring student progress not only with summative assessments but for informal formative assessments as a check for understanding. Integrate technology as means to provide varied assessment and intervention opportunities. 1.5 hours of PD with Asst. Superintendent, Dr. Baker. Mellard & Johnson (2008), A Practitioner’s Guide To Implementing Response to Intervention. Fuchs (2006) Intervention Assistance, Websites and other Resources Feedback provided information in regards to teachers needing quicker, reliable and varied data for extensive data analysis. Strengthen student learning and achievement on both ends of the learning continuum. 2 hr. PD focused on intervention assistance, websites and other resources provided by Tricia Henry (District Tech PD Specialist). Grade level chair provides grade specific feedback to building principal regarding progress and results of intervention. by Project Based Learning with Real-World Applications Feedback was scarce in response to questions addressing a students need to construct their knowledge and information through their own research using technology to seek answers to questions that matter. Provide a variety of relevant real-world application opportunities for students to communicate, research, and grow with higher level thinking. 2 hr. PD facilitated by two site-based experts using Web 2.0 Technology with a focus on PhotoStory 3. This PD will begin the theme of free resource technology to be used for teaching and learning. Project Based Learning for the 21st Century (n.d.) retrieved from (provides on-line resources for Project Based Learning); Schrum & Levin (2009). Leading 21st Century Schools Jim Wright; www.ationline Project Based Learning with PS3 Professional Development Rational Based on Needs Assessment Project Based Learning with RealWorld Applications Feedback was scarce in response to questions addressing a students need to construct their knowledge and information through their own research using technology to seek answers to questions that matter. Purpose of Professional Development Provide a variety of relevant real-world application opportunities for students to communicate, research, and grow with higher level thinking. Action Plan Research 2 hr. PD facilitated by two site-based experts using Web 2.0 Technology with a focus on PhotoStory 3. This PD will begin the theme of free resource technology to be used to enhance both teaching and learning. Project Based Learning for the 21st Century (n.d.) retrieved from (provides on-line resources for Project Based Learning); Schrum & Levin (2009). Leading 21st Century Schools. Professional Development Plan *Photo Story 3 professional development will take place on Friday, March 2nd, 2012 from 9:00-11:00 during a district scheduled teacher work day. Budget No extra budget allocations needed. Supplies are coming from principal’s current supply budget from M & 0. (e.g. binders and copy paper). All presentations will be uploaded to schools P:drive (public drive) for easy retrieval. Participation compensation will be through re-certification hours. Site-based experts/ PD facilitators will receive professional Responsibility points to earn 301 monies. Sustainability Shared ownership Utilizes the resources Provides leadership opportunities Integrates free technologies for teaching and learning Supports district’s technology initiatives Embedded professional development Short term: Integration Long term: Continued application GATES, BILL. Redmond. 05 Sept. 2001. Speech. ` Schrum & Levin (2009). Leading 21st Century Schools. Vronay, David, Shelly Farnham, and John Davis. PhotoStory: Preserving Emotion in Digital Photo Sharing. Microsoft Research Project. Web. Wagner, Tony. (2008). The Global Achievement Gap. New York: New York: Basic Books.