Greek Sculpture Greek Sculpture Two Enduring Understandings about Greek sculpture: Greek sculpture demonstrates a discernable pattern of development that we can categorize 2. A specific vocabulary can be used to describe Greek sculpture 1. Objectives: 1. 2. 3. Identify periods of Greek sculptural development. Define vocabulary to describe sculpture. Apply period names and vocabulary terms to analysis of example sculptures. A Pattern of Development Enduring Understandings about Greek sculpture: 1. Greek sculpture demonstrates a discernable pattern of development that we can categorize A Pattern of Development Evolution of the Kouroi to the Kritios Boy and Comparison with the Hellenistic Apollo Belvedere. The Evolution of Realism: 1) c. 600 BC, 2) c. 575-550 BC, 3) c. 560 BC, 4) c. 530-520 BC , 5) c. 515-500 BC, 6) c. 485 BC, 7) c. 320 BC A Pattern of Development Greek Sculpture Development Periods and their Styles Vocabulary to Describe Styles Example Pieces Example Types Periodization Historians use a technique we may term periodization to assign events, individuals and works of art and literature to a specific time period. Periods of Greek Sculpture 500’s and earlier B.C. 400’s B.C 300’s B.C. and later Archaic Classical Hellenistic Archaic Two Archaic Sculpture Types: Kouros & Kore Male: kouros (youth) Female: kore (maiden) Classical Hellenistic Period ________ Vocabulary to Describe Greek Sculpture stylized: elimination or exaggeration of details; subjects are portrayed using a pattern or standard of expression symbolic: use of symbols to convey meaning idealize: attempt to create perfect representations contraposotto: weight shift that renders a graceful attitude to the sculpture. naturalistic or realistic: portraiture, replicate life without relying on ideals, styles, or symbols; we may think of this as life-like How to look at Greek Sculpture Ask Three Questions To Identify the Period of a Greek Sculpture How to look at Greek Sculpture What is the FACIAL EXPRESSION? What is the POSE? How are the KNEES portrayed? How to look at Greek Sculpture What is the FACIAL EXPRESSION? Archaic stylized: elimination or exaggeration of details; subjects are portrayed using a pattern or standard of expression note hair, eyes, nose, mouth and symmetry How to look at Greek Sculpture What is the FACIAL EXPRESSION? Classical idealized: represents an attempt to create perfect representation of the human form How to look at Greek Sculpture What is the FACIAL EXPRESSION? naturalistic or realistic: portraiture, replicates life without relying on ideals, styles, or symbols We may think of these pieces as life-like. Hellenistic Archaic What is the POSE? note head position and attention note arm position and flexion note foot/leg position: stylized/ or symbolic of motion or being at rest * the meaning is debated note symmetry Classical What is the POSE? frozen action or static pose contraposotto: weight shift that renders a graceful attitude to the sculpture. Hellenistic What is the POSE? awkward frozen position moment emotion physical demonstrated age imperfection evident or exaggerated Period ________ Archaic How are the KNEES portrayed? block-like stiff, flexed muscles patella (knee cap) over emphasized Classical How are the KNEES portrayed? a pose “in motion” may render differences between the two knees muscles are more gracefully joined, often somewhat over emphasized patella (knee cap) slightly over-emphasized Hellenistic How are the KNEES portrayed? more graceful musculature knee cap evident but not over emphasized possibly clothing Period ________ obscured by Hellenistic How are the KNEES portrayed? more graceful musculature knee cap evident but not over emphasized Period ________ possibly clothing obscured by Greek Sculpture Quiz The Laocöon Group (Rome, Vatican Museums) Discobolos (c450 BC) Roman marble copy after bronze original (Rome, National Museum) Doryphoros Polykleitos (The Canon, or Spear Carrier) marble, c450 BC (Vatican Museums) Diadoumenos, or the Fillet Binder Polykleitos (Roman copy after bronze original c.450) Wounded Amazon, copy after originals known to have been created by Phidias for competition Metropolitan Museum, New York Wounded Amazon, copy after originals known to have been created by Polykleitos for competition ?In Ephesus? Won by Polykleitos Vatican Museum Greek Sculpture Quiz: Peplos Kore (c530 BC) polychromed (painted) marble Peplos Kore (c530 BC) polychromed (painted) marble Greek Sculpture Quiz: Moscophoros, the Calf-Bearer (Acropolis Museum) Greek Sculpture Quiz: "Rampin Horseman" Athens, Acropolis Museum Greek Sculpture Quiz: Kroisos from Anavyssos, grave marker (c540-515 BC) (Athens, National Museum) polychromed (painted) marble Greek Sculpture Quiz: Kroisos from Anavyssos, grave marker (c540-515 BC) (Athens, National Museum) polychromed (painted) marble Kritios (c480 BC) marble (Athens, Acropolis Museum) Aphrodite of Melos, second century BC (Paris, Louvre) Aphrodite of Melos, second century BC (Paris, Louvre) Greek Sculpture Quiz: Apollonios, Seated Boxer (Rome, Museo delle Terme) ) Greek Sculpture Quiz: Satyr with Infant Dionysos (Rome, Vatican Museums) Greek Sculpture: Quiz Name_______________________ Date__________ Directions: Examine the figures as noted. Above and beside each figure create a flower as indicated by the diagram on the balckboard.