Module 7 PISA across the curriculum 1 Module aim • To develop an understanding of how PISA sample questions and supported skills development are linked to national curriculum themes and GCSE syllabuses. 2 Module objectives • Identify links between PISA sample questions and their own subject area. • Begin to generate a bank of GCSE question stimuli that can be used across a variety of subject areas to help learners: – apply knowledge and skills in unfamiliar situations – work creatively and collaboratively to develop thinking, literacy and numeracy skills. 3 Task 1: Put yourself in their shoes! Put yourself in their shoes! • Think of a learner that you teach in Year 10. • Discuss and make some notes on the following questions: 5 Task sheet 1: Shoes A). How well do they perform in different subjects? B). What skills do they use in other subjects? C). What skills could they develop further in your subject? D). How well do they engage with unfamiliar contexts? E). How effectively do they interact with teachers and peers in different subjects? 6 Wider opportunities PISA as a learning context PISA seeks to answer questions like: • can they analyse, reason and communicate effectively? • how well do they transfer ideas and solve problems? • do they have the capacity to continue learning throughout life? (Welsh Government, DfES, 2012, page 2) Skills framework The goal should be to develop a curriculum with appropriate learning activities that: • equip learners with transferable skills • is relevant, challenging, interesting and enjoyable for all learners • transforms learning to produce resourceful, resilient and reflective lifelong learners. (Welsh Government, DCELLS, 2008, page 3) 7 Wider opportunities National Literacy and Numeracy Framework • The LNF focuses on the learners’ acquisition of and ability to apply the skills and concepts they have learned to complete realistic tasks appropriate for their stage of development. (Welsh Government, DfES, 2013, page 8) 8 Wider opportunities National Literacy and Numeracy Framework Teachers will be able to: • develop curriculum content to ensure that all learners have opportunities to develop and refine . . . skills • integrate literacy and numeracy into their teaching – whatever the subject matter. (Welsh Government, DfES, 2013, page 8) 9 Task 2: Creative contexts Creative contexts • Choose at least two of the PISA contexts from the resource sheets to discuss in your group. • For each context chosen, complete a group response sheet. • Be ready to feed back your thoughts to other groups. OECD, 2009 11 Creative contexts feedback PISA areas • Ideas, opportunities, benefits, challenges? Runners Heartbeat Moreland In poor taste Starlight Mary Montagu Reaction time Plan international Reading Maths Literacy Reading Reading Science Literacy Science Literacy Maths Literacy Reading ANSWERS OECD, 2009 12 ‘Comfort zone’ or ‘risk’ Many of the [PISA] questions require learners to apply their problem-solving skills to new contexts. Learners therefore need to have well-developed skills, especially literacy, numeracy and problem solving, and the confidence to take on the challenge of questions that are outside their ‘comfort zone.’ (Welsh Government, DfES, 2012, page 3) 13 ‘Comfort zone’ or ‘risk’ Many of the [PISA] questions require learners to apply their problem-solving skills to new contexts. Learners therefore need to have well-developed skills, especially literacy, numeracy and problem solving, and the confidence to take on the challenge of questions that are outside their ‘comfort zone.’ (Welsh Government, DfES, 2012, page 3) 14 Task 3: GCSE generation GCSE generation • Choose two of the GCSE contexts presented and try to generate your own set of PISA-style questions. WJEC CBAC Ltd., 2013 16 The subjects Unemployment in Wales History Group 7 Chemistry Hairdryer Product design Sales Food technology School disco ICT 3-D Logo Art and design Smoking cigarettes English Human Rights Religious studies Music Box Applied business Gas bill Maths Collate a cross-curricular resource bank? Could learners help develop this? WJEC CBAC Ltd., 2013 17 Time for action? • Read each statement and tick a box to indicate your level of agreement. • Also note any actions that you or your department could take in relation to these or other ideas raised in the session. 18 References • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2009), PISA Take the Test: Sample Questions from the OECD’s PISA Assessments. Available at: • Welsh Government, Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) (2008), The skills framework for 3 to19-year-olds in Wales. Available at: umforwales/skillsdevelopment/SKILLS_FRAMEWORK_2007_Engli1.pdf?lang=en • Welsh Government, Department for Education and Skills (2012), A guide to using PISA as a learning context. Available at: • Welsh Government, Department for Education and Skills (2013), National Literacy and Numeracy Framework. Available at: • WJEC CBAC Ltd. (2013). GCSE Past Papers. Available at: 19