ABB Template

Annual Users’ Group Meeting
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August 27 – 31, 2006
Crew Dispatch
Martin Bass
Crew Dispatch Topics
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Review existing functionality (2006 Release 3)
Voice radio dispatch
Mobile crew integration
Functionality under development
Mobile crew integration
Existing Crew Dispatch Functionality
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Crew must be manually identified by dispatcher, either
From OMI Crews - Status list
From OMI Available Crews list
From netCADOPS Available Crews list
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Drag Outage and Drop Onto Crew to Assign
Left click outage on outage
status dialog
Drag outage and drop onto
crew status dialog
‘Fast Assign’ is done
But list contains many crews
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Crew Status Dialog Filter by Operation Center
Can Filter crew status dialog by Work Operation Center of crew
Operation center determined by Ormap login of user
How Crews Are Tied to Login
Login determines sub area
Crew tied to operations center
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See sub area diagram
See operations center diagram
Sub Area Hierarchy – Set at Ormap Login
Highest Level Sub Area
e.g Entire Area
Child Sub Area 1
e.g. South
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Grandchild Sub Area 1
e.g. South East
Child Sub Area 2
e.g. North East
Grandchild Sub Area 2
e.g. South West
Child Sub Area 3
e.g. North West
Feeder/Substation/Operations Center
 Crew has Home Operations Center
 Crew has Work Operations Center
Region 1
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District 1
Operations Center 1
District 2
Operations Center 2
Crew 1 Work Op Center
Substation 1
Substation 2
Substation 3
Feeder 1 Feeder 2
Feeder 3 Feeder 4
Feeder 5 Feeder 6
District 3
Crew 1
Home Op Center
Crew 2
Home Op Center
Operation Center Can Have a Sub Area
Highest Level Sub Area
e.g Entire Area
Child Sub Area 1
e.g. South
Grandchild Sub Area 1
e.g. South East
Child Sub Area 2
e.g. North East
Grandchild Sub Area 2
e.g. South West
Region 1
District 1
North West Op Center
District 2
South West Op Center
Crew 1 Work Op Center
Substation 1
Substation 2
Substation 3
Feeder 1 Feeder 2
Feeder 3 Feeder 4
Feeder 5 Feeder 6
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Child Sub Area 3
e.g. North West
District 3
Crew 1
Home Op Center
Crew 2
Home Op Center
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Crew Status Dialog Set Operation Center
Work operation center can be set in netCADOPS
Work operation center can be changed in OMI
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Crew Status Dialog Filter Logged Off Crews
Toggle to filter logged off crews
Requires login status from MDT
Only MDT-equipped crews will be filtered
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Filtering non-MDT Crews
Possible to change crew availability by suspend/resume from
Ormap or OMI Status – Crews dialog
However, currently Status – Crews dialog not filtered by
Could potentially handle non MDT-equipped crews to filter out
suspended crews due to logoff suspend reason
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Crews – Status Filter by Crew ID
Filter box in Crews – Status list allows list to be filtered by
characters entered
Can set up crew IDs to reflect operation centers
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Crew Status Dispatch - Summary
Size of list can be reduced by logging into reduced area
in Ormap
Not helpful if user always logs into every AOR
Filtering by logoff status can be useful with MDT
Can set up crew IDs to help with filtering this list
List can also be sorted by criteria such as:
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Dispatch From OMI Available Crews
Second method of dispatch is via OMI Available Crews
Dialog is populated dynamically
Shows distance of each crew from proposed assignment
Dispatcher can filter by crew ID
Dispatcher can sort by distance or any one column
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OMI Available Crews - Summary
Useful if used with distance calculation
Size of list can only be reduced by filtering by crew ID
Otherwise, shows all crews
Only one sort order
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Dispatch From netCADOPS Available Crews
Available Crews
List filters out
suspended crews
User can filter list
by work operations
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Dispatch From netCADOPS Available Crews
User can also filter
list by any other
criteria, such as
Crew Type
Multiple filter
criteria are
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netCADOPS Available Crews - Summary
No distance calculation currently
Size of list can be reduced by multiple filtering criteria
List automatically excludes suspended crews
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Possible Enhancements
Crew Dispatch
Possible Enhancements
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Automatically filter OMI Available Crews list to remove
suspended crews
Should it show crews on a break (non-logoff suspend reason)?
netCADOPS does not make this distinction currently
Based on suggestions from Focus Group:
Automatically filter OMI and netCADOPS available crews list by
proposed assignment
Same filtering could not be applied to Status – Crews, unless an
assignment is first selected
But do we need two Crews windows?
Possible Enhancements, continued
Available Crews Filtering
What criteria to use?
Operations Center
Other (crew region, crew department?)
Backup geographical area needed out of hours
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Combination of several geographical areas to widen coverage
Backup Op Centers
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Available Crews Filtering
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Could add filtering radio buttons (in order of increasing
list size):
Filter to show op center crews for assignment (default)
Filter to show op center and backup op center crews
Do not filter by op center
Button to initiate callout if list is still empty (planned for
Release 4)
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Overview of Mobile
Integration done at PG&E and
Crew Dispatch
Outage Assignments
Send outage assignments directly to Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
from NM DMS
Outages and non-customer calls dispatched to a specific crew in
NM DMS, via OMI Crew Status dialog
Can also dispatch from available crews or netCADOPS
Crew list is maintained in two places – Advantex and NM DMS
Could be maintained in Advantex only, and use Crew API to
synchronize systems
Order is sent to Advantex via MQ-Series queue
Order is created in Advantex and sent to MDT
Outage order includes the first five trouble reports:
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Phone number, meter number and customer name
Assignment Status
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Receive assignment status updates from MDT:
MDT Queued (PG&E only)
Outage Rollup
Update assignments automatically to MDT as outage
engine rolls outages up
If two outages are combined
One order modify is sent to MDT with new location
One order cancel is sent to MDT
If outage rolls down and splits
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One order modify is sent to MDT with new location of one of the
Outage Verify and Complete
Verify outages from MDT
User can verify an outage from the MDT directly
Verify operates device in NM DMS
Complete outages from MDT
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User can enter completion information from MDT, including
Estimated restoration time
Cause codes
Equipment codes
Outage can be restored from MDT
Restore operates device in NM DMS, including removing line cuts
Partial restores not supported
Trouble Call and Non-Cust Call Completion
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New functionality added to trouble reports and noncustomer calls
Ability to add cause codes and equipment codes to trouble
Ability to add cause codes and equipment codes to noncustomer calls
Cause/equipment codes can be entered from MDT for
these calls
Cause/equipment codes can also be entered from OMI
detail dialogs
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Order Completion and Referrals
MDT user can complete assignment without restoring
MDT user can create a referral for follow-up work
MDT user can also reject an assignment and create a
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Login Status
Display/update crew login status in NM DMS, as entered
from MDT
Status – Crews dialog shows:
MDT Enabled – yes/no
MDT Login Status
MDT Login Date
MDT In Range – yes/no (PG&E only)
MDT In Range Date (PG&E only)
MDT Login Status
Status received from MDT
Sign On
MDT_LOGIN status field updated to Y
MDT_LOGIN_DATE changed to specified time.
Sign Off or Forced Logoff
MDT_LOGIN status field updated to N
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If suspended, crew status reverts to correct value (Unavailable in MDS).
Crew status is unavailable. All orders sent to these crews will be NACKED
Create Order from MDT
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MDT user can create
Customer Call, if customer exists. If trouble report exists for
customer, trouble report will be updated
Non-customer Call
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Functionality Under
Crew Dispatch
Crew Scheduling R&D
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Provide scheduling and supporting data structures to manage
outages and service work
Develop key components that can be used either standalone or
integrated with third party scheduling tools
More efficient utilization of crews
Faster assignment of crews to outages and service work
Crew Scheduling R&D
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Crew Assignments
Scheduling – Building on Existing Functions
Non-customer calls
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Service calls (aka referrals)
Crew rosters (new)
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Scheduler accepts the following inputs:
Short term orders
Scheduler allocates orders and appointments to resources (crews),
based on constraints, such as shifts, skill sets, etc.
Output from the scheduler is a schedule
Scheduler does not actually send the assignments to the crews
Schedule can be several days or even weeks into the future
Assignments only sent to crew on day that work is scheduled to
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Crew Scheduling – Schedule
The schedule is the output from the scheduling
The schedule is a list of orders and appointments that
are allocated to resources
Crew assignments
Proposed dates and times
Crew Scheduling - Dispatch
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Manual crew dispatch:
Dispatcher manually selects an item from schedule
Dispatcher sends work to the crew, either via voice radio or by
electronic means
Non-scheduled orders may also be directly sent to the crew by
the dispatcher.
Automatic crew dispatch:
Items are automatically selected from the schedule and sent to
the crew electronically
Non-scheduled orders may also be sent directly to the crew by
the auto-dispatch module
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Crew Rosters
Crew assembly
Crew callout
Moving employees between crews
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Employee Rosters
Maintain employee roster in NM DMS
Could rely on MDT (or other) system for rosters
Either link directly as needed
Or update periodically
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Employee Rosters in NM DMS
For each employee, need a calendar
Need start time/date, end time/date for each work period
(which may not be a day)
Tradeoff between flexibility and manageability
Assign employee to a shift for a period of time, with
ability to override
Example Shifts
Start Time
End Time
8:00 am
5:00 pm
Night 1
5:00 pm
6:00 am
Night 2
5:00 pm
6:00 am
 Shifts will also honor holidays, in separate
holiday schedule
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Does this give you the flexiblity needed?
 For example, do shifts work 4 days on, 4
days off?
Example of Employee Roster
January 1,
31, 2006
August 11,
2006, 5:00
August 20,
2006, 8:00
January 1,
January 4,
January 5,
January 7,
January 8,
January 11,
Night 1
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Night 1
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Use of Employee Rosters for Manual Dispatch
NM DMS could update Status – Crews and Available
Crews with employee roster, based on time
Could also use roster from external system to do same
If crew leader shift time has expired, available crews
could filter out crew for new assignments
Other Issues
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Do rosters need to be integrated into ETR system, or
should they be maintained separately?
Mobile Crew Map Presentation Project
Use partners wherever possible to provide functionality
Expand upon initial work done for PG&E and CPS projects
Use APIs and middleware to allow different vendor functions to be
plugged in
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Provide fully integrated OMS and Mobile Workforce Management
System, with tabular and geographical mobile data user interface
Provide more information to field crews to improve their productivity
Mobile Data Integration Approach
Outage Management
Mobile Dispatch
Store and Forward
Wireless WAN
Store and Forward
Mobile Adapter
Tabular User Interface
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Mobile Map User Interface
Mobile Data R&D Project Scope
Provide capability to view assignment information on geographic
display on mobile laptop
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MDT user can see their assignments in geographic view
Force outage upstream/downstream from MDT
Outage assignment form will show upstream protective device.
Downstream devices can change dynamically and may not show
Add button to force outage upstream/downstream from MDT
Order modify will be sent back to MDT
Show location of other crews on mobile laptop
MDT user will zoom into area of interest and press button
Current position of crews will be sent from server to MDT for display
Mobile Data R&D Project Scope
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Show current switch status and tags on mobile laptop
MDT user will zoom into area of interest and press button
Server will send list of tags and switches in abnormal state for
display on geographical viewer
Allow entry of damage assessment on mobile laptop
User will select location of damage using GPS
User enters damage information into tabular MDT display:
Damage type (pole down, transformer replacement, etc)
Quantity damaged
Similar entry forms will be provided in NM DMS