Test Strategy: DETER

Thomas E. Scruggs Margo A. Mastropieri (Author)
“Teaching Test Taking skills”
What is it?
 DETER is a test strategy that helps maximize the time
you have while taking an exam. You read directions
thoroughly, examine what you know on the test,
answer the easiest questions first, keep track of the
time you spend on questions, and if you have time
review all of the answers on the test
What does it stand for?
 D= Directions read them carefully! as well as dump
information on the side of the test you may forget.
E= Examine the entire test before answering the questions. If
you don’t understand something ASK!
T= Time, Decide how much time you have and how long you
want to spend on each question. If there are questions worth
more points concentrate on those first.
E= Begin with the easiest questions and the ones that are
worth most.
R= Review the test and make sure you followed all of the
directions and answered each question.
Steps to follow
 Every time you take a test, DETER can help!
 First, know your material! (if you don’t, what’s the
point of taking a test?!)
 Being prepared for an exam is the most important
part. So study, study, study!
If Your in a Jam…
Let DETER help! First go to the questions that you know
are the easiest. Do not spend too much time on those
and keep moving.
Once you’ve answered those look for the questions with
the most point value so in case you do run out of time
you have accumulated points.
And finally… remember it’s just a test the most it can give
you is a paper cut (said by Garth himself)
 Teaching Test-Taking Skills, by: Thomas E.
Scruggs, Margo A. Mastropieri, Purdue University
 How – to- Study.com
 University of Indianapolis: