Who is Jesus? As shown in early Christian Art

Who is Jesus?
As shown in early Christian
Christian Art
of the first three
Who is Jesus?
The Beginnings
•The first followers of
Jesus were Jews living in
•After the Resurrection and
Ascension of Jesus his
disciples preached about
him to their fellow Jews
Who is Jesus?
•Missionaries were
sent from Jerusalem
to cities of the
Roman Empire
around the
The Religious Authorities in Jerusalem
persecuted the Christians so many
Christians left Israel and settled elsewhere
Who is Jesus?
Who joins a New Church?
•The members of the early
Church were mostly poor
people, including many
•They could not afford
expensive art - nor did
they want to draw any
official attention to
The Fish - a secret Christian sign
Who is Jesus?
the Fish
•A common early
Christian secret sign
•The initial letters of
the Greek word are a
reminder of a simple
statement of Christian
Jesus Christ God’s
Son, Saviour
Who is Jesus?
So where’s their art?
•It is on their tombs!
•Once you were dead it
was safe to be known as a
•They probably had more
art that has not survived
through the ages. Graves
tend to last.
Who is Jesus?
Where are some tombs?
•In Rome there are
“Catacombs” - underground
cemetries some of which were
used by Christians
Who is Jesus?
What’s special about it?
•In many ways NOTHING
•Early Christian art is very similar
to the pagan art of the time
•This statue of the Good Shepherd
could have been of a Roman god or
of a real shepherd
Who is Jesus?
Secret Signs
•Much early Christian
art was intentionally
not obvious to
•It was dangerous to
be Christian so they
didn’t advertise it
The Anchor
includes a cross and
symbolizes faith
Who is Jesus?
Chi - Rho
The start of CHRIST
•Here shown
surrounded by a laurel
wreath (a Roman
symbol of triumph)
•This example is from
the Catacomb of St
Callixtus in Rome
•Christ in Greek is
 or 
Who is Jesus?
The Good Shepherd
•The most frequent
symbol of Christ and the
best loved by early
•Jesus as a shepherd with
a lamb on his shoulders
•Jesus looks like a Roman
- clean shaven, wearing a
Who is Jesus?
Orante - Praying Figure
•Early Christians did not
kneel to pray but stood with
their arms up.
•Christians at prayer are
shown often in the art of the
•This example is from the
grave of a young girl called
Irene. The bird represents
the Holy Spirit coming to
her as she prays
Who is Jesus?
•Symbol of Peace and of the
Holy Spirit often with an olive
Based on a popular legend.
Symbol of rising from the
Who is Jesus?
Fresco - painting on wet plaster
•A cheap and durable
•Simple pictures often of
bible stories
The Loaves and Fishes
Orantes & Peacocks
Who is Jesus?
Mary the Mother of Jesus
•From the Catacombs of
Priscilla comes this faded
fresco of Mary, painted at the
beginning of the 3rd Century.
•Balaam (a prophet from the
Old Testament) points at the
star over her head.
•This is the earliest known
picture of Mary
Who is Jesus?
•This fresco, from the Catacombs of St Callixtus, shows a
person fishing and a Baptism.
•At this time Baptisms were celebrated out in the open or
in the secrecy of a House Church
Who is Jesus?
Prayers to Saints
Grafitti from the Catacombs of St Sebastian
Peter and Paul, pray for Victor
Paul, Peter, pray for Sozomenon
Who is Jesus?
Carving and Sculpture
This unusually small
bone box from a Roman
cemetery is illustrated with Bible
•Noah in the Ark with the dove
above him,
•a Prophet holding a scroll,
•Daniel in the lions’ den,
•a child praying between two
•the miracle of Cana,
Sarcophagus of the Child
•the resurrection of Lazarus
Who is Jesus?
•Most surviving Early Christian Art comes from tombs
•It used cheap materials and was often very simple
•Secret signs and obscure symbols were deliberately used
so as to not attract attention
•The style of the art was very similar to pagan art of the
•The subject of the art was often Bible stories, letter
symbols, praying figures, birds or animals.
Who is Jesus?