GE RUBRIC/ASSESSMENT AT CSUN: STARTING SMALL AND SCALING UP 1 Beth Lasky Anu Thakur Gigi Hessamian Mintesnot Woldeamanuel Nina Golden Ashley Samson THE TEAM Questionnaires to department chairs Responses from faculty teaching CCS Faculty who agreed to participate in the assessment Selection of 5 members: Different colleges and departments Tenured, tenure-track, full-time lecturer, part-time lecturer 2 THE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Discuss classes and assignments Similar assignments in each of the 5 classes Reflection papers Can we use this assignment as a signature assignment? Discussion of assignments and grading criteria THE PLAN: Assess sample reflection papers from each of the five classes using a common CCS rubric 3 DEVELOPING THE RUBRIC Developed rubric based on GE section SLOs and five professors’ sample rubrics/grading criteria Calibrate the rubric Each team member brought 15 assignments Randomly selected 8 papers from each class for a total of 40 papers Two members applied rubric to each paper Quantified results Updated rubric 4 THE RUBRIC Assignment Component Content Excellent 4 Adequate 2 Poor 1 Reflection Articulates awareness of how own experiences have shaped perception towards other cultures and/or people with different backgrounds Identifies own experiences, biases or changing perceptions and gives significant supportive evidence. Identifies own experiences, biases, or changing perceptions and provides some supportive evidence Identifies either own experiences, or bias, or changing perceptions, but not enough supportive evidence. Does not identify own experiences, biases, or changing perceptions and provides no support Empathy/Openness Recognizes the feelings and views of others from diverse backgrounds Effectively discusses the feelings and views of others from diverse backgrounds Discusses the feelings and views of others from diverse backgrounds Adequately discusses the feelings and views of others from diverse backgrounds Does not recognize the feelings and views of others from diverse backgrounds Observations Descriptions about diverse group or contexts Observations are specific and objective with significant supporting data or facts Good observations that are specific with good supporting data or facts Observations are general with adequate supporting data or facts Lacking in observations and/or sufficient data. Application of Knowledge Effectively applies course concepts to personal views and experiences Good application of course concepts to personal views and experiences Adequately applies course concepts to personal views and experiences Does not apply course concepts to personal views and experiences Paper has excellent grammar and organization Paper has good grammar and organization Paper has adequate grammar and organization Paper has many grammatical errors and poor organization Links course concepts to personal views and experiences Style Good 3 Writing & Organization Writing is free from grammatical errors. Paper is well organized and flows well 5 PRELIMINARY RESULTS 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 1 2 30.00% 3 4 20.00% 10.00% 6 0.00% Reflection Empathy Observations Knowledge Writing DIFFERENCE IN SCORES BY TWO RATERS 16 14 12 10 1 8 2 3 6 4 2 7 0 Reflection Empathy/Openness Observations Knowledge Writing and Org WHAT WE LEARNED Be specific about what a “reflection” assignment is Attach assignment directions to student papers Calibration and scoring need to occur on the same day 8 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RUBRIC The team met again to discuss and make changes to the rubric based on feedback from team members Ask other instructors in CCS to use the rubric – presentations to General Education Council Various departments across campus Associate Deans Team members used rubric for grading in their classes 9 CONTINUING THE PROCESS Indirect assessment implemented in Spring 2014 – preand post-surveys to assess student motivation in the class The process shared with the Critical Thinking GE assessment/rubric team 10 THANK YOU! QUESTIONS… 11