The Squadron Commander Duties of the Squadron Commander To ensure that all CPS policies, both Squadron and District, are carried out Responsible for the overall quality of the training and other programs Be the Squadron’s representative on the District Council Supply regular reports to District Council, AGM’s and any others requested Perform other duties as required So How Do We Do All Of This The Guidebook for CPS Officers is your best reference for all questions… The Guidebook Found on WBAS under “Officers Web Home” Then “Officer Guidebooks” Squadron Organization Squadron function Squadron organization Squadron Meetings The Guidebook Meetings & Ceremonies This section mainly refers to General Meetings and will be of great assistance in preparing for Annual General Meetings. Preparation is the key for all meetings. The Guidebook Merit Marks Merit Marks, Commander’s Citation and Letter of Commendation are our official way of thanking our member volunteers. Letters of Appreciation can be awarded to non-members of CPS who assist our Squadron, District or National organization The Guidebook Financial Management & Insurance Squadron Expenses and reimbursements Liability Insurance – for usual Squadron activities Dues increase request procedure Financial Statements The Guidebook Appendix C Squadron Officers Job Descriptions Commander should be familiar with all of these Should make sure that your Officers also know how to access their own description The Guidebook Appendix G Suggested Squadron Activity Calendar The Guidebook Appendix H WBAS Procedures How to set up your computer for WBAS How to use WBAS Which Officer has access to what information Frequently Asked questions Supplementary Documents CPS National Directory Model Squadron Regulations The Successful Squadron Financial Statements and other forms CPS Bylaws CPS Training Manual Much other useful information Relationship Between Squadron and District Commanders The Squadron Commander needs to be kept informed, and similarly the District Commander should be kept informed about Squadrons affairs. You are the liaison between Squadron and District. The D/C is the liaison between District and National. Dual Responsibilities The Squadron Commander is also member of the District Council, and the District Commander is a member of the National Governing Board. District Council is where squadrons can share their successes and concerns with all in the District. It is at the Governing Board I can bring your concerns and successes to others across the country. How Squadron and District Commanders’ Jobs are Similar Ensuring that the policies of Squadrons and Districts are effectively carried out; Supply the Commander’ reports – Squadron to District, District to National; Ensuring that the National Secretary is notified of any changes in Squadron or District Officers within 2 weeks. How Squadron and District Commanders’ Jobs are Similar Completion of Merit Mark recommendations by both Squadron Commander, and District Commander by December 1. Ensuring that AGM minutes and audited financial reports are submitted to National and District within one week of AGM. Review The success of any squadron relies on the working relationship between the Squadron Commanders and the Bridge Officers. By keeping abreast of news from other Squadrons/District/National, you will be able to keep your Squadron moving forward Share with others your successes and your disappointments. We are all working towards the same goal… Leadership Skills Vision Communication People skills Delegation Adaptability Teamwork Mentoring and Development Decision-making Planning Leadership Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity – George Patton The real leader has no need to lead – he is content to point the way – Henry Miller Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. – Peter F. Drucker A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. Henrik Ibsen I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. – Ralph Nader Safe Boating Through Education