ASSA Interviews

Or “How not to go crazy in Chicago”
 Calls for interviews will start coming usually after
 Get Organized!
 Schedule for the meetings (1/2 hour blocks, starting at
8AM every day)
 Hotel locations (it takes time to get there, elevators are
VERY slow)
 Interview codes (write them DOWN)
 Ask who will be interviewing (and look them up).
 Most Interviews last about 30 min. But be careful
about scheduling back to back.
 Men: Interview Suit (grey, blue, brown), white shirt,
red tie (or purple, or possibly green).
 Women: Interview Suit (grey, blue, brown), colored
shirt (or white?), possibly a scarf (or tie?), matching
shoes? (are you kidding me…I’m giving fashion advice
to women???)
 Look professional. Now is not the time to exert your
 Your Spiel: Research summary for GENERAL AUDIENCE
 1-2 min version (short abstract of JMP, why important)
 5 min version (Longer discussion of JMP, major contribution,
why important, cool metrics, cool data, brief statement on
other chapters)
 15 min version (more detail on JMP, other chapters, future
 They should build on each other.
 Teaching: what can you teach (upper division)
 Basic format
 Book?
The Interview: Basics
 Get interview rooms/codes as soon as possible.
 Be yourself (only better??)
 Relax (as much as possible, see 1 above)
 Get organized every morning: extra CV’s, JMP’s, look
at schedule, plan lunch.
 This is actually “fun”, so relax and enjoy it.
What they are looking for
 Fire in the belly.
 Engaged.
 Is the research yours or your advisors?
 Are you an economist?
 Will you fit into their program?
 Can you carry on a conversation, or is the flyback
going to be painful.
 Can they get along with you.
 Are you interested in them?
 It’s a conversation. Be a part of it. In fact, try to be the
center, without being rude and dominating.
 Look at people, not the floor. Not the ceiling. Not
your notes.
 You should be able to be interrupted from you spiel,
give an answer, and then get back on track.
 Remember, you are claiming you are ready to be their
colleague. Act like it.
 Don’t be arrogant or a jerk. Don’t be a wuss either.
Structure 1: The Knock
 Knock on door, introduce yourself to the person who
answers it, and ask if they are ready for you. Don’t be
late, don’t be early.
 Shake hands etc with everyone in room, try to
remember names (you’ve researched them).
 Let them lead introductory chit-chat etc (how was
your flight, it sucks that it’s raining) etc.
Structure 2: Research Question
 “Tell us about your Research”
 This is where you launch into your spiel
 Start with 5 min one, but be prepared to keep going for up to 15 min
(they may tell you, they may not).
 Be prepared to get interrupted and answer questions.
 It’s a conversation, not a lecture, be polite and responsive. “I don’t
know” is acceptable, if followed up with “it seems like…”
 NEVER EVER put down another’s research.
 This will probably be the majority of the interview.
 They will probably ask you what your research plans are.
 Preempt: at the end of your spiel (one interesting question raised by
my work is…I’d like to tackle that next)
Structure 3: Teaching
 “What courses would you want to teach?”
 Well, of course I can teach principles (duh at least
 My research area is ________ so I’d like to teach
 I also have interests/expertise/coursework in _______
so I’d like to/could teach _______.
 My dream course is __________. (maybe)
More Teaching
 “If you taught ______, what would that course look
 You should be able to cite a book. Talk about major
 A little bit of teaching philosophy (don’t wax
Structure 4: They Talk
 “Let us tell you a little bit about our program”
 Listen, but stay engaged.
 Ask a question …maybe two? It’s a conversation.
 Listen (because they may answer questions you are
about to ask). “Oh, cool, that was one of my questions”
Structure 5: Last Questions
 “Do you have any questions for us?”
 You should: “tell me about ….”
 Place to live
 Faculty interests
 Computers
 Time line
 Etc etc etc (you’ve looked these people up during
Christmas…you should have some).
 You are trying to show interest.
Tough/Tricky Questions
 How many interviews/with whom
 You should be nice and give some kind of answer, make them think they are
competitive, you don’t have to give away the farm though.
 Are you married.
 It’s illegal, I will be stunned if you actually get this.
 “Is there anything else we should know about you” is code for that.
 It’s not really nefarious. Usually, they want to know if there is a trailing
spouse/joint search issue.
 You don’t have to tell them. You could. Make them think it works to their
 Weird questions. (what kind of tree?)
 Be friendly, laugh if appropriate…etc
 Be nice. Give an answer, don’t be a jerk. Shrug it off, don’t freak out.
 Oak tree is always a good answer, maple is OK too.
Preparation is Key
 Get your Spiel going NOW.
 Do it for friends and family until they hate you.
 Do it for strangers while Christmas shopping.
 Do it at parties.
 Talk to your advisor about likely questions (vis a vis
 Prepare the outline for a few classes (not a syllabus,
but an idea, complete with book).
 Research the people and place a little.
Safety Net:
 I will be at the meetings and I’ll give you a cell phone
 We will do practice interviews: let us know when you
get interviews at the meetings.
 Help each other.
 Room codes
 Moral support
 Logistical support (grab a sandwich for a friend)
 I will schedule a dinner near the end of the ASSA
meetings, including booze (my treat).