Collaborative Evaluation Rita O'Sullivan John O’Sullivan Evaluation, Assessment, & North Carolina A & T State Univ Policy Connections (EvAP) School of Education Univ. of NC - Chapel Hill (919/843-7878) NC Cooperative Extension Greensboro, NC Evaluation Steps Overview • Introduction to Collaborative Evaluation • Collaborative Evaluation Techniques: Collaborative Proposal Development Clarifying Evaluation Requests Designing Collaborative Evaluations Evaluation Planning Collaborative Data Collection Collaborative Data Analysis Convincing Levels of Evidence Collaborative Reporting: Evaluation Fairs Collaborative Evaluation Cycle • Final Questions/Discussion Starting Definition: COLLABORATIVE EVALUATION • is an approach that engages program stakeholders actively in the evaluation process. When stakeholders collaborate with evaluators, their understanding increases and the utility of the evaluation is often enhanced. Collaborative Evaluation as an Evaluation Approach • Participatory Evaluation (e.g., Cousins, 1996; Patton, 1997) • • • Empowerment Evaluation (e.g., Fetterman, 2001; 2005) Collaborative Evaluation (e.g., O’Sullivan, 2004; O’Sullivan & O’Sullivan, 1998; Liliana Rodriguez-Campos; 2005) Characteristics of a Collaborative Evaluation • Stakeholders share responsibility for the evaluation • Evaluation questions are developed together • Evaluation expertise grows among board members, parents, teachers, service providers and other key stakeholders • Evaluation evidence is used for program improvement Multi-Site Annual Sequence • • • • • • • Individual Site Evaluation Planning Feedback on Evaluation Plans Eval Plan Implementation with Technical Assistance Interim Sharing of progress Technical Assistance as Needed Evaluation Fair Sharing Cross-Site Summaries Advantages to Collaborative Evaluation • • • • • Enhances the dynamics of eval, changing paradigm shift (interactions of ownership) External evaluators learn program dynamics Stakeholders understand the purposes of the evaluation Data collection and reporting are of better quality Access to additional evaluation resources Characteristics of a Collaborative Evaluator • • • • Good listener Flexibility Understanding of evaluation Knowledge of the program Collaborative Evaluation Techniques: Developing an Evaluation Proposal • • • • • • Program Background Statement Evaluation Purpose Evaluation Questions with Proposed Information Gathering Strategies Timeline of Evaluation Activities Capability Statement Budget Collaborative Evaluation Techniques: Clarifying an Evaluation Plan • Gathering information about the programs nature and scope • Determining the purpose of the evaluation • Probing the resources available to conduct the evaluation Mentoring Project • Your are about to meet with the Director of the Mentoring Project • You are an external evaluation consulting group, and she has asked for your help. • Get together in small groups to decide on three questions to ask her that will clarify her evaluation needs. Collaborative Evaluation Techniques: Evaluation Planning - Logic Models GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1. To educate teen parents about good parenting. ACTIVITIES 150 teen parents in parenting classes Provide health clinics RESULTS (Outcomes) SMART: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-bound Improve parenting practices (90% of participants) MONITORING EVIDENCE (Outputs) (Service Stats) + Quality of Activities Attendance lists Class Evals/ Observations OUTCOME EVIDENCE: Immediate Intermediate Long-Term RETRO Pre/Post Parenting Practices Surveys Retrospective Pre/Post • Ask respondents to tell you at the end of the program, where they were when they started and where they are now. Program Theorizing/Theory of Change (Identify Indicators) • Long Term: Healthy children ready for school • Intermediate Outcome 1: Parents able to assist children with pre-school skills • Intermediate Outcome 2: Program participants interact appropriately with children • Immediate Outcome 2: Participants enhance understanding of good parenting • Immediate Outcome 1: Develop and recruit program participants Web Sites/References • (AEA website - Guiding Principles +… • www.wisc.ex (Ellen Taylor Powell) • (WK Kellogg Foundation - logic models + eval manual) • (EvAP Evaluation Tool Kit for International Presenter Programs) • (Meta-evalaution of Collaborative Evaluation of First 5 LA Childcare Initiative) • O’Sullivan, R. G., & D’Agostino, A. (2002). Promoting evaluation through collaboration with community-based programs for young children and their families. Evaluation, 3, 372-387. • Campos-Rodriguez, L. Collaborative Evalaution. Tamarac, FL: Lumina Press. • O’Sullivan, R. G., Jay, M., & Powers Costello, B. (2006). Transcribing Focus Group Interviews: Is There a Viable Alternative for Analysis? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evalaution Association, Portland, OR. Collaborative Evaluation Techniques: Designing Collaborative Evaluations Evaluation Crosswalk: EVALUATION QUESTIONS I. 1. To what extent have parenting classes promoted better parenting? II. 2. How have project strengthened the capacity of rural communities? IB. How can the program be improved? 1 2 3 4 5 6 X X X X X X Collaborative Data Collection • Explore information gathering alternatives with program staff • Validate instruments by consulting with program experts, including staff • Share summaries of information gathered with data sources and staff Convincing Levels of Evidence 1 - NOT Convincing 2 = SOMEWHAT Convincing ___ Newspaper story ___ Comparison with group ___ A friend ___ Pre-test/Post-test ___ Testimonial ___ Celebrity endorsement ___ 3 = VERY Convincing ___ Double-blind controlled ___ A friend of a friend ___ Description of events ___ Salesperson ___ Treatment/control group ___ Expert critique ___ Collaborative Data Analysis • Engage program staff and/or participants in data analysis • Share data analyses with program staff • Ask program staff for their interpretation of data findings Collaborative Reporting: Evaluation Fairs & Conferences promote evaluation • enhance networking • suggest alternative program ideas • allow programs to celebrate achievements • Collaborative Evaluation and Evaluation Ethics AEA Guiding Principles: • • • • • Systematic Inquiry Competence Integrity/Honesty Respect for People Responsibilities for General & Public Welfare Collaborative Evaluation Cycle Clarify Evaluation Request Conduct Evaluation Fair COMMUNICATION Implement the Evaluation Design Evaluation Discussion Items • • • • • • • Evaluator as technical assistance consultant Staff changes create the need for training Reluctance of program to take ownership Reporting responsibility can become muddled. Differences between internal and external evaluators Objectivity of collaborative evaluators can become suspect. Some may expect distanced evaluation Thank you! • Please complete evaluation forms and • Contact us if we can be of assistance.