Gel electrophoresis teacher Edvotek set up

Gel Electrophoresis
Set Up
12 groups
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
• Prepare Gels: Up to a week in advance
• Class lab: 1-3 days
Teach students to pipette
Load and run gels
Teach electrophoresis theory
Analyze gels
• Gels must be analyzed no later than next day after
running (stored in refrigerator overnight)
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare 1X SB Buffer
for making gels
• Measure 50ml of 20X
SB Buffer stock
solution into the 50ml
conical SB Buffer
measuring tube
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare 1X SB Buffer
for making gels
• Pour the 50ml of 20X
SB Buffer stock
solution into the 1L
SB Buffer mixing
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare 1X SB Buffer
for making gels
• Fill 1L SB Buffer mixing
bottle to the 1000ml line
with water (tap or
• You’ll need to repeat this
as necessary for your
number of classes - each
bottle should prepare
enough 1X SB Buffer for
2 1/2 classes
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• Measure 3 level
scoops of agar powder
into each glass agar
mixing bottle
– Each scoop is ~1/4 tsp
– This will equal ~1.5g
of powder per bottle
• You’ll need 2 bottles
per class
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• Fill each bottle to the
200ml mark with your
prepared 1X SB
Buffer solution
– Bottles have been prechecked for calibration
• Cap tightly and shake
to mix
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• Loosen cap slightly and
place bottles in your
• Set microwave for 1-2
minutes per bottle (less is
better - you can always
add more time!)
• Allow agar solution to
come to a boil - stop
microwave once a full boil
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• While agar is in
microwave assemble
the gel trays
– Can assemble 24 trays at
a time
• Place rubber gaskets on
each side of the gel
casting tray
• Place comb in end slots
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• Carefully remove the
HOT bottles from the
microwave and swirl be careful of steam
escaping from the
loose caps!
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• Check that agar has
fully dissolved or, if
re-melting solidified
agar, that it has all
melted back into
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Prepare gels
• Carefully pour hot
agar solution into the
assembled gel casting
trays (okay to pour
while really hot)
• Fill each tray to top of
rubber gaskets
• Each bottle should fill
6 trays
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
How to store prepared gels
• After gels have
solidified, remove the
comb and both gaskets
• Carefully slide gel out
of the tray onto a
“patty pac” paper
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
How to store prepared gels
• Each paper will hold 2
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
How to store prepared gels
• Place 2 papers with 2
gels each side by side
in a gel storage
• Make sure paper edges
are free
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
How to store prepared gels
• Stack rest of gels in
storage container and
place container in
fridge for up to a week
• Each container will
hold 12 gels - 1
container per class!
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Setting up prepared gels for class
• When you are ready to have
students use gels simply
carefully lift paper with gels
out of the storage container
• Then gently slide each gel
back into a casting tray
– Be sure to slide gels into trays in
same orientation they were cast (wells at notch end of tray)
• Try to keep gels and trays low
and level to prevent accidental
tearing of the gel
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Running gels
• Prepare 1X SB Buffer
solution as before
• You’ll need 2 L of
solution total for both
electrophoresis boxes
• Place tray supports in each
electrophoresis box and
pour in 1L of prepared 1X
SB Buffer into each box
• You only need to do this
before the first class
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Running gels
• After students have loaded
their gels carefully place
each gel tray into the
electrophoresis boxes
• The trays will only fit in
one direction ;)
• Remember to use care that
the gels don’t slide out of
the trays as they are
carried to the boxes!
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Running gels
• Place lid on each
electrophoresis box
making sure that the
black electrode is at
the well end of the
– The electrode wires
inside the box are color
coded as well
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Running gels
• Connect the electrodes from
each box to the power supply
and turn on the power by the
switch in the back
• Make sure the power supply
is set on volts and adjust the
voltage to 70
• When you are ready to start
the run simply press the
button on the far right
– Watch for bubbles in the
electrophoresis boxes!
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
After Gel Run
• After the colors have separated
turn off the power supply and
remove the gel box lid
• Carefully remove gel trays
from the box and depending on
– Give back to groups to analyze
– OR place each gel on a labeled
patty pac and store back in
storage container in refrigerator
until next class meeting and then
distribute on individual patty pacs
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Next period and so on…
• Running SB buffer is good for all classes – no
need to replace unless it gets too hot
• You can put gels into trays for periods 1 and 2,
then after removing completed gels from per 1
trays put gels for per 3 into trays while per 2 is
running and so on…
Salk Institute Mobile Lab
Clean up
• At end of day used buffer can just be flushed
down sink
– Rinse boxes and let air dry
• Used gels can be placed in general trash
Salk Institute Mobile Lab