UN, IASC, presentation, Accountability, objective 3

ECB Project
Activities Overview
Andrea Stewart
ECB Communications Manager
Overview of ECB Accountability activities
Highlights and examples of field-focused
accountability activities and training
ECB Accountability to Affected
Communities – Communications Project
Background on the materials & examples
of implementation and training
A quick summary of our Accountability & Impact Measurement
(AIM) initiatives:
Accountability Advisors x12 specialists from 6 agencies
Conference call x1 per month to discuss collaboration initiatives, x2 per
year to meet face-to-face
Focus on collaboration between agencies, and with external networks and
partners e.g. HAP, Sphere, ACAPS / NATF, clusters in-country
Highlights from our field-focussed Accountability
• Accountability – a set of common principles between 6 agencies*
• Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) testing in Indonesia and Bolivia in
• Joint Evaluations in Indonesia, Niger, Kenya, and Haiti
• Accountability focused training in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Haiti,
Kenya, Ethiopia
• Joint Sphere / HAP guidelines revision workshops held in
• ECB evaluation database merging with ALNAP evaluation database
*all available online www.ecbproject.org – photocopies available today
Introduction to the ECB Accountability – Communications Project
2005 Development of the Good Enough Guide to Impact Measurement &
2007 Launch of a new project to create a package of communications materials for
Accountability, M&E staff, emergency responders, and field staff to support them to:
• Understand the key principals of accountability to beneficiaries / communities
• Promote the principals of accountability in your communities and with colleagues
• Train your colleagues and partners
• Improve communication with your communities / beneficiaries
• Test the simple Good Enough Guide training tools and communications materials in
your programs
There are materials available to the humanitarian community
How were these materials created?
• Agency and field research into what formats would be most useful
• Draft materials developed and field tested in Kenya, Myanmar, Peru,
Bolivia and Lebanon with interviews and focus groups with Country Office
managers, field staff and community groups
• Website developed for everyone to view and download the materials and
find out more about the key accountability principals
• Technical guidelines developed to explain more detail
a) how the project was developed
b) how to adapt the materials
View and Download all the materials online
Examples of implementation & learning
opportunities to test and share these materials:
Inter-agency training began in Bangladesh in 2009 – further initiatives
include HAP Complaints Response Mechanism training
Translation and dissemination of the tools in Haiti
Inter-agency training following Pakistan floods (2010), in Ethiopia, Kenya,
Bolivia, Indonesia, and plans underway across Asia (led by World Vision)
Opportunities created to share tools and methodology with other
networks including ALNAP, VOICE (EU), Inter-Action (USA), Bond (UK)
Future ECB Project Joint Accountability Plans:
Accountability Standing Team – a group of national, regional and global
staff that can be deployed to advise on M&E / Accountability issues
Impact Measurement study – led by Oxfam - a project to
JNA testing in other countries – rolling out the methodology and online
data capture in two other ECB consortia
Further engagement with UN clusters – review gaps with cluster
engagement and subject to funding to support this work
Andrea Stewart, ECB Communications Manager
VISIT: www.ecbproject.org