ECB Project Accountability Activities Overview Andrea Stewart ECB Communications Manager SUMMARY OF PRESENTATION Overview of ECB Accountability activities Highlights and examples of field-focused accountability activities and training ECB Accountability to Affected Communities – Communications Project Background on the materials & examples of implementation and training A quick summary of our Accountability & Impact Measurement (AIM) initiatives: • Accountability Advisors x12 specialists from 6 agencies • Conference call x1 per month to discuss collaboration initiatives, x2 per year to meet face-to-face • Focus on collaboration between agencies, and with external networks and partners e.g. HAP, Sphere, ACAPS / NATF, clusters in-country Highlights from our field-focussed Accountability Initiatives • Accountability – a set of common principles between 6 agencies* • Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) testing in Indonesia and Bolivia in 2010 • Joint Evaluations in Indonesia, Niger, Kenya, and Haiti • Accountability focused training in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Haiti, Kenya, Ethiopia • Joint Sphere / HAP guidelines revision workshops held in Bangladesh • ECB evaluation database merging with ALNAP evaluation database *all available online – photocopies available today Introduction to the ECB Accountability – Communications Project 2005 Development of the Good Enough Guide to Impact Measurement & Accountability 2007 Launch of a new project to create a package of communications materials for Accountability, M&E staff, emergency responders, and field staff to support them to: • Understand the key principals of accountability to beneficiaries / communities • Promote the principals of accountability in your communities and with colleagues • Train your colleagues and partners • Improve communication with your communities / beneficiaries • Test the simple Good Enough Guide training tools and communications materials in your programs There are materials available to the humanitarian community How were these materials created? • Agency and field research into what formats would be most useful • Draft materials developed and field tested in Kenya, Myanmar, Peru, Bolivia and Lebanon with interviews and focus groups with Country Office managers, field staff and community groups • Website developed for everyone to view and download the materials and find out more about the key accountability principals • Technical guidelines developed to explain more detail a) how the project was developed b) how to adapt the materials View and Download all the materials online Examples of implementation & learning opportunities to test and share these materials: • Inter-agency training began in Bangladesh in 2009 – further initiatives include HAP Complaints Response Mechanism training • Translation and dissemination of the tools in Haiti • Inter-agency training following Pakistan floods (2010), in Ethiopia, Kenya, Bolivia, Indonesia, and plans underway across Asia (led by World Vision) • Opportunities created to share tools and methodology with other networks including ALNAP, VOICE (EU), Inter-Action (USA), Bond (UK) Future ECB Project Joint Accountability Plans: • Accountability Standing Team – a group of national, regional and global staff that can be deployed to advise on M&E / Accountability issues • Impact Measurement study – led by Oxfam - a project to • JNA testing in other countries – rolling out the methodology and online data capture in two other ECB consortia • Further engagement with UN clusters – review gaps with cluster engagement and subject to funding to support this work THANK YOU Andrea Stewart, ECB Communications Manager VISIT: