US Xpress: • Welcome to the US Xpress Road Test Examiner Program. • With your dedication and commitment, this program will be one of the best in the trucking industry. • This program is an effort of the USX Safety Department to establish set standards and uniformity to our road test program. • Its goal is to present a program that is well organized and manageable, which fulfills its mission by providing safe drivers who will contribute to the growth and success of US Xpress. • We thank you for your participation in such an important program! • As we go through the road test examiner training, please open your road test examiner manual and follow along. Why do we do a road test? – FMCSA 391.31(a) states that “a person shall not drive a commercial motor vehicle unless he/she has first successfully completed a road test and has been issued a certificate of driver’s road test”. ROAD TEST Without First Successfully completing a road test • FMCSA 391.31(b) states “the road test shall be given by the motor carrier or a person designated by it…the test shall be given by a person who is competent to evaluate and determine whether the person who takes the test is capable of operating the commercial motor vehicle, and associated equipment, that the motor carrier intends to assign him/her”. • FMCSA 391.31(c) states “the road test must be of sufficient duration to enable the person who gives the test to evaluate the skill of the person who takes the test at handling the commercial motor vehicle and associated equipment that the motor carrier intends to assign him/her”. • FMCSA 391.31(c) states that “the driver must be evaluated on his/her skill at performing each of the following operations: 1) The Pre-trip inspection required by part 392.7 of FMCSA. 2) Coupling and Uncoupling of combination units. 3) Placing the commercial motor vehicle in operation. 4) Use of the commercial motor vehicles controls and emergency equipment. 5) Operation of the commercial motor vehicle in traffic and while passing other vehicles. 6) Turning the commercial motor vehicle. 7) Braking and slowing the commercial motor vehicle by means other than braking. 8) Backing and parking the commercial motor vehicle. Every Driver Must: – Perform a pre-trip inspection • In the back of the road test manual is a pre-trip inspection guide to assist you in evaluating the pretrip. – Couple and/or uncouple the tractor and trailer. – Demonstrate their ability to back…by actually backing the trailer. 1. Orientation Road Test: – Orientation Road Tests can be conducted at any of our 10 Orientation Sites. – You can only take two drivers out per trip. You can expect the road test to take approximately 1-hour. – You will be evaluating both experienced and student drivers. *note – In evaluating student drivers, you are primarily evaluating to see if they are safe enough to go out with a trainer. They will have to take another road test after completing their training to move into a 1st seat driving position. 2. Upgrade Road Tests: – Upgrade Road Tests are conducted at Tunnel Hill GA, Oklahoma City OK, Medway OH, and Colton CA. – Upgrade Road Tests are conducted to evaluate a student who has completed his/her training to determine if they are ready to move into a 1st seat position. • US Xpress has pre-designated routes at each USX facility for both the upgrade road tests and the orientation road tests,. • In the back of your road test examiner manual you will find the Orientation road test route for each USX facility. For all Upgrade Road Tests check with the Upgrade Specialist at that facility. • You must follow the road test route that corresponds to: – The type of road test you are conducting (Upgrade or Orientation) – The facility where the road test is being conducted. • Based on your observations of the drivers ability to safely operate the commercial motor vehicle - a driver can basically fail the road test under four different formats: 1. 2. 3. 4. Major Safety Violations A combination of “less then desirable driving habits” over the course of the road test. Inability to perform the tasks identified by FMCSA 391.31(c). Driver has a preventable accident during the course of the road test. Pass Fail • Major Safety Violations: – Violations that create serious safety hazards such as, running a red light, pulling out in front of oncoming traffic, forcing a motorist off the road, or any other violations that constitute a serious safety issue. – If a driver commits a “Major Safety Violation” you must have the driver pull over at the 1st available safe area, and discontinue the road test with that driver. You can have the other driver begin his/her test at that point or you take control of the vehicle. • Over the course of a road test a driver may exhibit one or more “less than desirable driving habits. If one or more of these behaviors causes you to believe that the driver is unsafe, the driver should fail the road test. • If a driver fails or is unable to demonstrate an acceptable skill level on each of the tasks identified in FMCSA 391.31(c), the driver must failed on the road test. • Demonstrating a lack of knowledge in performing a proper pre-trip inspection, coupling and/or uncoupling procedures, placing the vehicle into operation, use of the vehicles controls and emergency equipment, operating the vehicle in traffic while passing other vehicles, making proper right and left turns, proper braking/slowing of the vehicle, and proper backing ability. • If a driver has a “preventable” accident during the course of the road test it does constitute a failure of the road test, and you must notify the Claims/Safety Department. • When evaluating the driver’s backing ability you must: – Be standing outside the vehicle in a position wherein you can safely oversee the backing operation. • DO NOT stand where the driver can not see you or might accidentally hit you, or where the truck or trailer might lurch toward you. – Check to ensure that the driver walks around the trailer to check for people or objects before attempting to back up. If he doesn’t educate him! – You must also be in a position where the driver can clearly see, and hear your instructions. – The driver MUST back between two trailers, unless there are not two trailers available to back between. In this instance the driver must back beside another trailer. – If you must stop a driver to keep them from backing into a trailer, then the driver would fail the road test. DO NOT ALLOW THE DRIVER TO BACK INTO ANOTHER TRAILER. – If for any reason you are unable to stop the driver, and they do back into another trailer or tractor it results in a failure of the road test, and you MUST notify Safety/Claims regardless of whether damage occurred or not. – Again students evaluated on an Orientation Road Test are not evaluated to the same standard as a 1st seat driver. You are primarily concerned as to whether or not the student is safe enough to go out with a trainer. Qualifications: – Must have 30 days recent service with USX, and 1 year recent OTR experience (within the previous 12 months) as a first-seat driver. – May not be on any type of company probation. – Can have no major preventable accidents or incidents in prior six months. – Must have the ability to get along with people and communicate effectively. – Must present an acceptable appearance. – Must be certified as a Road Test Examiner by a U.S. Xpress Safety, Training, or Orientation Official. Standards: • Failing to maintain the standards of the Road Test Examiner Program can result in probation or disqualification from the program. Some examples of these violations are, but not limited to: – Accidents or Incidents. – Safety Violations. – Failure to follow program guidelines. – Non compliance with company policies/procedures. – Failure to remain active in the program (going 60 days without performing a road test) – Refusing to perform a road test (when hours and load assignment permit performance of road tests) – Failing to log line 4 when conducting road tests. – The truck not being clean and presentable. • As a road test examiner you are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times • Some examples of inappropriate conduct are: • – Yelling at a driver. This is never acceptable, or permissible. – Smoking or allowing anyone being tested to smoke in the truck during the course of the road test. Remember – not all drivers smoke; therefore, smoking in the truck, with a non-smoker who is being tested, does set up an uncomfortable road test situation. – You should never intentionally create or establish a situation to make any driver “nervous” over the course of the road test. Although it is recommended and sometimes necessary to explain non-familiar equipment to a driver, such as the auto-shift transmission – remember you are there to evaluate the driver’s ability to safely operate the truck, not train or teach the driver. • Road Test Examiner Compensation: – $10 per Orientation Road Test. – $15 per Upgrade Road Test. – $500 bonus after performing one hundred road tests within each calendar year; each Orientation Road Test after the bonus is paid at $15 each until the calendar year is completed. – Note Local drivers are not eligible for this compensation package due to being paid and hourly wage. Reviewing the process: 1. Introduce yourself to the driver. 2. Validate that the driver has a class A-CDL and valid medical card on their person. 3. Review the road test procedures and directions for the specific terminal location, and discuss any question or concerns that you or they may have about the upcoming road test. 4. Provide a brief explanation of the transmission configurations that USX Tractors are equipped with, if needed. 5. Buckle your seatbelt and do not allow the truck to be moved until the driver is seat belted in. Also, ensure that the 2nd driver is safely positioned, on the bunk, behind the passenger’s seat. 6. Follow the road test procedures and directions for the specific USX facility where the road test is being conducted. 7. Ensure that you utilize a good 3-point of contact when entering and exiting the truck, and require that the driver being tested do the same. 8. After completing the road test you MUST follow up with Orientation or the Training Department to complete all required paperwork. • Welcome to the USX Road Test Examiner Program! • Your commitment to this program helps us to ensure that we fulfill our mission of hiring quality drivers at US Xpress, and for that we are very grateful – Thank You!