Jesus Christ Heals the Sick

“Lesson 13: Jesus Christ Heals the Sick,”
Primary 7: New Testament, 44
love one
love A
one That
ye you, ye give another; I
that John 13:34
Jesus had great love and
compassion for the sick.
 A leader of the Jewish people had
a son who was dying.
He traveled many
miles to find
 The leader asked
Jesus to come
heal his son.
Jesus told the leader
his son would be
 His servants ran to
meet him when the
leader returned home.
They told him his son was better and
would live.
The man knew that Jesus Christ had
healed his son. He and all his family
believed in the Savior.
After the Sermon on the
Mount, Jesus healed many
more people.
A man with a terrible skin disease
called leprosy asked Jesus to heal him.
Jesus touched the leper and told him
he was healed.
The leper’s skin instantly
cleared and he was
Jesus asked the man to
tell no one other than the
priest, but the man told
everyone he met.
A Roman army officer heard about
Jesus. He had a servant who was
very sick and dying.
When Jesus entered the
city, the officer told
Jesus about his servant.
Jesus said he would
come to the officer’s
home to heal the
The officer said he was not worthy to
have Jesus enter his home.
He said if Jesus said the servant
would be healed then he knew it
would happen.
Jesus said He had never
met anyone whose faith
was as strong.
Jesus said the servant
would be healed
because of his faith.
Jesus went to the home of Peter who
was one of His disciples.
The mother of Peter’s wife was sick
with a very high fever.
Jesus was asked
to heal her.
When he did the
fever immediately
left her.
Jesus saw a
widow at the
funeral of
her only
He saw how
sad she was.
He went to the body of her son and
told him to get up.
The widow’s son was alive again.
Jesus healed the sick, crippled, deaf
and blind.
He forgave
He cast out devils.
He brought
back from
Many people
heard of Jesus.
Many people came
to Him.
It became difficult
for Him to openly
enter the cities.
Jesus wanted to
help everyone
who tried to come
to Him.
He knew many
were too sick and
weak to come to
Jesus sent His apostles throughout
the land to teach and heal.
 He told His
apostles, “And as
ye go, preach,
saying, The
kingdom of
heaven is at hand.
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
raise the dead, cast out devils: freely
ye have received, freely give”
(Matthew 10:7-8).
Why do you think Jesus
performed these miracles?
Let’s read:
 Mark 1:41
 Luke 7:13
 John 9:1–3
How did these healings bless
the lives of the people
 Let’s read:
 Luke 7:2, 12
 John 4:52–53
What qualities do we need to
develop in our lives if we are
going to follow the Savior’s
example in these accounts?
 Let’s read John 13:34–35
 How can we show love,
compassion, and concern toward
people who are in need?
 How have you felt when someone
helped you?
Did Jesus know all of the people
he healed?
 Let’s read Matthew 8:5–8
What does this
tell us about
whom we should
help if we see
someone in
After Jesus healed the leper,
what did He ask him to do?
Let’s read Mark 1:43–44
What does this tell us about
how we should help others?
Because leprosy was thought to be
highly contagious, those with the
disease were often not allowed to live
in the cities and they were shunned
by those without leprosy.
How does helping others in need
bring us closer to Heavenly Father
and Jesus?
Let’s read Matthew 25:45
How do you feel when you help
Can any of you tell about an
experience when you helped
someone in need or when you
received help from another person?
Let’s read 1 John 3:18
This verse is telling
us that we should not
only tell people we
love them, we should
show our love
through our actions.
It is what we do for someone else
that shows we love them.
Act out ways you can
show love for your
family and friends.
Enr Act 1
President Spencer W.
Kimball said:
 “God does notice us,
and he watches over
us. But it is usually
through another
person that he meets
our needs”
(“Small Acts of Service,” Ensign,
Dec. 1974, p. 5).
Enr Act 2
Do you know of anyone who has
helped someone else in need?
 This person has developed love,
compassion, and concern for
others and shows that love
through acts of service.
Enr Act 2
Let’s read the following
scriptures about serving others:
 Matthew 25:34–40
 Mosiah 2:17–18, 4:14–15
 Let’s make a list of the things
these scriptures tell us we
should do for others.
 Choose an act of service you will
perform during the coming week.
Enr Act 3
Act out ways you could show love
and compassion and serve people in
one of these situations:
 A new child comes to Primary and
doesn’t know anyone.
 A child in your Primary class gets
 Your friend is not a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.
Enr Act 4
Act out ways you could show love
and compassion and serve people in
one of these situations:
 Someone in your ward or branch
is lonely.
 Your parents are busy and ask you
to help take care of your little
brother or sister.
 Someone says unkind things to a
friend of yours.
Enr Act 4
I am grateful for the life and example
of the Savior.
I testify that we are
following Jesus’
teachings when we
show compassion
and love to those
around us.
During the week all of us should try
to show more love and do small acts
of service for our families and others.
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replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers
should refer to the manual, scriptures and other
resources when preparing and conducting the