Practical Training for Referees, Assistant Referees and Teamwork Topics 2 • • • • Referee (R) skills Assistant Referee (AR) skills Offside Teamwork Ball movement Player movement Referee / Assistant Referee movement Exercise 1 Referee Skills - Signals 3 Aim: − R and AR to signal for different situations (goal kick, corner kick, throw-in, free kick, penalty kick) − R to show yellow or red card when appropriate Participants: − 3-5 attackers, 3-5 defenders − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers and defenders play near the penalty area and create situations where the R and/or AR have to signal the next action (goal kick, corner kick, throw-in, free kick, penalty kick) − The R to show the yellow/red card correctly − Players should be informed, in advance, what to do − AR to signal for goal kick, corner kick, throw-in, free kick with the appropriate hand Exercise 1 Referee Signals 4 Exercise 2 Referee Skills Aim: − R to develop speed of reaction and concentration Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders − 1R − 2 ARs may be added when 2 or more balls are used Procedure: − Players pass the ball clockwise and try to surprise the R by bouncing the ball (foul). The R must identify the player who bounced the ball, whistle the foul and show the direction of the free kick − The second time that the same player bounces the ball, the R must show him a yellow card and the third time a red card − We can add difficulty by playing 2-3 balls at the same time 5 Exercise 2 Referee Skills 6 Exercise 2 (without players) Referee Skills Aim: − R to develop speed of reaction and concentration Participants: − 8-12 referees divided into 2 teams in distinct colours (acting as players) − 1R − 2 ARs may be added when 2 or more balls are used Procedure: − Players pass the ball clockwise and try to surprise the R by bouncing the ball (foul). The R must identify the player who bounced the ball, whistle the foul and show the direction of the free kick − The second time that the same player bounces the ball, the R must show him a yellow card and the third time a red card − We can add difficulty by playing 2-3 balls at the same time − Participants take it in turn to be players, R or AR 7 Exercise 2b (without players) Referee Skills 8 Exercise 3 Referee Skills Aim: − R to develop speed of reaction and concentration Participants: − − − 4-8 attackers and 4-8 defenders 1R 1 AR may be added to assist the R Procedure: − − − − Each team starts with a ball. Players kick the ball to their team mates. If the pass is not executed correctly, the R calls a foul against that team. Players can try to surprise the R by kicking the ball in his direction. The R must try to avoid being hit by the ball and if hit, identify the player who kicked the ball at him and show a yellow card. The second time that the same player kicks the ball and hits the R he is shown a red card To add difficulty, 2 or more balls may be used An AR may be used to assist the referee 9 Exercise 3 Referee Skills 10 Exercise 4 Referee Skills Aim: − To increase R’s awareness of the movement/actions of players inside the penalty area Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders − 1R Procedure: − Players move within a confined space − One player at a time commits an offence against an opponent inside the penalty area. R must identify the player who committed the infringement, signal the correct restart of play and apply the appropriate disciplinary sanction − The level of difficulty may be increased with the use of concealed offences 11 Exercise 4 Referee Skills 12 Exercise 5 Referee Skills Aim: − To increase R’s awareness of the movement/actions of players inside/outside the penalty area Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders − 1R Procedure: − Players move within a confined area on the edge of the penalty area − One player at a time commits an offence against an opponent inside/outside the penalty area. R must identify the player who committed the infringement, signal the correct restart of play and apply the appropriate disciplinary sanction 13 Exercise 5 Referee Skills 14 Exercise 5b (without players) Referee Skills Aim: − To increase R’s awareness of the movement/actions of participants inside/outside the penalty area Participants: − 4 attackers, 4 defenders − 1R Procedure: − Each player is given a tag to wear on his back − Players move within a marked area on the edge of the penalty area − One player at a time removes the tag of an opponent inside/outside the penalty area − R must identify the player who committed the infringement, signal the correct restart of play and apply the appropriate disciplinary sanction − To increase the level of difficulty the tag may be placed in other parts of the body, for example: inside waistband of shorts, under armpit 15 Exercise 5b (without players) Referee Skills 16 Exercise 6 Referee Skills - Positioning 17 Aim: − To develop R’s movement / positioning about the field of play Participants: − 10 players (2 teams of 5) − 1 R, 2 ARs Procedure: − − − − − − The two teams take up position at either end of the field of play in a line evenly spaced out R is positioned near the edge of the penalty area on his diagonal and must keep play between himself and one of his ARs One team pass the ball by hand from one player to another in sequence as they move up the field of play at walking pace Teams change at the end of each practice The exercise is repeated with the players moving a little more quickly as they pass the ball by foot Finally, under match-like conditions, the players pass the ball to any player in any direction Exercise 6 Referee Skills - Positioning 18 Exercise 7 Referee Skills - Positioning at free kicks 19 Aim: − Management of the 9.15m Participants: − 6 attackers, 5 defenders, 1 goalkeeper − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers and defenders play near the edge of the penalty area − Offences are committed by the defending team just outside the penalty area. The R to manage the 9.15m and then take up the correct position to check for encroachment and fouls Exercise 7 Referee Skills - Positioning at free kicks 20 Exercise 7 Referee Skills -1 v 1 Situations 21 Aim: − To recognise fair/unfair challenges by the goalkeeper inside/outside the penalty area in 1 v 1 situations Participants: − 6 attackers, 1 goalkeeper − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers are positioned in pairs in 3 different starting positions outside the penalty area − One attacker at a time dribbles the ball towards the goal − Attacker and goalkeeper meet about 10 metres from the goal − R must decide if the challenge is fair/unfair and apply the appropriate disciplinary sanction − The exercise can be repeated with the players meeting close to the edge of the penalty area − The exercise can be made more difficult by having one attacker pass the ball towards the goal for his colleague to contest with the oncoming goalkeeper Exercise 8 Referee Skills -1 v 1 Situations 22 Exercise 9 AR Skills - Flag Signals 23 Aim: − AR to signal different situations (throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, free kick) Participants: − 1 attacker, 1 defender − 1 AR Procedure: − Attacker and defender move towards the corner flag with the ball and either commit a foul or the ball passes out of play for a − − throw-in / goal kick / corner kick Players are given instruction in advance as to what to do AR should signal for throw-in, goal kick, corner kick or free kick with the appropriate hand Exercise 9 AR Skills - Flag Signals 24 Exercise 9b AR Skills - Flag Signals 25 Aim: − AR to signal different situations (throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, free kick) Participants: − 3 attackers, 3 defenders − 1 AR Procedure: − Attacker and defender move with the ball near the corner flag and commit a foul, throw in, goal kick or corner kick − Players must be told in advance what to do − AR should signal for free kick, throw in, goal kick or corner kick with the appropriate hand Exercise 9b AR Skills - Flag Signals 26 Exercise 10 AR Skills - Running Techniques 27 Aim: − AR to develop running technique Participants: − 5 players from the same team − 1 AR Procedure: − AR runs along the touchline following the ball looking infield at all times − Players pass the ball from one to another with either short or long passes − AR runs sideways if there is a short pass or makes a sprint forward if there is a long pass − AR to hold the flag with the hand near the field of play at all times Exercise 10 AR Skills - Running Techniques 28 Exercise 11 AR Skills - Running Techniques Aim: − ARs to develop running techniques and concentration Participants: − 1 AR Procedure: − AR to change his/her running technique from cone to cone along the touchline, based on the instructions from the instructor eg: # 1 or white - walking, # 2 or blue - jogging, # 3 or green - sideways, #4 or red - sprinting 29 Exercise 11 AR Skills - Running Techniques 30 Exercise 12 AR Skills - Throw-in 31 Aim: − AR to decide the direction of a throw in Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders − 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers and defenders are in pairs near the touchline with a ball − One of them kicks the ball off the field of play − AR to decide the direction − Each pair kicks the ball immediately after one another − To make the exercise more difficult, another player or instructor can be added to block the AR’s view Exercise 12 AR Skills - Throw-in 32 Exercise 13 AR Skills - Goal kick or corner kick 33 Aim: − AR to decide corner kick or goal kick Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders − 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers and defenders are positioned in pairs with a ball near the goal line − One player kicks the ball off the field of play − AR to decide corner kick or goal kick − Pairs kick the ball immediately after one another − Another player or instructor can be placed between AR and players to make the exercise more difficult Exercise 13 AR Skills - Goal kick or corner kick 34 Exercise 14 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if an attacker is in an offside position at the moment the ball is played by a colleague Participants: − 5 attackers, 1 defender, 1 kicker − 1 AR Procedure: − Defender is static and the attackers take it in turn to run towards the opponent’s goal line − Kicker plays the ball at the moment the players (attacker & defender) pass one another 35 Exercise 14 Offside 36 Exercise 15 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if an attacker is in an offside position at the moment the ball is played by a colleague Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders, 1 kicker − 1 AR Procedure: − 1 defender moves towards 1 attacker running in the opposite direction towards the opponent’s goal line − Kicker plays the ball at the moment the players (attacker & defender) pass one another − After each practice, the attacker become a defender and vice versa 37 Exercise 15 Offside 38 Exercise 15 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if the attacker is offside when the ball is kicked by his team-mate Participants: − 2 groups of 4 people( 1 attacker, 1 defender, 1 kicker, 1 AR) Procedure: − 1 defender runs towards midfield and 1 attacker runs towards the opponent’s goal line − Kicker plays the ball at the moment the players (attacker & defender) pass one another − Attackers become defenders, defenders become kickers, kickers become ARs and ARs become attackers 39 Exercise 15b Offside 40 Exercise 16 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if an attacker is in an offside position at the moment the ball is played by a colleague Participants: − 3 attackers, 3 defenders, 1 kicker − 1 AR Procedure: − Kicker passes the ball to a colleague inside the penalty area − Attackers and defenders simulate a match situation 41 Exercise 16 Offside 42 Exercise 17 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if the attacker is in an offside position while running among defenders Participants: − 4 attackers, 4 defenders − 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers play “1-2” (wall pass) / defenders remain stationary − Attackers can become defenders and vice versa − Exercise can be made more difficult if the defenders move towards attackers − ARs can be changed after each repetition 43 Exercise 17 Offside 44 Exercise 18 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if the attacker is in an offside position while running among defenders Participants: − 3 attackers, 3 defenders − 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers run between the defenders who are in a static position - Defenders and attackers change positions after a period of one minute - 2 ARs can be used at the same time 45 Exercise 18 Offside 46 Exercise 19 Offside Aim: − AR to recognise if the attacker is offside at the moment the ball is played by his team-mate Participants: − 3 attackers, 3 defenders − 1 AR Procedure: − Attacker kicks the ball forward, while the other two attackers run towards the defenders who are in a static position − To increase the degree of difficulty, defenders can move forwards or backwards 47 Exercise 19 Offside 48 Exercise 20 Team Work Aim: − R and/or AR to recognise if a foul is committed by the defender or attacker, inside or outside the penalty area Participants: − 1 attacker, 1 defender − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − 1 attacker and 1 defender run towards the penalty area committing or simulating fouls − R and/or AR must decide foul, penalty, simulation 49 Exercise 20 Team Work 50 Exercise 21 Team Work Aim: − R and/or AR to recognise if a foul is committed by defender or attacker, inside the penalty area Participants: − 3 attackers, 3 defenders − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − 3 attackers and 3 defenders move about inside the penalty area committing fouls − R and/or AR must decide if offence is committed by the defender or the attacker − R and AR can be replaced after each repetition 51 Exercise 21 Team Work 52 Exercice 22 Team Work Aims: R and AR to develop team work through foul recognition Participants: 3 attackers, 3 defenders, 1 kicker 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: At stations 1, 2 and 3 an attacker and a defender move towards goal when instructed, challenging each other for the ball 53 Exercice 22 Team Work 54 Exercise 23 Team Work 55 Aims: − R to improve positioning and movement − R and AR to develop foul recognition Participants: − 4 attackers, 4 defenders, 1 kicker, 1 goalkeeper − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: - When corner kick is taken, R and AR to observe possible offences being committed inside/outside the penalty area eg. holding, pushing, etc. Corner kicks to be taken from alternate sides Exercise 23 Team Work 56 Exercise 24 Team Work 57 Aim: − To develop R’s positioning to enable him to better recognise offences committed inside/outside the penalty area − AR to assist for offences committed within his working area Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − 1 attacker and 1 defender take up position in various locations outside the penalty area − Each pairs is numbered 1-5 − Players may only move when instructed to do so − R and/or AR to recognise offences committed inside/outside the penalty area Exercise 24 Team Work 58 4 3 1 2 Exercise 25 Team Work Aim: − AR to recognise if an attacker is in an offside position at the moment the ball is played by a colleague − R and/or AR to recognise if an offence has been committed by an attacker or defender inside the penalty area Participants: − 4 attackers, 3 defenders, 1 goalkeeper − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − Attackers and defenders simulate match-like situations inside the penalty area 59 Exercise 25 Team Work 60 Exercise 26 Team Work Aim: − R and AR to control correct procedure at penalty kicks Participants: − 5 attackers, 5 defenders, 1 goalkeeper, 1 kicker − 1 R, 1 AR Procedure: − Different scenarios at the taking of a penalty kick: encroachment by defender, by attacker, by both defender & attacker, by goalkeeper, etc 61 Exercise 26 Team Work 62 Exercise 27 Team Work Aim: − R and AR to control correct procedure at the taking of kicks from the penalty mark Participants: − Attackers, defenders − 2 goalkeepers − 1 R, 2 ARs Procedure: − different situations during kicks from the penalty mark 63 Exercise 27 Team Work 64