Chapter 1 - Dyessick

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010:
Fourth Edition
Chapter One
An Introduction to Visual Basic 2010
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
• Create a Visual Basic 2010 Windows-based
• Manage the windows in the Integrated Development
Environment (IDE)
• Set the properties of an object
• Add a control to a form
• Use the Label, Button, and PictureBox tools
• Use the options on the Format menu
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Objectives (cont'd.)
Enter code in the Code Editor window
Save a solution
Start and end an application
Print an application’s code and interface
Write an assignment statement
Print an application’s code and interface
Close and open an existing solution
Find and correct a syntax error
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Visual Studio 2010
• Visual Basic 2010 is an object-oriented
programming language
– Object: anything that can be seen, touched, or used
– Class: a pattern used to create an object
– Instance: an object created from a class; object is
said to be instantiated
• Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
– Contains all the tools and features needed to create,
run, and test programs
– Includes Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, and
Visual F#
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Visual Studio 2010 (cont'd.)
• Application: program or suite of programs
• Windows-based application:
– Has a Windows user interface
– Runs on a personal computer
• User interface: what the user sees and interacts with
when using an application
• Web-based application:
– Has a Web user interface
– Runs on a server
– Accessed with a computer browser
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Creating a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application
• Windows applications consist of solutions, projects,
and files
• Solution: a container that stores projects and files
for an entire application
• Project: a container that stores files associated with
a specific portion of the solution
• A solution may contain one or more projects
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Solutions, Projects, and Files (cont'd.)
Figure 1-1: Illustration of a solution, project, and file
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Figure 1-2: How to start Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Basic 2010
Express Edition
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Figure 1-3: Visual Studio 2010 Professional startup screen
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Figure 1-4: Visual Basic 2010 Express startup screen
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
How to Create a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application
Figure 1-5: How to create a Visual Basic 2010 Windows application
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
How to Create a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application (cont’d.)
Figure 1-5: How to create a Visual Basic 2010 Windows application (cont’d.)
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
How to Create a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application (cont’d.)
Figure 1-6: Options dialog box
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
How to Create a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application (cont’d.)
Figure 1-7: Completed New Project dialog box in Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
How to Create a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application (cont’d.)
Figure 1-8: Completed New Project dialog box in
Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
How to Create a Visual Basic 2010
Windows Application (cont’d.)
Figure 1-9: Solution and Visual Basic Project
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Managing the Windows in the IDE
Figure 1-10: How to manage the windows in the IDE
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Windows Form Designer Window
• Windows Form Designer window:
– Allows you to create (design) the GUI
• Graphical user interface (GUI):
– What the user sees and interacts with
• Windows Form object (or form):
– Foundation for the user interface
– Add other objects such as buttons/text boxes to form
– Title bar with caption and Minimize, Maximize, and
Close buttons
– Tab at top of designer window has Form1.vb [Design]
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Windows Form Designer Window
Figure 1-11: Windows Form Designer window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Solution Explorer Window
• Solution Explorer window:
– Displays a list of projects contained in this solution
– Displays the items contained in each project
Figure 1-12: Solution Explorer window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Solution Explorer Window
• Source file: a file containing program instructions
• Code: program instructions
• Form file: a file containing code associated with a
Windows form
• Give each form file a meaningful name using the
Properties window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Properties Window
• Properties: a set of attributes that determine an
object’s appearance and behavior
• Properties window: displays properties of selected
• Default property values are assigned when an
object is created
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Properties Window (cont'd.)
Figure 1-13: Properties window showing the Form1.vb file’s properties
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Properties Window (cont'd.)
• Properties window includes an Object box and a
Properties list
• Object box:
– Located immediately below Properties window title bar
– Contains the name of the selected object
• Properties list:
– Left column displays names of properties
• Use the Alphabetical or Categorized buttons to sort the
display of properties
– Settings box: Right column containing the current
value of each property
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Properties of a Windows Form
Figure 1-14: Properties window showing a partial listing of the form’s properties
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Properties of a Windows Form
• Class definition: block of code that defines the
attributes and behaviors of an object
– All class definitions are contained in namespaces
• Namespace: defines a group of related classes
• Dot member access operator: the period that
separates words in an object’s name to indicate a
hierarchy of namespaces
• Name property: used to refer to an object in code
– Give each object a meaningful name
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Properties of a Windows Form
• Pascal case:
– First letter of each word in the name is uppercase
– First part of name is object’s purpose
– Second part of name is object’s class
• Text property: controls the caption displayed on
form’s title bar
• StartPosition property: determines the form’s
position on the screen when application starts
• Font: general shape of characters in text
– Recommended font is Seqoe UI font
• Point: a measure of font sizes; one point = 1/72 inch
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Toolbox Window
• Toolbox:
– Contains objects that can be added to other objects,
such as a form
– Each tool has an icon and a name to identify it
– Each tool represents a class from which objects, called
controls, can be created
• Controls:
– Objects displayed on a form
– Represented as icons in the toolbox
• Controls on a form can be selected, sized, moved,
deleted, locked in place on the form and unlocked
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Figure 1-15: Toolbox window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Toolbox Window (cont'd.)
Figure 1-16: How to add a control to a form
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Toolbox Window (cont'd.)
Figure 1-17: How to manipulate the controls on a form
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Label Control
• Label control:
– Displays text that user cannot edit
– Used as “prompts” to explain controls or display output
– Name should end with “Label”
• Control names use camel case
• Camel case: lowercase first word; uppercase first
letter of each subsequent word in the name
• Not necessary to assign meaningful names for labels
used as prompts because they are never used in
• Labels used for output should have meaningful
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Label Control (cont'd.)
Figure 1-18: Wizard application’s user interface
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Button Control
• Button control:
– Performs an immediate action when clicked
– Its name should end with “Button”
• Text property: specifies the text that appears on the
button’s face
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Picture Box Control
• Picture box control: used to display an image on a
• Image property: specifies the image to display
• SizeMode property: handles how the image will be
– Settings: Normal, StretchImage, AutoSize,
CenterImage, or Zoom
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Using the Format Menu
• Format menu: provides options for manipulating
controls on the form
– Align option: aligns two or more controls by left,
right, top, or bottom borders
– Make Same Size option: makes width and/or height
of two or more controls the same
– Center in Form option: centers controls horizontally
or vertically on the form
• Multi-select controls by clicking the first, then using
Ctrl-click for each additional control
– First control selected is the reference control
• Its size/position is used to adjust the others
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Code Editor Window
• Events: user actions while program is running
– Examples: clicking, double-clicking, scrolling
• Event procedure: set of instructions to be
processed when an event occurs
– Tells the object how to respond to an event
• Code editor window: used to enter event
procedure’s code
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Code Editor Window (cont'd.)
Figure 1-19: How to open the Code Editor window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Code Editor Window (cont'd.)
Figure 1-20: Code Editor window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Code Editor Window (cont'd.)
• Class statement: used to define a class
– Begins with Public Class <class name>
– Ends with End Class
• Class Name list box: lists the names of objects
(controls) included in the user interface
• Method Name list box: lists the events to which
the selected object is capable of responding
• When you select a control from the Class Name list
box and a method name, a code template for the
event appears in the Code Editor window
• Syntax: rules of the language
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Code Editor Window (cont'd.)
• Keyword: a word with special meaning in a
programming language
• Event code template has a procedure header and
a procedure footer
• Event’s procedure header:
– Begins with keywords Private Sub
– Procedure name includes object name and event
– Handles clause indicates for which objects’ events
this code will execute
• Sub procedure: block of code that performs a task
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Code Editor Window (cont'd.)
Figure 1-21: Code template for the exitButton’s Click event procedure
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Me.Close() Instruction
• Me.Close() instruction: closes the current form
at run time
– If the current form is the only form, the application is
• Me keyword: refers to the current form
• Method: predefined VB procedure that can be
invoked (called) when needed
• Sequential processing: each line is executed in
– Also called a sequence structure
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
The Me.Close() Instruction (cont'd.)
Figure 1-22: Me.Close() instruction entered in the Click event procedure
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Saving a Solution
• An asterisk appears on the designer and Code
Editor tabs if a change was made since the last
time the solution was saved
Figure 1-23: How to save a solution
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting and Ending an Application
• Startup form: the form to be displayed when the
application starts
Figure 1-24: How to specify the startup form
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting and Ending an Application
Figure 1-25: Project Designer window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting and Ending an Application
Figure 1-26: How to start an application
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting and Ending an Application
Figure 1-27: Result of starting the Wizard Viewer application
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting and Ending an Application
• When you start a VB application, the IDE creates
an executable file
• Executable file:
– Can be run outside of Visual Studio 2010
– Has a file extension of .exe
– Stored in the project’s bin\Debug folder
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Starting and Ending an Application
Figure 1-25: How to end an application
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Assigning a Value to a Property
During Run Time
• Properties window is used to set property values at
design time
• Assignment statement: assigns a value to a
variable or property of a control
– Used to set property values at run time
• String: zero or more characters enclosed in
quotation marks
• Assignment operator: the = sign
• Value of the expression on the right of the = sign is
assigned to the object and property on the left of
the = sign
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Using an Assignment Statement
Figure 1-29: Assignment statements entered in the Code Editor window
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Printing the Code and User Interface
Figure 1-30: How to print the code and interface during design time
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Closing the Current Solution
• Closing a solution closes all projects and files in
that solution
– You are prompted to save any files that have
unsaved changes
Figure 1-31: How to close a solution
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Opening an Existing Solution
• Only one solution can be open at any one time
• If a solution is already open, opening a different
one will close the currently open solution
Figure 1-32: How to open an existing solution
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Coding Errors
• Bug: an error in a program’s code
• Debugging: the process of locating and correcting
bugs in a program
• Syntax error: occurs when you break one of the
programming language’s rules
– Most syntax errors are caused by typing errors
• Rest the mouse pointer on the mistyped instruction
to see details about the error
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Coding Errors (cont’d.)
Figure 1-33: Syntax error in the exitButton’s Click event procedure
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Coding Errors (cont’d.)
Figure 1-34: Syntax error message
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Coding Errors (cont’d.)
• Syntax errors should be corrected before starting
an application
• If you start an application with a syntax error, a
dialog box appears
– Click No to open the Error List window
Figure 1-35: Dialog box
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Coding Errors (cont’d.)
Figure 1-36: Result of starting an application that contains a syntax error
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Programming Tutorial 1
Figure 1-54: Result of starting the Wizard application
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Programming Tutorial 2
Figure 1-67: Result of clicking the Abby button
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Programming Example
Figure 1-68: User interface
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
• Object-oriented programming language allows
programmers to use objects to accomplish a goal
• Object: can be seen, touched, or used and has
attributes that control its appearance and behavior
• Class: a pattern from which an object can be
• Applications created in Visual Studio 2010 are
composed of solutions, projects, and files
• Windows Form Designer window: used to create
GUI applications
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Summary (cont'd.)
• A form is the foundation for the user interface
• Windows Form object is instantiated from the
Windows Form class
• Solution Explorer window: displays names of
projects and files in the solution
• Properties window: lists an object’s properties
• All class definitions are contained in namespaces
• System.Windows.Forms namespace contains
definition of the Windows Form class and class
definitions for objects added to a form
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Summary (cont'd.)
• Name property: used to refer to an object in code
• Text property of a form: specifies the text to be
displayed in the title bar of the form and in the
taskbar when running
• Form’s StartPosition property sets the position of
the form when it first appears at run time
• Recommended font is Segoe UI in 9-point size
• Toolbox: contains tools for creating the GUI
• A control’s Text property value is displayed inside
the control
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Summary (cont'd.)
• Controls on a form can be selected, sized, moved,
deleted, or locked at design time
• Label control: contains text that a user cannot edit
• Button control: performs an immediate action when
• Picture box control: displays an image on a form
• Format menu provides options for aligning and
sizing controls on a form
• Event procedure: the code that tells an object how
to respond to an event
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Summary (cont'd.)
• Use the Class Name and Method Name list boxes
to select an object and event to code
• Code Editor: provides code templates for each
object’s event procedures
• Me.Close() instruction: can terminate an
• Computer automatically creates an executable file
when you start a Visual Basic application in the IDE
• Use an assignment statement to assign a value to
a property during run time
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition
Summary (cont'd.)
• You should print your application’s code and its
user interface
• Closing a solution closes all projects and files in it
• The process of locating and correcting errors
(bugs) in a program is called debugging
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010: Reloaded, Fourth Edition