“As You Like It”

“As You Like It”
The pastoral genre
 The pastoral genre was quite popular in
Shakespeare’s time.
 Genre of literature that takes place in the country
and depicts life there in a romanticized and highly
idealized way.
 Depicted life far from the city in a countryside that
was both idyllic and ideal.
The pastoral genre
 The shepherds and shepherdesses there lived an
almost perfect existence.
 In pastoral narratives, city dwellers retreat to the
countryside, which turns into a "fantasy paradise"
where shepherds spend their time composing
poems to their sweethearts.
 Pastoral had been used as a mode of social
The pastoral genre
 Discussion over the advantages and
disadvantages of court and country, and the
difference between the natural and the artificial
are fundamental to the genre.
 Pastoral figures are used to examine the evils of
various ways of life, such as: greed, cruelty,
deceit, corruption
 By the culmination of the play, the exiles are
reintegrated into the urban life and order has
been restored.
The pastoral genre
 Cast a critical eye on social practices that
produce injustice and unhappiness.
Act I
 Play begins with a pair of dueling brothers.
 Upon his father’s death, Oliver, as the eldest son,
inherited virtually everything in his father’s estate.
 The practice of primogeniture stipulated that the
eldest son inherits the whole of his father’s estate
so that estates would not fragment into smaller
Act I
 Orlando, the younger son, was left a small sum
for a young man of his social background.
 Their father’s wish is for Oliver to provide Orlando
with a decent education.
 “gentleman-like qualities”
 Duke Senior has been usurped by his younger
brother, Duke Frederick, and has fled with a
number of loyal lords to the Forest of Ardenne.
Act I
 Rosalind, Duke Senior’s daughter, will stay at
Duke Frederick’s court.
 Best friends with Celia, Duke Frederick’s
 Unnatural relationships.
 Comment on the corrupt nature of so-called
civilized life.
 Orlando wants wrestling match with Charles, the
court wrestler.
Act I
 Charles has defeated all his opponents.
 Oliver happy to see Orlando defeated.
 Rosalind is depressed over the banishment of her
father, Duke Senior.
 Her cousin, Celia, attempts to cheer her up,
promises that as the sole heir of the usurping
Duke Frederick, she will give the throne to
Rosalind upon his death.
 Rosalind promises to be less melancholy.
Act I
 Unnatural bond between two female cousins?
 Duke Frederick’s courtier, Le Beau, exclaims, the
cousins share a love that is “dearer than the
natural bond of sisters”.
 They sleep in the same bed.
 What do you think?
Act I
 Orlando and Charles wrestle, and Orlando quickly
defeats his opponent.
 Amazed, Duke Frederick asks Orlando to reveal
his identity.
 Orlando responds that he is the youngest son of
Sir Rowland de Bois.
 The Duke and Sir Rowland were enemies.
 Rosalind and Celia offer their congratulations.
Act I
 Rosalind admits her father admired Orlando’s
 In the exchange, Orlando and Rosalind become
mutually smitten.
 Love at first sight? How possible is it?
Act II
 The banished Duke Senior expounds on the
wonders of life in the forest.
 He tells his associates that he prefers forest
dwelling to the “painted pomp” of courtly
existence (II.i.3).
 He reminds them that their existence in Ardenne
is free from danger.
 Quality of life and benefits of living in the city
versus the country.
Act II
 Forest serves the function of correcting what has
gone wrong with the everyday world.
 Temporary haven for the characters who seek
refuge from exile.
 Jaques, a stock character who represents the
melancholy brooder.
 Grieved by the killing of the deer.
 Says men come to the forest and destroy it.
Act II
 Back at court, Duke Frederick discovers that
Celia, Rosalind and Touchstone the clown have
left the court.
 Oliver is probably with them.
 Frederick sends Oliver to find them.
 Orlando returns to his former home, where the
servant Adam tells him that Oliver plans to
destroy him.
Act II
 Adam suggests that the two of them take to the
road, Orlando agrees.
 Meanwhile, Rosalind, Celia, and Touchstone
arrive in the Forest of Ardenne.
 They meet two shepherds, Corin and Silvius.
 Silvius is hopelessly in love with the shepherdess
 The lover as a powerless victim, or a willing
subject. What do you think?
Act II
 Rosalind and Celia decide to buy the property of
Corin’s master.
 Orlando and his servant Adam enter the forest,
meet Duke Senior.
 Jaques’s melancholy view of life.
 Oliver reports to Frederick that he can’t find
 Orlando is told his property will be taken away
until he finds Orlando.
 The play moves from Duke Frederick’s court into
the Forest of Ardenne.
 Meanwhile, Orlando runs through the Forest of
Ardenne, mad with love.
 He hangs poems that he has composed in
Rosalind’s honor on every tree, hoping that
passersby will see her “virtue witnessed
 Rosalind enters, disguised as Ganymede. She
reads one of Orlando’s poems, which compares
her to a priceless jewel.
 Celia enters disguised as the shepherdess Aliena.
 Orlando enters.
 Rosalind approaches him as the young man
Ganymede, and speaks of a man that has been
carving the name Rosalind on the trees.
 Orlando insists that he is the man so “loveshaked” and begs her for a “remedy”.
 Rosalind promises to cure him if he promises to
woo Ganymede as though Ganymede were
 As Ganymede, Rosalind vows to make the very
idea of love unappealing to Orlando by acting the
part of a fickle lover.
 Orlando is quite sure he is beyond cure.
 Is there cure for love? What do you think?
 How to win the object of one’s desire.
 Jaques’s declaration: “The worst fault you have is
to be in love”.
 Boy playing a woman who plays a man in order to
win a man’s love.
 The clown Touchstone has arranged to marry
Audrey in the forest.
 Touchstone determines that many wives cheat on
their husbands, but claims that the horns of
cuckoldry are nothing of which to be ashamed.
 A non-church wedding will make it easier for him
to abandon his wife.
 True?
 Orlando has failed to show up for his morning
appointment with Ganymede, the disguised
Rosalind, and she is distraught.
 Silvius has confessed his love to Phoebe.
 Phoebe falls in love with Ganymede.
 Phoebe employs Silvius, who can talk so well of
love, to help her pursue Ganymede.
Act IV
 Rosalind criticizes Jaques for the extremity of his
melancholy. Jaques claims that “’tis good to be sad and
say nothing”.
Orlando arrives an hour late for his lesson in love.
Rosalind invites Orlando to woo her.
When Rosalind refuses his affections, Orlando claims he
will die.
She responds that, no man in the entire history of the
world has died from a love-related cause.
What do you think of her approach?
Act IV
 Orlando leaves, promises to return later for more
 Two hours have passed, and he has not returned,
as promised, to resume his love lessons.
 Silvius delivers a letter from Phoebe to Rosalind,
in which she compares Ganymede to a god who
has destroyed Phoebe’s heart.
Act IV
 Rosalind sends Silvius back to Phoebe with the
message that Ganymede will never love Phoebe
unless Phoebe loves Silvius.
 As Silvius leaves, Oliver enters.
 Oliver delivers to Ganymede a bloody
handkerchief on Orlando’s behalf.
 Oliver tells a lengthy story about how he was
saved by Orlando from a snake and a lion.
Act IV
 He fought off the lion, wounding his shoulder but
ultimately saving Oliver’s life.
 Orlando’s kind and selfless gesture have
transformed Oliver into a new man, and he
confesses that he is ashamed of how he treated
his brother.
 Orlando asked Oliver to deliver an apology to
Ganymede in the form of a bloodstained
Act IV
 Rosalind faints and claims that she faked it.
 Oliver claims that her reaction must be genuine,
for her face is flushed.
Act V
 Oliver has fallen in love with Aliena/Celia.
 Orlando finds it hard to believe that he has fallen
so quickly and so completely.
 Oliver vows that he has and pledges to turn over
the entirety of his father’s estate to Orlando once
he and Aliena are married.
 Love and transformation. Is it possible?
Act V
 Rosalind enters.
 Orlando admits that he has tired of wooing a
young man instead of his lover.
 Rosalind promises that he will marry as he
desires when Oliver takes Aliena for a bride.
 Just then, Phoebe and Silvius appear.
 The lovers take turns professing their various
loves until Rosalind tells them to stop howling like
“Irish wolves against the moon”.
Act V
 Rosalind promises that Ganymede will marry
Phoebe on the following day if Ganymede will
ever marry a woman.
 She makes everyone promise to meet the next
day at the wedding.
 The group parts until Oliver’s wedding.
 Quick, irrational love is contagious in the Forest of
Ardenne. Cannot happen in the Duke’s court.
Act V
 Transformation has much to do with the
movement from court into the country.
 Return to the normative social order.
 The next day they all gather to see whether the
miracle of multiple marriages will be performed.
 Rosalind reminds everyone of their agreements:
the duke will allow Orlando to marry Rosalind, if
she appears.
Act V
 Phoebe will marry Ganymede unless unforeseen
circumstances make her refuse, in which case
she will marry Silvius.
 Everyone agrees, and Rosalind and Celia
disappear into the forest.
 Rosalind and Celia return, dressed as themselves
and accompanied by Hymen, the god of
Act V
 Phoebe, realizing that the young man she loves
is, in fact, a woman, agrees to marry Silvius.
 Hymen (Greek god of marriage ceremonies,
inspiring feasts and song) marries the happy
couples: Orlando and Rosalind, Oliver and Celia,
Phoebe and Silvius, and Touchstone and Audrey.
A great wedding feast begins.
Act V
 Halfway through the festivities, Jaques de Bois,
the middle brother of Oliver and Orlando, arrives
with the information that Duke Frederick mounted
an army to seek out Duke Senior and destroy
 As he rode toward the Forest of Ardenne, Duke
Frederick met a priest who converted him to a
peace-loving life.
 Jaques de Bois goes on to report that Frederick
has abdicated his throne to his brother and has
moved to a monastery.
Act V
 All rejoice, happy in the knowledge that they can
return to the royal court.
 Only Jaques decides that he will not return to
court. He determines to follow Duke Frederick’s
example and live a solitary and contemplative
existence in a monastery.
 What does his refusal to return suggest about his
Act V
 The wedding feast continues, and the revelers
dance as everyone except Rosalind exits the
 List the transformations in people that took place
in the play.