“Building a Bridge” to Connect Professional Development to Learner Outcomes in Adult Education Agencies across Pennsylvania Program Administrator In-house Professional Development Specialist (IHPDS) Agency Professional Development Team Adult Education and Family Literacy Guidelines for Program Year 2013-14 F.100: Pennsylvania Professional Development Policy Program Administrator/Director Instructional Leadership Compliance Staffing Fiscal oversight Program Improvement / Professional Development In-house Professional Development Specialist (IHPDS) Adult education teaching experience Coordinating professional development activities Supporting staff in implementing new skills and knowledge and evaluating effectiveness Working closely with the professional development system and the program director around instructional quality Professional Development for Agency Professional Development Teams Guskey Overview Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation (adapted from Guskey, 2002) Level 5: Student Outcomes Assessing student learning Level 4: Participant’s use of new knowledge and skills Assessing degree and quality of implementation Level 3: Organization support and change Assessing organizational advocacy, support, accommodation, facilitation, recognition Level 2: Participant’s Learning Assessing new knowledge and skills Level 1: Participant’s Reaction Assessing initial satisfaction with experience Program Improvement and Professional Development Worksheet Integrated planning process between the Lead Consultant and the agency professional development team Program Improvement – Professional Development Process (Worksheet) Data Analysis Planning for Program Improvement Supporting Job-embedded Professional Development Development of Data Collection Method (Guskey Level 4 – Evaluating the impact of professional learning on practice) Student Outcomes Program Improvement Team Meeting Minutes Summarize ongoing progress around PI-PD process Uploaded to MyLearningPlan® (MLP), statewide data base for professional development, at least quarterly Agency Professional Development Team Job-embedded Professional Development Examples Chester County IU 24 Tricia Quynn Program Coordinator Gail Nowak Adult Education Teacher ESL & GED PI-PD Goal The CCIU Family Literacy Program will use contextualized instruction to increase effectiveness in helping 50% family literacy students complete the first 3 steps in the “Career Pathways Program Map” in order to realize choices and opportunities for themselves and their children. Objective 50% of family literacy students complete the first 3 steps in the “Career Pathways Program Map.” 3 Activities Attend the Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE and ESOL Classroom (ICA) strand at the Summer Institute Create and implement ESL lesson plans utilizing the ICA curriculum, Oxford Picture Dictionary Curriculum, and Career Pathway resources Explore Community Resources Organization support Administrator Program Coordinator IHPDS PDS Consultants ◦ Rebecca Wagner- Lead Consultant ◦ Emily Wolfe – Family Literacy Consultant ◦ KayLynn Hamilton- Career Pathway Initiative Difference in practice “Career and Education Planning” worksheet (ICA course) “My Goals” worksheet (ICA course) Career Interest Inventory (RAISEC) Explore community resources: CareerLink, DCCC “On Our Way” lessons “Oxford Picture Dictionary” lessons Data collection methods Student Artifacts “Workplace Assessment” from the Oxford Picture Dictionary Teacher Assessment book Learners’ Surveys Impact on outcomes Students ◦ See that they have choices ◦ Have an increased awareness of opportunities Training programs and job opportunities in Chester County ◦ Have increased workforce vocabulary ◦ Are more interested in class and are more engaged Impact on outcomes Teachers ◦ Have an increased awareness of learner knowledge in a workforce context ◦ Realize that parents in a family literacy program have career aspirations ◦ Use worksheets and interest inventory to guide instruction Impact on outcomes Case Manager ◦ See that learner goals have changed ◦ See that pathways to achieve the goal have changed (obstacles, choices, etc.) PIT Minutes We use the PIT minute template to Guide our PIT meeting agenda Record our progress on implementing our PIPD activities Keep us focused Successes Students are engaged in the ICA curriculum Students are setting career goals and mapping a pathway to achieve a goal Creating a positive and engaging classroom community Challenges Scheduling Differentiating instruction based on student career needs Contact information CCIU 24 Tricia Quynn patriciaq@cciu.org Gail Nowak gailn@cciu.org Private Industry Council of Westmoreland/Fayette, Inc. Brett Baumgartel Adult Education Supervisor Mary Lou Friedline Adult Education Instructor, IHPDS Goal Reading EFL ◦ 20% increase in TABE Reading Scaled Scores ◦ Compare pre- and post-TABE Reading Scaled Scores in February, April, and June 2014 ◦ Each instructor providing similar skills, consistently Objective Reading EFL Objective ◦ Strong critical reading skills and strategies are essential for the GED tests ◦ What to do before, during, and after reading needs to be taught, using direct instruction ◦ Direct instruction, practice, and review will more fully prepare adult learners for post-secondary education/training, employment, and/or to help children achieve and succeed in school Activity NCSALL Study Circles ◦ PY 12-13 Pilot: Adult Multiple Intelligences Q & A with Silja Kallenbach, the author of text Activity NCSALL Study Circles ◦ PY 13-14 Research-based Adult Reading Instruction Session One: Distinguish different theories, identify personal instructional model, summarize types of research, identify components of reading Session Two: Bring 1 each of favorite reading, math, language texts to develop reading lessons; examine saved Dropbox sites and documents to discuss Session Three: Provide brief descriptions of 3 favorite reading lessons. Discuss and identify core reading skills to determine which will be taught in all classrooms Organization support Change in leadership Provide time for 3 three-hour sessions within 7 weeks Allow flexibility for locations of sessions: main office and PA CareerLink Westmoreland Consider possible staff reassignments Study Circle to be PIT meetings Difference in practice Learner-directed classrooms Weekly lessons documented in Outlook Calendar Same skills taught in all classrooms Data collection method e-Data TABE Reading ◦ Jan.-June 2014 pre and post Scaled Scores comparisons Observation rubric to identify and address gaps ◦ Classroom Organization: students become aware of skills (terms), especially those to be taught/talked about during the class lesson(s) ◦ Independent Study Block: students prepare to actively participate in group lessons/activities; also concentrate on individual areas of need ◦ Reading Lessons & Activities: students learn varied skills, including what to do before, during, and after reading using main ideas, supporting details, etc. 3 Focus Areas Classroom Organization The instructor makes students aware of skills that will be taught and discussed. Reading, math, and writing skills and activities will be on the board when students enter the classroom. Independent Study Block The instructor guides students to ensure they are able and aware of their ability to work independently. An independent study block will be used by students to prepare to actively participate in group lessons, as well as concentrate on individual areas of need. Reading Lessons & Activities The instructor plans for and teaches reading lessons and activities that include the varied skills required for test taking, post-secondary education, and the workplace. Reading skills will include processes of what to do before, during, and after reading content, using main ideas, supporting details, etc. Identifying the gaps Addressing the gaps Impact on outcomes Increased awareness of reading skills, terms, and processes Increased use of reading terms ◦ Main idea ◦ Supporting details Increased EFL TABE Reading gains PIT Minutes Use of: Our guide to evaluating and planning study circle sessions and future PIT meetings The main method for staff to review and track required PI-PD activities Successes Impact of Study Circles: Open dialogue among staff, including opportunities to discuss, debate, and disagree Staff state desire to change to improve quality of instruction Staff requests additional study circles Challenges Providing most appropriate support for each instructor Determining most appropriate teaching location for each instructor Contact information PIC Brett Baumgartel bbaumgartel@privateindustrycouncil.com Mary Lou Friedline mfriedline@privateindustrycouncil.com Crawford County READ Program Dr. Armendia Dixon Executive Director Meg Hallgren IHPDS, Instructor Goal The Crawford County READ Program will increase learner gains to the standard of each educational functioning level by June 30, 2014. Premise There is a direct correlation between teaching, student learning and student persistence. Teaching Student Learning Persistence Objective #1 Based on Teach Like a Champion (Lemov, 2010) instructors will learn and perfect the techniques Circulate, Break-It-Down and Ratio. These are the techniques that needed strengthening by most instructors. Activities Staff will read and discuss the book Teach Like a Champion. Over three staff meetings, staff will demonstrate Circulate, Break it Down and Ratio as presented in Teach Like a Champion. Objective #2 Develop a written process by which we identify appropriate placements which support learner success. Activities for Objective 2 Develop a process that identifies the requirements of each group, classroom or tutoring match Use the staff designed tracking sheet to monitor the completion of placements Train teachers on the implementation of the process and tracking sheet Organization Support • We met in teams, then discussed the plans for implementation of the tracking process and peer observations • The Board became knowledgeable as to the tracking process and peer observation • The Board proposed a merit award for each instructor who followed the procedure Data Collection Method Review all monthly tracking forms; then analyze the data Evaluate professional development through teachers’ use of new knowledge and skills Difference in Agency Practice Instructors are tracking students’ hours weekly, using the process we have developed Instructors are building a community of learners as they observe each other in the teaching environment Impact on all Outcomes Teachers The instructors are becoming more conscious of the three teaching techniques Instructors have a greater respect for peer observation Instructors are engaged in up close data monitoring of all state contracts Impact on all Outcomes Students They realize that teachers are working to improve instructional techniques because they have the opportunity to provide feedback Since post-testing is being done in a timely manner, students are seeing the “fruits of their labor” sooner Knowing that they are making significant progress gives some students the energy to keep working Data Analysis Peer Observation Out of 12 observations, 58% of the instructors moved strategically near students to assist them in understanding the lesson. Sixty seven percent of the instructors used a variety of assessments; 75% demonstrated tact, patience and understanding. It is significant that 100% of instructors provided various opportunities for student success and 100% of instructors took the time to explain in a clearer manner when students appeared confused. It is also significant that 92% of the students were engaged in thinking about the lesson and 92% in talking about the lesson. Data Analysis Student Reflections It is significant that 74% of the students Strongly Agree that their instructors are interested in helping them; got them to participate in the lesson; were patient and understanding; were enthusiastic about the lesson; were knowledgeable about the lesson; helped them feel comfortable in the class and provided them with the opportunity for afterclass help. PIT Minutes Following the template has helped us keep track of the professional path that leads to our goal The PIT minutes guide us in agency decision-making Successes The staff is more aware of the importance of accurate and timely data. A greater percentage of students have been posttested than were post-tested in the entire 2012-2013 program year. The team approach has lead to a stronger community of students and instructors who share their stories with other Crawford County residents. Challenges Continue to explore more teaching strategies Conference intermittently with each student about his or her goals Allow the data to speak to us, guiding our decision-making process Contact Information Crawford County READ Program Dr. Armendia Dixon armendia@zoominternet.net Meg Hallgren megh@windstream.net Agency PD Team Michele Pappalardo Associate Dean of Workforce Development William Schaffer, Ph.D. Associate Director of Adult Literacy Goal Increase average EFL gains by five percentage points by June 30, 2014. Objective Build a more relevant and rigorous ESL and ABE/ASE curriculum that • Aligns with CCSS (Common Core State Standards) • Includes CCR (College and Career Readiness) anchor standards • Utilizes strategies from Learning Differences (LD) Toolkit Activity 1 Review • “The Climb to Align,” “The Crosswalk,” overview of CCR Standards, and GEDTS webinars for GED® 2014 ABE/ASE staff •“The Life Skills, College, and Career Readiness Guide for ESOL Learners” - ESL staff Develop course outlines •Reflect CCR standards in curriculum - ABE/ASE •Integrate life skills and CCR standards with the context of speaking, listening, reading, writing, developing strategies and resources for learning, navigating systems, intercultural knowledge and skills – ESL Activity 2 Review new course outlines – instructors Develop lesson plans integrating CCR anchors/ standards and LD strategies - lead teachers and administrators Post lesson plans and supplemental materials on NCC’s BlackBoard 9 online learning community – IHPDS Obtain feedback from peers and share lesson plans on BlackBoard 9 – instructors Review lesson plans and create resource library ESL instructors reviewed “The Life Skills, College, and Career Readiness Guide for ESOL Learners” Organization support Explain rationale for using CCR anchor standards and LD strategies within context of ABE/ASE curriculum Assign instructors to groups (ESL or ABE/ASE) to begin analysis of CCR anchor standards Provide release time for lead teachers to evaluate and revise course outlines and share strategies with colleagues at teacher meetings Use feedback gathered at teacher and PIT meetings to revise course scheduling, course content, and student placement/progress procedures Support NCC’s Online Learning regarding building of online learning community platform Differences in practice Data viewed more critically by instructors and administrative staff Lesson plans more reflective of CCRS Instructional activities embrace LD More real-world, authentic materials used Instructors continue PD outside the classroom (i.e., researching best practices) and share with colleagues Collaboration with higher education faculty/staff in curriculum development Data collection method Direct observation by Directors/ Program Coordinators Implementation logs Surveys/questionnaires – Teacher/Course Evaluations Lesson plans Impact on Outcomes Beginning ABE - 5% increase Low Adult Secondary - 0.5% increase High Beginning ESL – 16.5% increase Low Intermediate ESL – 1.4% increase High Intermediate ESL – 4.2% increase Advanced ESL - 0.5% increase PIT Minutes Monthly PIT meetings PIT members - directors, coordinators, eData, operations, and instructional staff NRS Table 4 & 4B reviewed Performance by class/group reviewed Teacher implementation updates Minutes posted to MyLearningPlan® Successes Development of online learning community ◦ Share resources ◦ Exchange instructional ideas/lesson plans ◦ Provide examples of best practices ◦ Disseminate research ◦ Build a “virtual” learning differences toolbox Increased engagement in job-embedded professional development activities Increased awareness of the effects of CCRS on curriculum development Increased knowledge of connectedness between instructional delivery/content and program outcomes Challenges Learning curve using online community Time to vet resources for quality, relevance and rigor Tracking to ensure all staff participate Competing interest of participating in online community vs. CCRS and GED® 2014 planning and implementation Not all staff have access to similar resources (technology, materials, etc.) Contact Information Northampton Community College Michele Pappalardo MPappalardo@northampton.edu William Schaffer, Ph.D. Wschaffer@northampton.edu for joining us today.