“The Greatest Save” Program

“The Greatest Save” Program
KinderVision Foundation
promoting safety and self esteem through education
“The Greatest Save” Program
- a 501c3 national personal safety education program begun in 1991;
- continuously updated with input from law enforcement;
- on line resources including student PSAs and classroom materials;
- on site events where children receive free personalized safety videos;
- law enforcement training on child abduction/child homicide cases;
- recognized charity of Major League Baseball.
The goal of The Greatest Save is to teach personal safety in a manner
that heightens awareness in children and teens so they respond
instinctively to circumstances and behaviors that put them at risk from
sexual predators.
“The Greatest Save” Program
On site, on line, in the classroom and community
EVENTS on site (in the community)
Free Child Safety Videos in English & Spanish that are shared everywhere
QUIZZES on site and online and with TGS app
Questions that test the personal safety knowledge of parents, children, and teens
Grade specific material (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) containing group activities and
community service components
Safety information for young people, high school through college – visit
www.TheGreatestSave.org click on Teens page to see current winning PSA
“The Greatest Save” Program
Safety Education Assessment Tools
Safety quizzes on TGS website to test what’s known: 6
and under, 12 and under, teens, parents
“The Greatest Save” Program
- K.I.N.D.I.
(Kids In Need of Developing Instincts)
- Little Red Said
(Safety Tips for Tweens)
- Middle Red
(Mock Trial for Middle Schoolers)
- Wolf Traps –
(Safety Tips for Teens)
Each unit contains videos, discussion guides,
worksheets, assessment tools, and service
learning options – all available on line.
“The Greatest Save” Program
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
K.I.N.D.I. Teacher’s Guide
K.I.N.D.I. is a fun way to teach children about important safety information. Teaching children
to be safe when not with their parents is just like teaching children about any safety issue - such as “look
both ways” and “stop, drop, and roll” for protection. Be matter of fact - not overly dramatic.
Children need to be taught to be careful - not fearful – and to develop instincts which help them
recognize good friendly and bad friendly and red flags in behavior. Armed with that knowledge, children
grow up safer in a sometimes dangerous world. Teach the children to go to someone they trust with
anything that anyone says or does that makes them feel uncomfortable, scares them, or they know is
wrong - even if it involves someone they know and like. Teach them the difference between being a
“tattletale” or a “snitch” and being brave enough to speak up to protect themselves and others from harm.
Share this information with parents. Parents are a child’s greatest teacher. It is critical that
parents have access to the safety information covered so that they can reinforce it often and role play with
their children to further strengthen those instincts. To involve parents, send home the Kindi Says Safety
Tips for their use, make the KinderVision® Child Safety Education Video available for them to view, and
schedule a parents’ night meeting using the enclosed outline. Also encourage your parents to visit our
website at www.TheGreatestSave.org with their child to take the child and parent quizzes. This is a very
effective way to involve parents in the learning process and assist them in reinforcing the information you
have taught the children. For learning to be effective, it must be interactive and repetitive.
Note: Preview the KinderVision® video before showing it to the children so you know where to stop after
each point and role play with the children.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Lesson Plan Outline
Session One
5 min.
10 min. Kindi’s Story
10 min. Discussion of story/Acting out story
5 min.
Kindi Songs
10 min. Select appropriate KinderVision® Activity Sheets
Session Two
5 min.
Review using Kindi Bear Activity Sheet
10 min. Faces, Places Discussion Sheets and Activities
10 min. KinderVision® video - first half with role playing tips
15 min. Review information using KV Activity Sheets
Session Three
10 min. Finish viewing KinderVision® video and role playing tips
10 min. Tricks and Treats Discussion
10 min. Discuss information using KV Activity Sheets
5 min. Discuss Lost/Find Poster - Do KV Activity Sheets
5 min. Post-test (same as pre-test and online at www.TheGreatestSave.org)
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Pre-Test and Post-Test
1. It’s safe to take candy from a stranger.
2. It’s safe to dial 911 when you need the police.
3. It’s safe to go to the door when you are by yourself.
4. It’s safe to take money from someone you don’t know.
5. It’s safe to tell your friends your family’s secret password.
6. It’s safe to go to a public restroom by yourself.
7. It’s safe to always stay in groups of friends.
8. It’s safe to help a stranger look for a lost pet.
9. It’s safe to tell your parents if someone makes you feel bad.
10. It’s safe to ask a policeman for help if you get lost.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Kindi’s Story Introduction
This is the story of Kindi Bear..... Did you know that bears are very smart? They
are... and when they are really, really small, they’re taught to be very careful of strangers.
It’s important that you listen carefully now because I need your help to tell the
story. Every time the little bear in the story does something that could hurt him, I’m going to
hold up a red flag and I want you to yell NO, NO, NO whenever I show that flag. Okay?
What are you going to do when I show the flag? (Yell no, no, no.) Let’s try it. (Show red
flag...everyone yells no, no, no). Again.... (SHOW FLAG) Good! You need to watch
carefully because you never know when a red flag might pop up. (SHOW FLAG)
Once upon a time in a far away woods lived two mother bears, each with a little
cub. One of those cubs lived through a raging forest fire when he was very, very small and
he grew up to fight forest fires all over this country. He tells people that “Only you can
prevent forest fires”....do you know that bear’s name? That’s right... Smokey the Bear.
Well the other little bear cub became known all over this country too. He helps
protect little kids just like Smokey protects little animals (and people!). And it all started
because something very scary happened to him too when he was just a cub. His name is
Kindi - and this is his story.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Kindi’s Story
One sunny summer day, Kindi wanted to go outside his cave to play. Momma Bear told him
to stay with his forest friends because groups are always safer than one - and lots more fun!
So Kindi headed toward his friends.
But then something caught his eye...something green and shiny and close to the
ground....and it moved! It was a little green snake and it was so much fun to follow.. further
and further into the woods. (SHOW FLAG). Soon Kindi was deep in the woods and he was
all by himself - and far away from his family and friends and safety. (SHOW FLAG).
After a while, Kindi lost the little snake. And that’s when he noticed he was getting
hungry. So he looked until he found some berries, but they were very smalland he was still
hungry. He tried to get some honey, but the bees chased him away. He thought and thought
and then he remembered seeing a river and he knew what to do - he’d go fishing. It was just
a little further into the woods. (SHOW FLAG)
Suddenly a man appeared. Kindi looked at the man very carefully...he had a nice
smile and nice clothes. He must be a nice man. (SHOW FLAG) and what’s this? He had a
piece of fish for Kindi....he held it out slowly. (SHOW FLAG) Kindi started to take a step
toward the man, but then he stopped. The man smiled and held out a bigger piece of fish.
While Kindi was trying to decide what to do, the man moved a step closer.
(SHOW FLAG) Kindi was so hungry and the piece of fish looked so big that he didn’t even
see the truck behind the man and the cage inside it. (SHOW FLAG)
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Kindi’s Story continued…
Kindi again started to take a step toward the man (SHOW FLAG) but then he stopped.
Something just didn’t feel right. He looked around - and then he saw the truck. His eyes
grew wide.
“It’s okay,” the man said. “Your mom sent me to bring you home. (SHOW FLAG)
I thought you might be hungry. You’ll really like this fish - it’s very tasty. I’m sure you’ve
never had fish like this before. Just try one bite.” (SHOW FLAG)
Suddenly Kindi felt he was in danger. What should he do? (SHOW FLAG) That’s
right....he yelled NO, NO, NO! and backed away. He then turned and ran as fast as he
could in the opposite way the truck was headed so if the man jumped in the truck, he would
have to turn it around to chase him.
Kindi ran like the wind yelling HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME! He was very
afraid. As soon as he saw a fire phone, he stopped and dialed 911. Kindi told the forest
ranger what had happened - and he told him what the man looked like and what his truck
looked like. The forest ranger told Kindi not to move - he would be right there.
In a matter of minutes Kindi was rescued by the forest ranger. He took Kindi home
right away because Momma Bear was so worried. Then the forest ranger used Kindi’s
details to find the bad man and put him in jail. Kindi was so thankful that he decided to
spend his whole life teaching boys and girls how to stay safe - and that’s exactly what he’s
done here today!
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Kindi Story conclusion
Now, kids, what have you learned from Kindi’s story about staying safe? Let’s see how
many things you can remember to do to stay safe.
Do what your parents say.
Ask your parents before talking to a stranger.
Don’t take anything from anyone without your parent’s permission.
Don’t go anywhere with anyone without your parent’s permission.
Bad people can look and act like nice people - just because you know someone doesn’t
mean you can trust them.
If something doesn’t feel right, get out.
If you’re not sure something is okay, tell someone you trust.
If someone tries to take you away, yell no, run the opposite way the vehicle is going.
Stay in groups and stay where your parents can see you at all times.
Boys and girls, you’ve been good listeners today and you’ve learned many ways to stay
safe. Remember what Kindi says: if your parents don’t know, you don’t go!
Activity: Sing Kindi Songs, do pages from the KinderVision® coloring/activity sheets
Optional role play: Have the children take turns acting the part of Kindi Bear while
the teacher reads the story. Act out the story for parents.
“The Greatest Save” Program
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Kindi’s Songs©
To the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”:
If a stranger says let’s go, you say no, you say no.
If a stranger says let’s go, you say NO, NO, NO!
If you need for help to come, help to come, help to come;
If you need for help to come, just dial 911.
To the tune of “Itsy Bitsy Spider”:
The itsy bitsy Kindi Bear went out one day to play;
Along came a stranger - and scared the cub away.
Out came the bear cubs friends - and promised they would stay;
So the itsy bitsy Kindi Bear went out again to play.
To the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”:
Know, know, know your code
Or family secret clue;
Then if someone comes for you
You’ll know what to do.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Discussion Sheets: Faces
Which of these faces is safe? Why?
When is someone not safe?
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Discussion Sheets: Places
Which of these places is safe? Why? When are these
places not safe?
Store or Mall
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Discussion Sheets: Faces Places
Safety Tips for Faces and Places
1. Tell your parents if anyone makes you feel bad or afraid.
2. Don’t go anywhere with anyone without your parents’
knowing – even with people you know.
3. Stay within sight of your parents at all times in a
playground or store.
4. Always take a parent with you to a public restroom.
5. Don’t play secret games with adults – tell your parents.
6. Don’t talk to people you don’t know.
7. Stay in groups – the buddy system is the safe system.
8. If you get lost or separated from your parents, ask a mom,
or store person, a policeman or other kids to help you.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Visual Aids: Tricks & Treats
Usually a hand is good. But sometimes someone could use a hand to
lead you away from safety. That’s a trick to get you away from safe places
or people. Tricks are bad. Tell your parents immediately.
When is a puppy a good thing? How could someone use a puppy to trick
you and get you away from safety?
When is money a good thing? How could someone use money to trick
you and get you away from safety?
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Visual Aids: Tricks & Treats
When is a computer a good thing? How could someone use a computer
to trick you? How could you use a phone to help you?
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content
Visual Aids: Lost & Find
How does having a buddy with you
help keep you safe?
If you get lost and need help, ask a
mom to help you or someone behind
the counter in a store.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Coloring & Activity Sheets
Worksheets on line in English & Spanish to reinforce the safety lessons.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. VIDEO (Kids In Need of Developing Instincts)
Narrated by an 8 year old girl who talks to the children and a law
enforcement officer who talks to the parents.
View KINDI VIDEO online at www.TheGreatestSave.org/6andunder
Chapters 1, 2, and 3
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Parent Meeting (One and one half hour)
The K.I.N.D.I. Parent Meeting is designed to provide parents with an opportunity to
learn the important safety information covered in K.I.N.D.I. Sharing this information with
parents is critical because parents are a child’s greatest teachers. It is imperative that they
have access to the K.I.N.D.I. safety information covered so they can reinforce it often and
role play with their children to further strengthen those instincts. Children learn through
interaction and repetition. Role playing is imperative if a response is to be automatic.
Parent Meeting Outline
5 min.
5 min.
Introduce topic
5 min.
Parents take pre-test orally - discuss
10 min.
Children act our Kindi’s Story
5 min.
Children sing K.I.N.D.I. Songs
15 min.
Children explain to parents Faces, Places/ Lost,Find
10 min.
10 min.
Show KinderVision® Child Safety Video
10 min.
Small Groups with Small Group Discussion Questions
10 min.
Report back to Large Group
5 min.
Take TGS Safety Quiz - thank parents for coming.
Parent Comment Sheet (ask parents to sign as they leave)
Option: Invite your local fire/law enforcement representatives to bring information. Be sure
to plan on additional time if they attend.
“The Greatest Save” Program
K.I.N.D.I. Content Small Parent Group Discussion Questions
(to be used after watching the video and dividing large group
into several small groups of parents with their own children)
Have one person in each group record all the responses from your group
and another report back with your responses to the large group.
1. What new safety information did you learn?
2. What safety tip do you think is most important? Why?
3. What other safety tips related to this topic would you add?
Closing activity: Have parents take the safety quiz with their children on
www.TheGreatestSave.org website and see what they know.
“The Greatest Save” Program
Providing Education that Empowers and Protects since 1991
because “when it comes to kids, The Greatest Save is the one
we never have to make” ~ Rollie Fingers, HOF ‘92