PPT - sboahoops.com

Pregame & Jump
On the floor @ 15 minutes
U1 = home , U2 = visitor
Book @ 12, Coaches Meeting @ 4
Be aware of illegal equipment/uniform
• Jump – U1 – toss, U2 – non-jumpers
• Arrow – make sure correct after jump
New Rules / POEl
Electronic Devices Allowed / cant embarrass
Sleeves – must be same, not as bands / no tights
HC allowed on floor for fight / cant embarrass
Grant TO – HC or player / know status of ball
Coaching box – 14 to 28
Use proper mechanics / new tip signal
When ball is Dead, be alive
Announcer – limit the talk during live ball
Intentional = Excessive / not in play / premeditated
No long switch
Difference HS & College
• FT – don’t need same shooter on T, in order,
no set spots in lane, opponent doesn’t pick
• 5 sec – continue on immediate switch
• Trail stay with sideline on throw-in
• TO – can call going OOB
• Warning – one warning for all 4 delay, then T
• T - resume at ½ court
Stop the clock – arm up
No preliminary signals (especially T & C)
Calling official = Table side
Last shot = opposite
No long switch
Slide down fouls in back court
Subs– table side take except in transition -T to C
FT – view opposite lane spaces for violations,
then rebound coverage on same side.
Focus from tipoff (100% focus 100% of time)
Team Tendencies
Player Matchups
Coach Dynamics
Past History (Teams, Officials, etc.)
Crew Discussion
– Any plays we’ve had recently?
– Let Players Make Plays
We Need 2 Officials Ball Side @ Point of Attack
Rotate! Rotate! Rotate! - 3 reasons we don’t
Immediate shot, drive, pass (ball reversal)
L – get Secondary Defender – See S,D,F.
Trust your partner.
Post Curl – C responsible
Pass crash – L take crash in lane,
Goaltending – C & T
OB on baseline opposite Lead – C Help (ABSOLUTE)
Help when no competitive matchup in your primary
Only play in town – 3 SETS OF EYES
2. T takes 2/3 of the court / far lane line
3. Rebound – assume all miss / possession
consequence & cleanup - on the back = foul
4. Press / Back Court/Transition
C Don’t Bail Out on Press (help 4 or more)
C Help w/ plays all the way across the floor
C responsible FT line to FT line
L help with 3 in quick transition
T keep everyone in front (see the whole play)
Freedom of Movement
Call the Fouls the Players will adjust
2 Hands = foul
Stayed Hand = foul
Hot stove / jabbing = foul
RSBQ affected = foul
Displacement = foul
Knee in back = foul
Tripping the dribbler = foul
Drives to Basket / Screens
Drive down Lane – L responsible
Usually secondary defender is involved.
Drive from C – C responsible / primary. L will
identify secondary defenders
ON-BALL screens – 2 sets of eyes
Hand off – screen – watch the bump
High ball screen – watch pinning defender &
moving to basket
1st FOULS = Good Fouls – set the tone
Hand check, post, screen, block/charge, FOM
Fouls are Fouls – everyone agrees
Marginal contact is not a foul
Call the 50/50 calls the same
– Block @ one end, if similar, block @ the other end.
• Know what each of us called on other end
• Verticality – let big guys block shots
• Patient Whistle on plays at the basket
Crew on same page from start to finish!
IF HELP – Be Right, Be late, Be needed
Call the obvious / no guessing
Immediate whistle on plays above FT line
Patient Whistle below FT line (near basket)
– Let play Start, Develop, Finish
– Blow whistle on final 1/3 of the play
Eye contact before throw ins/free throws (mirror)
Know everything - fouls, arrow, time, score
Meet @ end of half / game / problem to review
Know the impact of your whistle
Anticipate Play / not the Call
5th foul – report / coach / time / player
- calling official does it all unless want to be away
Technical Fouls
– Get together, discuss situation quickly, calling official – opposite
Help each other with #’s, fouls,
Don’t lose your shooter – help
Help on habitual motion
Out of Bounds – C side
3 point help – just correct on 3 to 2
Warnings – let partners know
Good non-verbal (last sec / T to C handoff)
Correctable Errors – Catch Them
• Curl away, stay away
• Habitual Shooting Motion
– When player “gathers the ball” – he starts his
habitual shooting motion” - award 2 shots
• Traveling
– Find the pivot foot
– T has best look at Post travel
– Ref the dribbler until he starts dribble, then ref
the defense
• BRACES / CAST / HARD - no if elbow & below.
Can be worn if medical reason & padded
• SLEEVES – Arm & Leg – medical reason. White,
beige, black or single school color. Same color
for all sleeves
• BANDS – wrist & head - not above elbow. Same
color for all bands, don’t need same as sleeve
• UNDERSHIRT – same as torso color, hemmed,
NO logo show, same length & can be long sleeve
• SHORTS – compression must be same color as
shorts, above knee. No tights
Fight Rules
Fight = hit, or attempt to hit w/ arm, leg or hands
Fight or activity that could lead to fight (instigate)
Coverage – 2 IN, 1 OUT (view the bench)
HC can come out & help – Asst Cannot
– Fight or off bench - eject & count all for bonus
– Fight & on Ct – if same, no Ft; diff = 2 ft for each
– Fight & Bench – if same, no Ft; diff = 2 ft for each;
HC gets 1 indirect for each who fights
– No fight & Bench – if same, no Ft; diff = 2 ft total;
coach gets 1 indirect no matter how many
– Resume – no FT = arrow; FTs – to that team at ½
Correctable Errors
FT – wrong player, basket, unmerited, merited
Erroneously Cancel / credit score
FT – notice during 1st dead ball after clock starts
Score – notice before 2nd live ball
Activity during FT canceled unless Flag, Intent or T
Pts, time & activity before notice error = count
If error & no change of possession – resume w/ FT
If change of possession, correct & resume POI
Correct clock mistakes no matter how trivial
If coach wrong on error, he gets full TO (30 if none)
Excessive Swinging Elbows
Act of shooting
FT violations
Technical Fouls
Concussion / blood / injury / contacts
Cant change dramatically from 1st half to 2nd
Don’t start calling something new in last 4 min
If gave warnings, let crew know
Any problems, straighten it out
Are POE under control
Any plays to review
Review end of game procedures
• BLOWOUTS - don’t beat a dead horse; Let
them leave with some dignity; Keep your
• CLOSE – don’t put whistle way, if foul earlier
/ its foul now, if blow whistle be right,
anticipate plays/not fouls, cannot make
mistake in last 4 min
• FOULING – give D chance to steal, then call
1st foul – give them what they want (foul),
call intentional if warranted
Call the obvious / don’t be a detective
Ref competitive matchups in area, then help
Trust your partner
Stay with Shooter
Be consistent – hands / post / screens / FOM
Must have whistle on train wrecks / needed
Control the Paint – Call the first foul
Have Fun