Woodcock Reading Mastery
Tests—Revised (WRMT—R)
0 What does this test tell us about students?
0 What is the most important part in scoring a student’s
WRMT—R test?
Woodcock Reading Mastery
Tests—Revised (WRMT-R)
0 “It is a comprehensive battery of tests measuring several important aspects of reading ability,” (1)
0 Tests grades K-College
Senior & adults to 75 and older.
0 Six tests:
Word Identification
Word Attack
Word Comprehension: Antonyms
Word Comprehension: Synonyms
Word Comprehension: Analogies
Passage Comprehension
Featured Test: Passage Comprehension
“(Used to measure) the subject’s ability to study a short passage—usually two to three sentences long—and to identify a key word from missing from a passage,” (8).
Passage Comprehension Instructional Implications:
“The processes involved in this task (a modified cloze procedure) require simultaneous understanding of both semantic and syntactic clues in the written text,” (67).
“The reader must focus on the author’s representation of ideas and still understand the relationship among that language features,” (67).
Passage Comprehension Instructional Implications:
“Below average performance on the Passage
Comprehension test may indicate that the subject either
makes poor use of passage context clues or is unable to
decode key words accurately from a passage,” (67).
Directions for Teacher to say to Student:
“Point to the first item and say: Read this to yourself and tell me a good
word to go in the blank space. Point to the blank.
After the subject responds to the first item, say: Go ahead with the others.
If the subject fails to respond within approximately 30 seconds after reading an entire passage, encourage a response. If the subject still fails to respond, point to the next item and say: Try this one,”
-(Form H: Passage Comprehension 19-21)
Test Student:
0 3 rd Grade
0 Below average reading abilities according to teacher
0 Parent intervention
0 Extra help
WRMT—R Passage
Comprehension 19-21
WRMT—R Passage
Comprehension 53-56
0 “Each test item administered is scored by placing a 1 (one) or 0
(zero) next to that item in the space labeled “Score” on the response pages of the test record,” (27).
1=Correct response
0=Incorrect response or failure to respond
If the student changes their response, score according to the last/final response given.
0 Olivia scored 45/68 (W
0 Subtract R Score (389) from W Score
0 DIFF = 123
0 Relative Performance
Index (RPI) = 99/90
0 Percentile Rank (PR) = 99
0 What does this mean?
According to the test results, Olivia reads at a 7 th grade level.
She is in the 99 th percentile for her age and grade level.
0 What are some factors that may have influenced
Olivia’s test?
0 Why might her teacher think that her reading skills are below grade level?
0 What types of intervention and help could Olivia receive outside or inside of the classroom to improve her performance at school?
0 Would you use this test?
0 What in particular do you like about this test?
0 Was the scoring easy or difficult?
0 What grade level might this be most effective for based on today’s lesson?
0 What does this test tell us about students?
0 What is the most important part in scoring a student’s
WRMT—R test?
The End