
World Literature 11/4
Do Now
1. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject and
state the rule as to why you chose the particular verb.
Either my shoes or your coat (is, are)
always on the floor.
2. Read the excerpt below and answer the following question:
I'd like to get a job there because I like digging around and
planting things.
Which revision changes the tone of this sentence from informal to formal?
A) I want a job there so I can mess around outdoors in gardens.
B) I'm looking for a yardwork job because I like working outside.
C) I am requesting a job that will let me plant things and work in folks' yards.
D) I am seeking employment that will allow me to explore my horticulture interests.
This Week:
- HW #6 DUE
Do Now (5 min)
Making a claim
Anticipation guide
Genocide video intro
What is genocide?
Genocide traits
Group genocide
Exit ticket
WoTD- meticulous
Showing great attention to detail (adj)
Making a claim
A claim is an assertion of the truth of something
Is your opinion, but needs to be SUPPORTED by FACTS
When responding to a writing prompt, it is your answer to the
question it is asking
For example…
If the writing prompt asked, “Should Barack Obama be
considered a successful president?”
Your CLAIM is either:
Barack Obama should be considered a successful president.
Barack Obama should not be considered a successful
Then you would continue with facts that support your claim
Example #2
Every country ought to have a program in which all young
people are required to commit a year or more of their lives to
doing community service at the international, national, or
local level. The benefits of this compulsory service - not just
for society but for the young people themselves - would far
outweigh the personal cost of having to postpone individual
goals for a year or more.
Assignment: Should young people be required to commit a
year or more of their lives to doing community service? Plan
and write an essay in which you develop your point of view
on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and
examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or
On a separate sheet of paper, write down the QUESTION
the prompt is asking, then MAKE A CLAIM below.
Theory of Change
We will discuss more later, but a theory of change is your
view on what needs to change in the world AND how you are
going to help cause that change
Will be working on this as a class collectively and
our Context
Deciding what
needs to be
Figuring out
our role in the
Genocide anticipation
Define the two words listed on your guided notes sheet
Then, write the continent where the nation is on the lines
Genocide intro
+ What is genocide?
Genocide is the mass murder of a certain group of people
Genocide is committed to wipe out a group of people
It can be targeted against a group based on where they are from,
race, religion, gender
Genocide is a term created as a result of the Holocaust
Genocide is an international crime
Examples of Genocide
Genocide can be:
 Killing
off large numbers of the group
 Causing
serious bodily or mental harm to members
of the group
 Making
it difficult for members of the group to
access necessities for life like water and food
 Trying
 Mass
to prevent births within the group
kidnappings, rape, mutilation, torture
synonym for genocide can be ethnic cleansing
Major Actors in a Genocide
Victims: the group being targeted
For example: In the Holocaust the victims were the Jews
Perpetrators: persons responsible for carrying out crimes
 Holocaust: The Nazis
Leader: the person responsible for leading the perpetrating
Holocaust: Hitler
 Classification:
Labeling and putting a certain
group of people into categories
 Symbolization:
The group is given a certain
color or a symbol
 Dehumanization:
The perpetrators say that
the victims are not humans
 Organization:
The plans are organized, in
many cases by a government
 Isolation:
Victims are separated as “different”
from the rest of the population
 Preparation:
Victims are identified, then
 Extermination:
 Denial:
Mass killings
Denying that the genocide occurred or
attempting to cover it up.
 Classification:
dividing into “us and them”
 Symbolization:
words and symbols that apply
to “them”
 Dehumanization:
 Organization:
the “them” seen as animals
plans are organized by
 Isolation:
Victims are separated as “different”
from the rest of the population
 Preparation:
Victims are identified, then
 Extermination:
 Denial:
Mass killings
Denying that the genocide occurred or
attempting to cover it up.
Group work/presentations
Each group will be given an info sheet on a genocide that
occurred throughout world history
Group will complete the EIGHT STEPS TO GENOCIDE on
their given topic and create a presentation for the class
In addition, your group will MAKE A CLAIM about the
particular event you are researching
Example: The Darfurian genocide was atrocious and could
have been prevented.
You will have 15 minutes to compile your presentation
You may use iPads/computers to research if necessary
The Rape of Nanking
As we read, be thinking about the different actors in
genocide as well as the EIGHT STEPS to genocide
Exit Ticket: ELACC9-10W1
What is genocide?
Is genocide acceptable? Respond in ARE format.