Please do the following:

Please do the following:
 Read these vocab words and definitions
receding (v)
becoming more distant
disarming (adj) removing or lessening suspicions or fears
prolonged (adj) extended
surmounted (v) overcame
unruffled (adj)
calm; not disturbed
diverting (adj)
chateau (n)
sticking out
game (n)
something that is hunted
“The Most Dangerous Game”
 Title your notes “The
Most Dangerous Game”
Day 1
 Follow along in your
textbook while we listen
to the story.
 Respond to each
question in your notes.
Complete sentences are
NOT necessary.
Pages 5-6
1. Who are Rainsford and
2. What kind of place does
the island seem to be?
Any questions before we
move on?
“Game,” Continued
Pages 6-8
3. What happened to
4. What would you have
done in his situation?
5. What kind of place is
the chateau?
Pages 8-10
6. What kind of person is
General Zaroff?
 Write a reflection about what we have read of “The
Most Dangerous Game” so far. Consider the
do you like the story? why or why not?
are there any characters you identify with? why?
what do you predict will happen later in the story?
would you recommend this story to someone else? why or why
Please do the following:
 Turn in your reflection.
 Get out your English notes. Label them “The Most
Dangerous Game,” Day 2
 Turn to page 10.
“The Most Dangerous Game” Day 2
Page 10
1. Make a prediction
about what type of
game (animals to be
hunted) General Zaroff
has on his island.
Pages 10-12
2. Name some of the
animals that General
Zaroff has hunted.
3. What is it about
hunting that appeals to
General Zaroff?
“Game,” Continued
Pages 12-13
4. What does General Zaroff
hunt on his island?
“I never grow bored now,
for I have a quarry with
which I can match my wits”
“the ideal animal” (12)
“It must have courage,
cunning, and, above all, it
must be able to reason” (12)
“General Zaroff, what you
speak of is murder!” (13)
Pages 13-14
5. What kind of men does
Zaroff hunt?
6. How does he stock his
island with men?
“Game,” Continued
Pages 14-16
7. How does General Zaroff
prepare his game (men he
hunts) to be hunted?
8. What is the “game” (16) (how
the hunt works) Zaroff plays
with his prey?
9. What kind of dogs does
General Zaroff have?
 big, dangerous, scary
 “If anyone should try to get
into my house – or out of it –
something extremely
regrettable would occur to
him.” (16)
Pages 16-18
10. What does General Zaroff
have planned for
11. Why is General Zaroff so
excited to hunt
 Fill out as much of the plot diagram for “Game” as
you can
Please do the following:
 Turn to page 18 in your book.
 Label your notes “The Most Dangerous Game,”
Day 3.
“The Most Dangerous Game,” Day 3
Pages 16-18
1. What does General
Zaroff have planned for
2. Why is General Zaroff
so excited to hunt
Pages 18-19
3. What is Rainsford’s first
plan to stay ahead of
General Zaroff?
4. Why do you think
General Zaroff walked
away from the tree
where Rainsford was
“Game,” Continued
Pages 19-20
5. What is Rainsford’s
next plan to defeat
General Zaroff?
6. What happens to the
Pages 20-21
7. What is Rainsford’s
third plan to defeat
General Zaroff?
8. Who is killed instead of
the General?
“Game,” Continued
Pages 21-22
9. What is Rainsford’s last
plan to defeat the
10. Who is killed instead of
General Zaroff?
11. Describe the final
encounter between
Rainsford and General
Final Thoughts
12. Write a final reflection
on the story.
write the reflection in your
consider the story as a
give your final opinion of
the story
 Finish filling out the plot diagram for “The Most
Dangerous Game.”
 Work on the Day 1 Questions