Revolutions in Latin America

Revolutions in Latin America
• How were Indians & creoles oppressed
under Spanish rule in Latin America?
• What ideas influenced Simon Bolivar in
his struggle to liberate Latin America?
• How did Bolivar & his followers free
Latin America from Spanish rule?
• How were Indians & creoles oppressed
under Spanish rule in Latin America?
– Indians suffered from overwork,
malnutrition & disease
– Creoles were not allowed to own certain
businesses & were excluded from the
highest positions in the church &
– It was dangerous for members of either
group to speak out against the government
• What ideas influenced Simon Bolivar in
his struggle to liberate Latin America?
– Bolivar was inspired by Enlightenment
ideas focusing on people’s right to freedom
& equality
– He was also inspired by the American
Revolution & French Revolution
• How did Bolivar & his followers free
Latin America from Spanish rule?
–Bolivar first spread his ideas by holding
secret meetings
– Then he recruited soldiers & fought a
series of battles against the Spanish
Spanish South America
• Simon Bolivar wins independence for
• Jose de San Martin defeats Spanish forces
in Chile
• Martin turns army over to Bolivar
• Bolivar defeats Spanish in Peru
• Colonies win complete freedom from
In 1810, B olivar
w en t to L on d on to
seek su p p ort for th e
revolu tion in L atin
A m erica. A t th e
sam e tim e, h e
stu d ied B ritish
in stitu tion s of
govern m en t
· Napoleon invades
Portugal > the royal
family flees to Brazil
· After Napoleon’s
defeat, the king of
Portugal’s son (Dom
Pedro) stays in Brazil
· Dom Pedro sides with
Creoles & declares
independence from
Portugal (1822)
· Unique revolution in
Latin America >