How did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in 1933?

How did Hitler become Chancellor of
Germany in 1933?
Learning objective – to understand the
sequence of events that led to Hitler
becoming Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
I can describe the key
events that led to
Hitler’s appointment
as Chancellor.
Grade D
I can explain the key
events that led to
Hitler’s appointment
as Chancellor.
Grade B
I can explain and
the importance of
the key events that
Grade A and A*
This word cloud is in the
shape of Franz von Papen,
Chancellor of Germany in
words, look out for them
in the presentation and
write why each word is
significant in this lesson.
Who were the key people?
Paul von Hindenburg
Elected President in 1925.
Took emergency Presidential
powers under Article 48.
Conservative Chancellors.
Disliked Hitler – thought he was
a jumped up ‘Bavarian Corporal’
Adolf Hitler
Leader of the Nazi Party – from
1930 a significant electoral
Demanded the position
Chancellor from 1932.
The most charismatic German
politician of the early 1930s.
messages of wanting to destroy
the Treaty of Versailles.
Franz von Papen
Rich, Catholic Nobleman.
Member of the Centre Party.
Appointed Chancellor in 1932
when Brüning was sacked.
Thought he could control and
manipulate Hitler.
Kurt von Schleicher
Former army general.
Key advisor
Chancellor after von Papen in
November 1932.
Wanted to form a compromise
government of elements of left
and right, bypassing Hitler.
The breakthrough 1930 Election
The 1930 Election saw the
Nazis become the second
largest party in the Reichstag
with 107 seats.
This result was based mainly
on the popularity of Hitler’s
solidarity and national unity.
Although, very little concrete
ideas were shared.
Growing disillusionment towards
German democracy
There was a growing view from
the elite that democracy
produced weak governments.
authoritarian government with a
strong leader to get Germany
out of its troubles.
On the other hand, the German
people just saw a gang of
squabbling politicians more
interested in their own positions
rather than solutions to
Germany’s problems.
Nazi messages
The Nazis exploited the fear and
discontent in Germany. Their
‘Twenty Five Points’ became
especially attractive as they
were strong and decisive.
Particularly successful were the
message of destroying the
Treaty of Versailles, offering
strong leadership and blaming
the ‘November Criminals’ for
Germany’s ills.
Nazi propaganda
The Nazis relied upon slogans
and images rather than
detailed policies to win
They flooded public places with posters, leaflets and newspapers.
These would contain simple but effective messages.
If a message was unpopular it would be dropped.
Nazi rallies
Nazi rallies became a central
point for winning support,
impressing with their scale and
As part of using modern
technology, Hitler used aircraft
to shuttle across Germany. For
example, in April 1932, he
visited 20 different rallies and
addressed over a million people
in this tour called – ‘The Führer
Over Germany’.
Increasing political violence
With the rise of extremism,
there was an increase of fighting
between Nazis and Communists,
from smashing up meetings to
pitch street battles.
Although, this violence alienated some middle class voters, the
Nazis won greater support as there were seen to bring order and
discipline while the Communists were seen as a threat to industry
and farmers with their ideas of state control.
Hitler runs for President – March
and April 1932
To raise his profile further,
Hitler challenged Hindenburg
in the Presidential Elections in
March/April 1932.
Hitler never expected to win,
but significant won a greater
share of the vote than
expected – 37% - in a noisy,
energetic campaign.
Von Papen becomes Chancellor –
May 1932
A close advisor to Hindenburg,
von Papen was a relatively
unknown replacing the sacked
Brüning in May 1932.
He continued to make cuts
to welfare provision and
called an election in July
1932 to secure greater
support for his policies.
The July 1932 Election
The July 1932 Election made the
Nazis the largest party in the
Reichstag with 230 seats – although
without an overall majority.
Hitler demanded the
position of Chancellor –
usually given to the leader
of the largest party in the
Why was another election called
for November 1932?
Von Papen had virtually no support
within the Reichstag. He tried to get
support from the Nazis by offering
Hitler the position of Vice Chancellor.
Hitler refused – he wanted complete
power or nothing.
With little support, a
Reichstag, von Papen
called another election in
The November 1932 Election
The November 1932 Election saw the Nazis lose 2 million
votes and 34 seats. Apathy was setting in and Hitler was
worried about dwindling party funds. This was despite the
Nazis still remaining the largest party in the Reichstag.
Von Papen was dismissed as Chancellor and replaced by von
Schleicher – not Hitler.
Von Schleicher as Chancellor November 1932 to January 1933
Von Schleicher felt he could dilute rising Nazi control in the
Reichstag by dividing them. His attempt to do this was
bypassing Hitler and offering a rival Nazi, Gregor Strasser, the
position of Vice Chancellor. Hitler forced and intimidated
Strasser to refuse the position.
Von Papen’s deal with Hitler –
January 1933
Von Papen, wanting to regain power, decided to form a deal with Hitler.
Von Papen agreed to persuade Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor
who offer popular support and strong government. In return, von Papen
would be appointed Vice Chancellor and that there would be only two
Nazis in the Reichstag Cabinet
Von Papen agreed to this because he felt if he flooded the Cabinet with
conservatives – they would limit Nazi influence and that Hitler could be
controlled and tamed.
Hitler appointed Chancellor –
30th January 1933
Hindenburg agreed to this
plan and Hitler was
appointed Chancellor on
30th January 1933. Days
later, a former army
Hindenburg – ‘This accursed
Hitler will cast our country
into the abyss. Future
generations will damn you
in your grave for what you
have done’.
Revisiting the
Which words did you
Why were they significant
in the lesson?
Main task
Complete the activities on the worksheet. Remember to give yourself
plenty of space in your books and draw the chart in pencil.
Gather as much evidence as you can which will help you explain your
Extension question
Which event was the most significant in helping Hitler become
Chancellor? Explain your answer.
Plenary – My Brain
Subheading – My Brain
Draw an outline of your brain.
Fill your drawn brain with all the things you have learnt in this lesson.
This can be in the form of key words, drawings, bullet points, lists –
anything you like so long as it summarises your learning and that others
can understand it.