Steps into Early Leadership DAY 1 Leading at all Levels Introductions…… Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Steps into Early Leadership • Underpinned by National Standards for School Leadership • Designed to facilitate adult learning • Promotes individual and organisational learning Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Online support • Study support materials will be available online • Relevant web links will be identified • Web links to audio/visual/text resources will be identified Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Reflective Journal – the purpose • To increase your knowledge, understanding and of your personal skills. • To become aware of your preferred leadership style. • To systematically analysis your practice • To reflect on the ‘What’, what are you learning and how you are applying it back in school the ‘So What’ and ‘Now What’ questions. Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service How We’ll Do It. Introduce ideas/tools/thoughts….. Discussions Practical Exercises Reflecting on your learning Novak presented a great view of learning.. We may need to unlearn some stuff..we may need to relearn some stuff..uncover some stuff and discover some stuff Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service But First, Answer These Why did you apply for a place on this programme? What motivated you? What specifically do you want? Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Activity 1 • What are your expectations of: – Yourself – The facilitators – The group – The programme Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service The Learning Curve x Unconscious competence Learning ‘I know that I am good. I don’t think about it any more’ x ‘I know that I am good, and I understand why’ Unconscious incompetence x ‘I don’t know that I don’t know’ x Conscious competence Conscious incompetence ‘I know that I don’t know’ Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Developing great Leadership What is your leadership context? Identify two of your major strengths as a leader? What are the two areas of leadership that you would like to focus on during this programme to increase you effectiveness? (using the data from your self analysis) Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Reflecting on your Learning Styles.. Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Core purpose for school leaders “To provide professional leadership and management to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards of learning and achievement for all pupils” Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Your Ideal Middle Manager • In small groups outline the key skills and attributes of a successful middle leader? Encourage the groups to use their creative skills they can represent the skills in a drawing…. • Working in these groups discuss your findings. • How would you rate your self in relation to this list of skills/attritubutes? Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Attributes • • • • • • • • • Personal impact and presence Adaptability to changing circumstances and new ideas Energy, vigour and perseverance Self-confidence Enthusiasm Intellectual ability Reliability and integrity Commitment …………………………….. Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Key Concepts of Leadership As well as personal qualities like humour and energy, many leadership characteristics centre around the key concepts of: Vision (your preferred future) Values (your principles) Moral purpose (‘acting with the intention of making a positive difference.’ Fullan 2002) Professional learning Influencing/involving others Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Definition Of Management Management is the efficient, effective and economic use of resources to achieve results with and through the efforts of other people. Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Building the Culture The 70:30 Rule Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service The 70/30 rule • We have the capacity to learn from mistakes or failure as well as learning from success and what is working • The 70/30 rule encourages us to challenge the percentage of time we spend learning from failure • We will notice a significant difference in ourselves and others if we spend 70% of our time learning from the detail of what has worked • There is increasing evidence which shows that we learn, develop and grow MOST effectively by noticing and naming what is working • We are naturally programmed to remember our mistakes which means that our successes are often invisible to us • We need to develop the ability to learn from our successes and hone in on the detail of what has worked • By understanding the detail of what has worked we can create a savings account of data to draw from and apply in contexts where things have gone wrong • The 70/30 rule helps us to hold the assumption that ‘in every situation we find what is working and learn from it’* Questions of Difference *Ref: 7 Assumptions of Partnering, Cash in on Conflict, 2006 Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service 70/30 as a life choice! • The 70/30 Rule is a quick way to notice and name what is working well and pay attention to the 70% to help the 30%. • We are physiologically programmed to notice what is not working so well because we do not need to notice what is working well because it is working well…. • Not just positive thinking!!!! Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Three Blessings – What Went Well and Why? Seligman undertook research with 500 participants asking them to record three things that went well and why, every day for 15 days? In this study 92% of people reported increased happiness over the 15 day period. (2005) Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D., works on positive psychology, learned helplessness, depression, and on optimism and pessimism. He is currently Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology and Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. He is well known in academic and clinical circles and is a best-selling author Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Gratitude Attitude • Psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough (2003) studied the impact of asking people to write about gratitude. Three groups were asked to spend a few moments each week writing. One group was asked to write about the things they were grateful for, another group was asked to write about things that annoyed them and the final group was required to write about events that had happened that week. The gratitude group ended up happier, healthier, more optimistic and even exercised more than the other two groups. Everyone has something to be happy about but often we just stop noticing what that is. Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Working with the 70/30 rule Detail actions that I am going to take away. (Stop/Keep/Start) Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Practical application of the 70/30 rule- examples of what you can influence… 1. With your colleagues 2. With your team (Meetings) 3. With your support staff 4. With your stakeholder –parents etc 5. With the young people Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Connecting It All Up Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service Action Planning • What two key things will you pay more attention to in your role as a result of our time together? ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… • What aspects of the learning will you be conscious of and apply in your workplace in the next two months? ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service & Exactly What Are You Going To Do? Providing Quality, Excellence and Improvement in the Education Service