"Still I Rise" Analysis: Theme & Literary Devices

“Still I Rise”
By Maya Angelou
• This slide should explore HOW the poem
uses questions to create a theme and WHY
Angelou uses questions
• It should do this by utilizing integrated
quotes and analysis with key words!
• This slide should explore HOW the poem
uses similes to create a theme and WHY
Angelou uses similes
• It should do this by utilizing integrated
quotes and analysis with key words!
• Anaphora: repeated words at the beginning
of a line
• This slide should explore HOW the poem
uses anaphora to create a theme and WHY
Angelou uses anaphora
• It should do this by utilizing integrated
quotes and analysis with key words!
• This slide should explain the overall theme
of the poem
Connections to The Crucible
• This slide should explore similarities
between “Still I Rise” and The Crucible
• There should be a specific example from
each text to help me understand!
Example: Metaphors
• Maya Angelou says, “You may trod me in
the very dirt/But still, like dust, I'll rise” (34). By lowering herself to the “dirt” and the
“dust,” Angelou shows how badly she has
been treated by others. However, just like
“dust” swirls up all over the earth, she will
“rise” again over the people who have tried
to bring her down.