Fiction Genres Powerpoint

Fiction Genres
What kind of
story are you
reading or
What is a genre?
• A genre is a kind of text
• Different genres have different kinds of
settings, conflicts, and characters
Fiction Genres
Historical fiction
Realistic fiction
Science fiction
Genre hybrids
Historical Fiction
Historical fiction stories take place in the past
They might include real
people, events, and
places, but also include
parts that are made up
by the author.
Why should I care?
• Readers can often learn a great deal about
history from reading historical fiction
• As you read, notice the names of the
important people, places, and events
Learning from historical fiction
Brainstorm a list of historical fiction books:
What did you learn?
Realistic Fiction
• Realistic fiction stories take place in the
• They include characters and situations that
could really happen
• But realistic fiction stories are still made up by
the author
Realistic Fiction
• Realistic fiction stories usually look at topics
like friendship, growing up, and being in a
Why should I care?
• Realistic fiction stories often involve
characters like you
• Reading about how other kids solve their
problems can help you to think about your
own life and how you can solve problems
• Can you think of some realistic fiction books
you have read?
Fantasy stories include magic, mythical
creatures, and things that just can’t happen in
everyday life.
Fantasy stories can happen in the real world,
or in imaginary fantasy worlds.
Be careful! Fantasy stories can sometimes
start out sounding like realistic fiction. Look
for the little details that point to fantasy.
Why should I care?
• Fantasy stories often show how even magic
can’t solve every problem
• Reading fantasy stories expands your
imagination and helps you to imagine other
worlds and other possibilities.
• Brainstorm fantasy stories….
Science Fiction
• Like fantasy, science fiction includes details
and events that can’t happen in the real world
• Instead of magic, though, science fiction
focuses more on special technology
Science Fiction
In science fiction, look for:
 Time travel
 Unbelievable gadgets
 Aliens
 Space travel that doesn’t yet exist
Science Fiction
• Science fiction stories often explore how
technology affects people and changes our
• Some stories show that amazing technology
still doesn’t make people happy
• Others show that some kinds of technology
can cause problems in the world
Science Fiction
Science fiction stories can happen in the past,
present, or future
Why should I care?
• Many people think that new technology is
always good—the newer and faster the better!
• Science fiction helps us to think about some
of the effects of new technology that may not
be as great for ourselves and our world.
• Brainstorm time!!!
• In a mystery, the main character is trying to
solve a mystery
• The main character finds clues and follows
• Whether or not a story is a mystery is not
determined by the setting
• A mystery can happen in the past, present, or
What makes a story a mystery is how the
action unfolds…if the main character is
trying to solve a puzzle or figure something
out, the story is probably a mystery
If you are reading a novel, you might not
discover the mystery until you are a few pages
or even chapters into the book
Be careful! Some stories do
have elements of mystery, or
short little mysteries in the
course of a bigger story. But is
the mystery the main conflict?
Why should I care?
• Mystery stories are a great way to develop
careful reading skills
• Often, important clues are buried in dialogue
or long paragraphs
• By reading mysteries, you’ll learn how to
notice these clues and figure out the solution!
Reading mysteries
• Have you ever read a mystery story or series?
• What was the mystery? How did the main
character try to solve it?
• Folktales are stories that have been told and
retold over many years
• Folktales exist in every culture around the
Folktales include myths, tall tales, and fairy
Why should I care?
Folktales are a great way to learn about
different cultures from around the world
Genre Hybrids
• A genre hybrid (or cross-genre) is a text that
includes elements of different genres
• Just like a hybrid car uses both gasoline and
electricity, hybrid genres can have
characteristics of two or more genres
Genre Hybrids
As you think about the genre of a text,
remember that there are many stories that
don’t fit perfectly into any one genre
Genre Hybrids
For example, a story that combines science
fiction elements with magic could be called
“science fantasy”
Have you ever read any hybrid books? What
genres did they combine?