Standards-Based Report Card

Standards-Based Report
Cards in Waxahachie ISD
Kindergarten Level
What is a Standards-Based
Report Card?
It reports a child’s
progress toward
meeting state and
district standards in
areas of content and
performance. It gives
specific information
on a student’s level of
proficiency on a given
Who Benefits from the
Standards-Based Report Card?
 Parents/Guardians and children can be more
aware of what is expected.
– It provides parents/guardians with a more detailed
outline of the expectations in each of the major
academic areas.
– It breaks down the state’s standards, so
parents/guardians can see the specific area, or
areas, in which their child could use extra practice.
 Teachers can get a better understanding of
what each child should know and be able to do
at the kindergarten level.
How does the Standards-Based
Report Card Compare to the Letter
Grade System?
 Letter grades measure how well children do in
comparison to their classmates. The
standards-based report card measures how
well an individual child is doing in relation to
the grade level standards, not the work of
other children.
 This gives parents/guardians a better
understanding of their child’s strengths and
weaknesses and encourages all children to do
their best.
Why Did We Need a Change?
 The traditional system was based on many
factors including work habits, attitude and
other variables.
 A standards-based report card gives specific
information concerning a child’s level of
proficiency on a given standard.
 The focus is on what the child actually learns.
 It’s best for the child!
What Will the Report Card Look Like?
The report card will
look different than
the traditional one at
grades 1-5 that
reports a numerical
grade for each
subject. We want to
communicate to
families what we
expect children to
know, be able to do,
and understand.
What Will the Report Card Look Like?
 New Layout
 Nine Week Grading
 Subjects all on Front
 Student Responsibilities
and Attendance on Back
 Rubric Performance
 Comment Section
 Teacher Conference
Request Section
What is a Standard?
 A statement that identifies what children
should know and be able to do.
 In Texas, the standards are called the
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or
 The exact wording from the kindergarten
TEKS are located on the kindergarten
report card.
 You can find the Kindergarten TEKS at:
What are Performance Levels?
Levels will be used on
the Standards-Based
Report Card to
indicate a child’s level
of understanding and
performance, based
on the standards that
are set for the entire
Knowledge and
Skills Statements
It’s aligned!
WISD Kindergarten Assessment
Parent/Guardian Support
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent Orientation Night
Standards-based Report Cards
Quarterly District Kindergarten Spotlights
Local and Standardized Assessment Reports
Skyward Family Access
CSCOPE Parent Portal
Website support at
Need More Information?
For more information about the WISD
Kindergarten Report Card and assessment
system, feel free to contact…
Your child’s kindergarten teacher,
Your campus literacy coach,
You campus principal,
Mrs. Shelle Blaylock, Coordinator for
Curriculum and Intervention Programs at (972)
923-4727, or
– Mr. David Truitt, Deputy Superintendent, at
(972) 923-4631.
it doesn’t matter
where the child
starts, it’s where he
or she finishes!