NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Evacuation Awareness Training For Faculty/ Staff/ Students Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College What would cause you to evacuate a building? Do you know what your primary and secondary evacuation routes are? What risks/ hazards are within your facility? What alert technologies would be utilized within your facilities? Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Be Prepared – Know Your Surroundings!!! Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College What is your primary evacuation route? What is your secondary evacuation route? Where is your primary assembly area? Where is your secondary assembly area? Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College How will I be notified about the need to evacuate? Fire alarms! VOIP phones! Police/OEMP direction Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Computer screens and emails Wall mounted flat screens Bull horns or loud speakers Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Weather radio Floor Wardens First Responders Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College What situations would require me to evacuate my building? Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Fire or suspected fire Hazardous materials Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Power outage Police Incident Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Building damage (earthquake and weather damage) Drills and exercises And others as directed by authorities Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College So I have been informed that there is an evacuation of my building. What should I be prepared to do? BE PREPARED TO ACT!!! Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Remain calm Quickly collect your personal items Evacuate using your Primary route if available Do not use the elevator! If your primary route is unavailable, use your secondary route Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Close doors behind you if you are the last person leaving the area Walk calmly walk. NO running! Assist persons with disabilities to rescue areas Report to the assembly area Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College While in the assembly area: Watch for emergency vehicles arriving Attempt accountability of students/coworkers Notify authorities of injuries, trapped persons, missing, etc. Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Fire: Activate the fire alarm and call 703764-5000 or 911 If there is no fire alarm, knock on doors and yell “fire” as you exit Watch for smoke and impassible areas Move far away from building Feel doors with the back of your hand. If hot, DO NOT OPEN! Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Call 703-764-5000 or 911 Once you have evacuated, move everyone away from the building and to the assembly area, away from hazardous material, and if possible up-wind and up-hill Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Power Outage: Remain calm Collect your personal belongings Assist others as needed Move to lighted area Evacuate building if instructed to do so Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Police Incidents: Most common incidents involve: Bomb threats Suspicious packages Violent incidents Civil unrest Suspicious persons Call 703-764-5000 or 911 DO NOT ACTIVATE THE FIRE ALARM Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Building Damages: Evacuate as soon as shaking stops if earthquake Watch for glass and other debris Move to a safe assembly area outside Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Drills and Exercises: Common exercises and drills at NOVA: Active Shooter Fire Evacuation State wide Tornado (March) State Wide Earthquake (October) Never assume it is just an exercise Office of Emergency Management and Planning NOVA Northern Virginia Community College Questions? Thank you! Office of Emergency Management and Planning