The_Disaster_Genre - kapiticollege

Disaster Genre
It’s the end of the world...again...
Learning Objectives
• To be able to describe and identify codes and
conventions, themes and iconography.
• To be able to use film language.
• To be able to discuss a film.
What is a disaster?
• What is a disaster?
– A massive event that affects us all, usually with
negative consequences (the drama).
– An event that makes us feel small, no matter who we
are. To be in the presence of these events makes us
feel overwhelmed, often physically and almost always
– Cinema of the spectacle = where the audience is
attracted to experiences these events from a safe
distance (although not so safe that we don’t feel
Can you think of any examples?
Try to group them too e.g. natural disaster.
Natural disasters
Human negligence, arrogance or ignorance.
Real events e.g. terrorism
Personal disasters
Social disasters
Imagined future disasters
Key Ingredients
• There are several codes and conventions, which in this
genre, are pretty simple. They may vary in the form of
sub-genres e.g. the aeroplane disaster movie.
• The disaster (what, where and when it occurs depends
on narrative structure – see your notes on this).
• Stock characters/stereotypes (see your narrative
theory notes for more about this too):
(Reluctant) hero
The disposable characters
The survivors
The use of “stars” (actors with their own audience)
• The “killing off”
Quick reminder...
Propp ‘s 8 main character types:
The hero
The false hero
The princess: “reward” for hero’s endeavours.
The father (of the princess)
The helper: assists the hero by giving them something to help them
The villain
The donor: assists the hero by helping them along their way.
The dispatcher: sends the hero on their “quest”.
Todorov’s narrative structure:
1. The equilibrium – the state of balance in the narrative, where we get to
know the characters and their situation.
2. The disruption – oppositional characters are introduced and the story
moves forward.
3. The recognition (of the disruption) – where the story develops, different
events and characters become involved and more drama occurs.
4. The attempts to repair the disruption – where there may be a twist or
climactic point.
5. The new equilibrium – the problem is solved and harmony is resolved,
although things may have changed.
Disaster Genre Themes
• These can vary depending on time in which
film is made – why do you think that is?
• We can group the various themes into 2 broad
– The disaster movie and the individual
– The disaster movie and society
The disaster movie and the individual
• Common individual themes (usually linked to development of
main characters):
– Relationships (friendship, emnity, love – romantic and/or family)
– Self-sacrifice (sometimes creating a hero – the character who “saves
the day”. However, the day is often rather beyond saving, hence the
self-sacrifice! One of the most unavoidable, essential and memorable
features of the genre – crucial to genre’s success?)
– Redemption (Making amends for sins committed – often closely
linked to Self-sacrifice)
– Teamwork (2 kinds of teams: those who are chosen “by the disaster”
– a group of strangers thrown together in their struggle to survive –
and those that are chosen “for the disaster”, who are usually experts
sent to deal with the impending disaster. In both types of team, the
theme is the same: humanity as a group is larger than the sum of its
parts. The films explore how each person can contribute to and learn
from the process of working together in the face of a disaster. The
question is again raised: “Why does it need the end of the world to
promote such co-operation and awareness?” This group in the film
bridges the gap between the individual and society, perhaps the
biggest group to which we all belong.
The disaster movie and the individual
• Common themes that affect society are subject to change. Some ideas are
constant e.g. corporate change; others have arisen more recently, e.g.
environmental disaster, terrorism).
• These are probably the most common (can you think of any more?)
– Corporate greed. (Can also be a trigger for other themes. In real world,
source of this blame often faceless, but disaster movies tend to focus this
conveniently on an individual. These characters are one kind of human villain
in disaster movies (what other sorts of villain are there in this genre?).
Justice is usually handed out – although sometimes in reality-based films, the
gap between fictional justice and reality is clear e.g. Titanic.
– Science and technology (Particularly since age of nuclear power. Technology
may avert disaster, or it may fail and cause it, or it may just not be up to the
job, supporting the maxim that we are “two meals and 24 hours away from
complete anarchy”. Films more recently, sometimes focus on concern about
our scientific and technological impact on the world. In some films, though,
technology and science save the day.)
– The power of nature or “nature’s revenge” (On a huge scale! One purpose of
this theme is to showcase special effects and draw large audiences, but also
allows film-maker to use one of the basic responses to any disaster – fear.
We are forced to confront our own fragility and role in the world.)
– Human complacency (On both a social and individual level – the business of
doing nothing and ignoring what appears to be the most obvious. A very
important theme in the disaster genre!)
A recurring Hollywood theme...
“The Big” vs. “The Small”
• Objects, images, characters etc strongly
associated with a particular genre e.g.
spaceships and sci-fi, cowboys and the
• Things that tells us where a film “belongs” – a
type of visual shorthand.
• They also act as symbols , bearing hidden
Foreshadowing: The film-maker’s way of gradually letting us know
that something is going to happen. It builds suspense and gives us
clues (which lots of characters will probably ignore). This can produce
dramatic irony. We know more than the characters and want to watch
to see if we are right about events/outcomes. Sometimes this device is
more obvious e.g. a countdown, be that a clock (e.g. Armageddon) or a
steadily rising water level (e.g. Titanic).
Destruction: The chief icon of any disaster movie. To be truly iconic
it must be big and impressive, using as many special effects as the
budget will allow. Room for subtlety in selection of “targets” e.g. New
York. It can be attached to a judgement or warning.
Technology: Humanity’s answer to the destruction. Technology is
iconic in the disaster movie: it is seen as both a positive and a
negative force. Often sophisticated e.g. radar systems fair and then
more basic technology like pocket knives and ropes become more
important. The failure of sophisticated technology is often about our
arrogance and over-confidence – the assumption is that we can do
what we like (the “God complex”). This signifies how rapid our
journey “back to basics” can be.
Aftermath: The minutes, hours, days after the disaster are also
iconic. They ask us to reflect and give us time to ask questions. This
has its own iconography e.g. survivors in wreckage, floating remains of
Reality: Disaster movies have become extremely iconic. Reality can
draw on this and affect our interpretation of films and vice versa.
Arguably, on 9/11, it was the terrorists who were displaying a grasp of
The task
• Think back to Twister and the notes you’ve
• As a group, collect notes on your focus area.
Remember to use examples and explain your
ideas. You will be presenting this to the rest of
the class so make it good!
– Codes and conventions
– Themes: The disaster movie and the individual
– Themes: The disaster movie and society
– Iconography
One more term...
• High concept: A film based on a very basic
narrative idea. It will often rely on special
effects and celebrities to make the concept