The Peculiarities of Emotive and Expressional Lexis Using in

The Peculiarities of Emotive
and Expressional Lexis Using in
Ukrainian Political Discourse
and the Problems of its
Translation into English
Kseniia Zharykova PR – 09 – 2
The object of the research is the
emotional lexis of Ukrainian
political discourse.
The subject is the peculiarities
and the role of emotive and
expressive lexis in the Ukrainian
political discourse and the
problem of its translation into
The purpose of this study - to find
out the principles and features of the
emotionally expressive vocabulary
use in Ukrainian political discourse
and to identify the most effective
ways of its translation into English.
The practical significance of the
work lies in the possibility of using
the results of research by students
and the future translators.
The modern Ukrainian political discourse is a sort
of testing ground, which gives the author wide
opportunities to express his / her own world
view, position on the assessment of social and
political events.
The emotive vocabulary is analyzed
according to the classifications of:
•M.Blokh and N.Reznikova
(emotive nominative, emotive asotsiative, emotive expressive,
occasional emotives and neutral emotives)
•D.Hanych and I.Oliynyk
(endearing, affection, tenderness or negative evaluation –
familiarity, ignoration)
(the words that express speaker’s feelings or feelings of
another person, the words that define thing, object,
phenomenon, its positive or the negative side, the words with
emotional attitude that is expressed not lexically but
grammatically – special suffixes and prefixes)
Emotionally expressive lexemes in the political
discourse texts play different roles, including:
- expressive nominative function
“Очевидний намір глави держави не підписувати, проте й не
відхиляти новий нормативний акт, передусім не сподобався
- nominative informative function
“ За тринадцять кравчуко-кучмівських років каралася тільки
кримінальна дрібнота, якою нині вщент забиті українські
- expressive-evaluative function
“ під час передвиборних президентських перегонів деякі
грошенята на ремонт знайшли”;
Expressive nominative function
Nominative-informative function
Expressive-evaluative function
Methods of emotive lexis translation in
political discourse:
- calque
- descriptive translation
- method of transcoding
The frequency of using the different
translation methods
Descriptive translation
Calque – a direct translation – reproduces
widely known political intertext, cultural and
historical allusions. Direct translation is
dominant in translation of metaphors and
phraseology that exist in both languages.
парламентським «піаністам», які оперативно пройшовшись
між рядами, натиснуть кнопки «за»...
... to the parliamentary “pianists," who will pass along the rows and
push the buttons labeled “for...
Translation of innovative occasional
metaphorical aksiolohems are carried out
mainly by means of descriptive translation:
...бюджетне питання в СП винесли за дужки...
... the Presidential Secretariat ignored the budget question...
Method of transcoding is used when we
need to translate concepts and phenomena
that don’t exist in English ethnical culture
(mostly proper names and derivatives):
Про парламент голова об’єднаних есдеків говорив майже
The head of united esdeks spoke about Parliament almost
The dominant feature of political discourse is the concept
of cultural values we want to apply in the translated text.
Purpose of the translation - to convey to the reader or
listener who does not know the source language, the
essence of the original idea the best way possible.
The findings of the given diploma paper will contribute
to the further investigation of the peculiarities of emotive
and expressional lexis using in Ukrainian political
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