Avaya Quiz System HELP GUIDE N E W U S E R R E G I S T R AT I O N ( S L I D E 2 ) TA K I N G A Q U I Z ( S L I D E 8 ) REVIEWING A QUIZ (SLIDE 17) GROUP MEMBERSHIP (SLIDE 26) C R E AT I N G Q U I Z Z E S ( S L I D E 3 1 ) MANAGING QUIZ QUESTIONS (SLIDE 39) A D M I N I S T R AT I O N ( S L I D E 4 7 ) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (SLIDE 49) User Registration S E L F R E G I S T R AT I O N Create New Account If you have not previously visited the quiz system click on the button that says “Create new account.” Enter Requested Information Enter the necessary information including username, password, email address, and name. Be sure to provide a valid email address. Check Email Check your email to verify your new account. Click on the Confirmation Link Click the link to verify your account. Welcome to the Quiz System Taking a Quiz N AV I G AT I O N USING DIRECT LINKS Select a Quiz Choose from the list of available quizzes. Attempt the Quiz Choose to attempt the quiz. Only one attempt is allowed per student without reviewer intervention. Start Quiz Attempt Confirm your attempt Complete the Quiz Complete the quiz Check your Submission Check that you have answered all the questions and submit your quiz attempt. Submit the Quiz Confirm your submission Return Home You have completed your quiz attempt and can return to the main page. Direct Linking to a Quiz http://quiz.avaya-campus.com/mod/quiz/view.php?id=3 Reviewing a Quiz R E V I E W I N G AT T E M P T S E X P O R T I N G R E S U LT S Log in as a Quiz Reviewer The Reviewer Home Page Reviewers have additional navigation Choose from the available quizzes Review Attempts from Group Reviewers have an additional link allowing them to review student’s quiz attempts in their group. The Grade Report The grade report shows a summary of how students performed on quiz questions as well as links to review student performance. Depending on the number of questions the grade report may not fit within the width of the browser window. Individual Review Reviewing a student’s quiz attempt provides a reviewer the option to provide personalized feedback. Personalized Feedback When you are finished press the save button. Enter your feedback here. Downloading the Grade Report Grades can be downloaded for further analysis using tools like Microsoft Excel. Excel Output Group Membership ASSIGNING STUDENTS TO A QUIZ REVIEWER Group Membership Reviewers manually assign students to their group. Selecting a Group Select your assigned group. Viewing Group Assignments Review the group membership and if appropriate select Add/remove users. Assigning Students Add or remove students as necessary. Creating Quizzes SETTING UP A QUIZ THE QUESTION BANK Log in as a Quiz Developer The Developer Home Page Editing is enabled by selecting the option under settings Developers have additional navigation Enable Editing Various editing options are available for quizzes. The “hand with pencil” accesses quiz options. Developers can create new quizzes. Quiz Options Review the slide notes for detailed information on options. Adding a New Quiz Add a new quiz. Updating a Quiz Selecting “edit settings” to change quiz behavior. Select “edit quiz” to add or modify quiz questions. Adding Questions to a Quiz Select “edit quiz” to add or modify quiz questions accessing this screen. Choose a question and select “Add a question” to add it to the quiz. Managing Quiz Questions SETTING UP A QUIZ THE QUESTION BANK The Question Bank The question bank provides access to all the questions in the Avaya Quiz System. Adding a New Quiz Question Select the question type and continue. Question Options Review the slide notes for detailed information on options. Avaya Quiz Builder Template Importing Quiz Questions Drop the file generated from the Avaya Quiz Builder here. Choose Moodle XML Running the Import If there are any errors review them on this page. Exporting Questions Choose Moodle XML Select a category Export questions to a file. Administration QUIZ SYSTEM ROLES Roles Name Description Student The role automatically assigned to new registrations. Users have the ability to take quizzes. Quiz Reviewer Current reviewers and developers can assign this role to existing users. Reviewers can assign students to their group and review quiz attempts. Quiz Developer Developers create and edit quizzes and questions and can assign students to groups. They are assigned by the manager. Manager Administrative functions. Additional Resources M O O D L E D O C U M E N TAT I O N HTTP://DOCS.MOODLE.ORG