DEFINITION OF DECEPTION • To lie and be dishonest • making someone believe something that is untrue • Providing false information to make someone do what you want • Not being loyal to someone • Acting differently on the outside to what you are thinking or feeling within • to give a false impression • To deceive someone and disappoint them OVERVIEW OF DECEPTION IN THE PLAY Deception is seen multiple times in the story of Macbeth • Many characters betray each other within this book • the original thane of Cawdor, deceived all of Scotland and the witches deceived Macbeth • Lady Macbeth was deceitful towards both king Duncan • The character which portrayed the theme of deception the most was Macbeth • In the end he got what he deserved for his cruel actions DISCUSSION OF SOME LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES Many language techniques have been used throughout the play Macbeth. • Symbolism: The spots of blood on Lady Macbeths hands that she dreamed of were symbolic of her guilt. • Metaphors : Lady Macbeth quotes "Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it" to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to be evil on the inside and look innocent. “Fair is foul and foul is fair” is also another good saying in which shows that everything may not be as it seems • Irony : Lady Macbeth takes part in Duncan's murder with no hesitation and She tells Macbeth of for being weak when he begins to hallucinate. However, at the end she is the one feeling guilt. DECEPTION IN ACT 1 • “Fair is foul and foul is fair” is a important line relating to deception • The original Thane of Cawdor betrays King Duncan and all of Scotland • After talking to Macbeth and Banquo the witches vanish without saying another word, they lead them on. • Banquo is nervous about what the witches didn’t tell him • Macbeth thinks deeply and debates wether he should kill the king • Lady Macbeth knows that Macbeth is to nice and innocent to pull of this act and so she decides to persuade him and act deceitful DECEPTION IN ACT 2 • Lady Macbeth deceives King Duncan and acts very two sided towards him, • Macbeth murders King Duncan whilst at Dunsinane, his own castle • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth frame the kings guards. Macbeth feels guilty for this and Lady Macbeth says "Things without all remedy should be without regard: what's done is done." • They trick the whole of Scotland into believing this is true and due to this Macbeth is crowned king DECEPTION IN ACT 3 • In act 3 of the play, Macbeth is once again being deceptive • He pretends to be loyal to his best friend Banquo but plans to have him and his son Fleance murdered. • He does this because he wants to gain more power and make sure no one will get in his way. • Being deceptive leads to a bad ending as Malcolm and Macbeth plan defeat Macbeth DECEPTION IN ACT 4 • The witches give Macbeth three more predictions and tell him to beware MacDuff • These lead him on and trick him, as they also refuse to give him a fourth prophecy. They again vanish • Lady MacDuff is disappointed that her husband is leaving and she states how she believes the world is evil • Macbeth then deceives the whole of MacDuff’s family by attacking and murdering them “I have done no harm. But I remember now, I am in this earthly world, Where to do harm is often laudable, to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly.” • DECEPTION IN ACT 5 In this act all the deceitful things that Macbeth has done turn around on him • Scottish people joined Malcolm and England’s army to fight against Macbeth • Lady Macbeth commits suicide • The witches deceitful prophesies are solved by Macbeth • The wood begun to move towards macbeths castle “As I did stand my watch upon the hill, I look'd toward Birnam, and anon, methought, The wood began to move.” • Macbeth is murdered by MacDuff and the true king, Malcolm, is crowned WHAT IS UNIVERSAL ABOUT THE DECEPTION? HOW CAN WE USE IT IN OUR LIVES Throughout Macbeth things are not always as they seem. Deception in the play is always present just like it is in reality. • People seem to be good in their appearance, but in reality, they might have dark secrets that they want to hide from everyone else. • People sometimes act different to the reality and pretend to be someone else for their own benefit • In the play Macbeth clearly shows how living a life of deceit will ultimately end in disaster. WHY IS IT A CLASSIC, WHY DO WE STILL STUDY IT? • Use of language (philosophy) • Relates to real life • Surprising events