中国的名称 以及它们如何工作 历史的中国的名称 多年来,已超过2万2000个 中国姓氏 Hong means “red” In the past, an emperor made 中国的孩童 learn a list of 100 of the most common 中国的姓. 婴儿 were named differently according the age in which they were born. Popular during the Cultural Revolution 美国人或者中国人? 中国人名 are structured differently from 英语人名. 中国的人名称 begin with the 姓 and end with the given 名字称. 美国人: John Smith 中国话: Smith John 意义的中国的名称 中文名字是对他们的文化非 常重要. Xīng Xīng: (flourishing star) 中国的给定的名称 are the distinguishing factor for most 人. Xīngxing: (gorilla) Each of the parts of the 名 称 should be in harmony with each other. This means good luck for the bearer of the 名称. NOT a good mistake! If a 儿童 is poorly named, then he/she will be treated that way. 中国的姓 There are many 中国的姓 but there are 100 that are the most common. They are passed down from the 父亲 side of the 家庭. While most 姓 are a single character, there are 81 compound 姓 that are currently used. Common中国的姓: Zhou Zhao Qian Wu Sun Zheng Li Wang 中国的给定名字称 给定的名字称 express the character and qualities in the bearer of the 名称. Common Girl Names: Jin: (Gem) 年幼的儿童 are given a 昵 称 until their character traits show. Lian: (Willow) 一些给定的名字称意味着人 的发源地. Other 给定的名字称 express a hopeful character trait for that 人. Common Boy Names: Hu: (Tiger) Long: (Dragon) 称呼中国人的称呼 To address someone,你 first use their 姓,and then their 称号. Some 称号 are Xian1 Sheng1 (Sir), Zhu3 Xi2 (President), and Jing1 Li3 (Manager) 幼童和年轻人的姓前会加上 “小”代表“年纪小”被称 为青年姓 ex.- xiăo lĭ. 小李 Yao Ming ~ Basketball Player Would be addressed Mr. Yao NOT Mr. Ming 引用的作品???