PRIDE Olympic & Paralympic Values Personal Excellence Respect & Friendship INSPIRATION Determination & courage Equality Kent Olympic & Paralympic Values: PRIDE Personal excellence Respect and friendship INSPIRATION Determination and courage Equality In this pack: SPORTING CHALLENGE: RESPECT & FRIENDSHIP • Showing respect & friendship as an Active Participant • Online resources, discussion points, activities & more LASTING MEMENTO: CREATING MEMORIES • Fun ways to record and evaluate your experiences • Ideas and evaluation sheets NEED MORE PRACTICAL HELP? • You’ll find guidance notes on printing & using the slides at the end of the pack Sporting Challenge: The Active Participant Introduction SPORTING CHALLENGE: THE ACTIVE PARTICIPANT Aims: • Young people demonstrate the Values through sport – coaching, officiating, participating etc. • You people develop knowledge of a wide range of activities that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle • Young people develop leadership skills and self esteem through sport • Young people understand how to improve performance through hard work, training and diet • Young people experience competition with sport EXAMPLE: Value chosen: Inspiration Activity & Aims: Young people will look at inspirational sporting heroes. Young people will examine their own attitude to sporting heroes and think about how they can influence their attitudes away from the game. Young people will be asked to ‘build a sporting hero’ from qualities that various sportspeople embody YAA Challenge: Online tasks and resources can be printed or stored electronically, group discussions can be recorded in both audio and transcription, photographic evidence, blogs, evaluation sheets etc. can all form part of the evidence for the challenge Learning Outcomes: Young people will think about the ways that being inspired by their sporting heroes can improve their performance and enjoyment of sport Online Resources Get Set resources for London 2012 sp Download Kent Sport’s FREE module ‘Teaching Values through Leadership’ Official website of the Kent 20in12 website Get involved in the Kent School Games Participate in one of the Stage Your Games events unity-games/ Find out more about staging your own Community Games – start by downloading the toolkit Inspire-Aspire has a range of links to websites to help you research sporting heroes and inspiration Links to projects that have the Inspire Sport mark Kent Sport London 2012 pages have videos to use as discussion prompts and the Torch relay route Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims Objectives Outcomes • AIMS • Becoming an active participant • OBJECTIVES • To become actively engaged with sport and exercise, to understand how inspirational sportspeople can enrich their experience of sport and how they can use those values in their own sporting endeavours • OUTCOMES • Thinking about inspirational values as a way of creating mutual understanding and helping you to achieve your goals • This is best for small groups. Ask each group to think of 5 qualities that their team would need if they were stranded on a desert island. . This activity helps young people to learn about other's values and problem solving styles and promotes teamwork. Ask each group to share with the group as a whole Pat On The Back • Ask young people to stand in a circle, everyone facing inwards. Now throw a ball or bean bag to a young person and ask them to say a word or phrase that inspires them. They then throw the ball to another young person. Repeat until everyone who wants to participate has had a go Marooned Ball Toss Icebreakers • Ask young people to draw round their hands, then cut out their hand prints. Tape onto young person’s back and then encourage young people to mingle and write positive things on each other’s hand prints. Encourage young people to write about each other’s positive values. Then ask young people to read and share the comments and how they feel. Discussion Points PRINT THEM OFF! STICK THEM UP! GET PEOPLE TALKING! Need more ideas? Use the ‘Know Your Values’ quiz to kick start some great conversations What is the most inspiring sporting moment you’ve ever seen? Why did it inspire you? Does playing sport inspire you to do better in life? Who or what do you think will be the most inspiring story of the Olympics? "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination.“ Do you agree with this motivational sports quote? Do you think this applies just to sport? If you get involved in sports you get a lot more than just a healthy body – do you agree? What effect does sport have on you in other ways? Inspired to Dance PLAN DO WHAT NEXT Ask young people to find a song that really inspires them on the Dance Mat – tell them they can listen to the song first to help inspire them Hold a dance off! After each performance ask young people to feed back on how they felt dancing to a song that inspires them – did they perform better than they usually do? Did they find that the music helped them to perform better than usual? What was the most popular song to dance to? What do young people find particularly inspirational about this song? What songs would young people like to perform to? If you have the expertise, why not choreograph your own inspirational dance performance? Inspired Performance THINK ABOUT: Sportsmen often use music to inspire their performances – ask young people to put together a 3 track inspirational playlist and listen to it before playing a Wii Sports game PLAY: choose your favourite Wii Sport – tennis would be good – and play a game. Now ask young people to feed back on their performance – did listening to their inspirational playlist improve their performance? Did they make the right choice of music? WHAT NEXT: Try matching the music to the sporting performance you hope to achieve – try matching the beats per minute to the intensity of the sport you’re participating in! Now try and find the ideal cool down music Young People’s Challenge: Most Inspirational Coach PLAN: Challenge youth workers at your centre to a game – this could be a dance mat challenge, Wii Sports or (if you have the facilities) pool, table tennis or 5 a side football etc. Nominate someone to be your coach and encourage them to research techniques for inspiring a team DO: Get your coach to motivate the team using everything they’ve discovered about inspiring and motivating a team – then play! Feedback after the game – did the coaching techniques work? Would you have done anything differently? Keep your comments positive – even if you lose! WHAT NEXT: Why not encourage your coach to do a Sports Leaders Award? Lasting Memento: Treasured Moments Introduction LASTING MEMENTO: TREASURED MOMENTS The aim of this element is to ensure that: • Young people record the journey and excitement of living through the Games in their country • You people can reflect on the diverse learning experiences and opportunities generated by the Games • Young people produce personal mementos tracking their individual development through the elements • Young people achieve recorded and accredited outcomes • Young people celebrate their personal experience of the Games EXAMPLES OF A MEMENTO: • Scrapbook of press cuttings • Photo album (online or hard copy) • Badges, T-shirts and other memorabilia either official or produced as part of a cultural challenge • Certificates • Blog or website • Video Use evaluation sheets from this pack or adapt ones from previous packs available at Aims, Objective & Outcomes Aims Objectives Outcomes • AIMS • Creating treasured memories and lasting memories • OBJECTIVES • To record and evaluate young people’s experiences and to create lasting mementos • OUTCOMES • Self reflection, using a variety of styles to evaluate and record, using a variety of approaches to create mementos, reflecting diverse learning opportunities, recording the enjoyment of the journey Creating Mementos SPORTING HEROES GOLDEN MOMENTS INSPIRATION JAR Reflect on ideas about what makes a sporting hero & how they inspire us Reflect on ideas about how inspirational performances inspire us Reflect on where we find inspiration every day Create a biography of your sporting hero using text, video, collage or music focusing on their inspirational values Share your hero by creating a ‘Hero Gallery’ Think about what inspirational qualities your heroes share and how they inspire you in your life Create stage a recreation of your favourite ‘Golden Moment’ – maybe Dame Kelly or Sir Steve, Sir Chris or many of the other great moments Create an inspiration jar by finding words & images that inspire you – decorate a large jar and put your words, phrases and images inside Share your Golden moment by creating a video for upload Share your jars by displaying them and asking other young people to choose an inspiration at random Think about how you can take inspiration from those moments into your own life Think about similarities & differences in what you find inspirational Recording & Evaluation 3 WORD EVALUATION: go round the group asking young people to sum up their experience in the session in 3 words. You can steer the evaluation by giving them a guide question to answer e.g. what did you enjoy most? You could also make this a 5 word evaluation but the point is to keep it short and fun – you could also do this to top and tail a session to understand young people’s expectations beforehand and their learning afterwards COLLAGE: provide small groups of young people with old magazines and other good collage materials and ask them to produce an A4 collage that reflects their feelings about the session/sessions – these can then be displayed and discussed by the group in terms of similarities and differences, universal themes, potential changes and follow up activities RACETRACK EVALUATION: either print out the sheet or draw a track with a start and finish line on flip chart paper. Ask young people to draw a representation of where they feel they are on the track – are they running a sprint or a longer race? - and ask them to add hurdles (to represent barriers they may have faced), a cheering crowd or any other visual element that represents how they feel their personal ‘race’ has developed. Again, this could be used before and after the session Race Evaluation Young People’s Challenge: Memory Boxes AIM •To record and evaluate feelings & thoughts on ‘inspiration’ through the creation of a memory box like those of Joseph Cornell METHOD •MATERIALS: cardboard boxes, magazines, art materials, young people’s found objects •Think about discussions on ‘inspiration’ and encourage young people to collect items to fill their own ‘memory box’ to reflect the values and ideas they’ve thought about •Memory boxes can contain images, items, written text – anything that reflects the idea of ‘inspiration’ WHAT NEXT • Display your memory boxes! • Discuss the similarities and differences between the boxes and their contents – what values do all the boxes reflect? What did young people think about the process of making their box? What difficulties were there in turning ideas into 3D images and how did young people solve them? Did the process change young people’s ideas about the values of inspiration? Guidance Notes HOW TO USE THIS PACK: HOW TO DOWNLOAD: To download from website: • Click on the link to the pack you want to download • From the dialogue box, choose to ‘open’ or ‘save’ the file then click OK • The pack will open as a slideshow: all links are live but you will need to left click to advance through the pack. • Choose PRINT from the drop down FILE menu to print all or some of the pages (see below) • Choose SAVE AS from the drop down FILE menu to save a copy to your hard drive HOW TO PRINT (NOTE – THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THE ENTIRE PACK, ONLY INDIVIDUAL SLIDES WITH ACTIVITIY SHEETS): • Before printing, delete ‘Index’ arrows by selecting and then pressing DELETE • Individual slides can be printed by selecting individual slide numbers or ranges in the PRINT menu • To print slides in black & white or grayscale, select the relevant option from the Colour/Grayscale drop down menu when you are about to print HOW TO VIEW LINKS/USE SLIDES • These slides may be used to form part of a presentation – press F5 to view as a slideshow • To delete individual slides, click on them to select then click on ‘cut’ in the Edit menu • To make links ‘live’ you will need to view the pack as a SLIDESHOW – go to the ‘View’ menu or press F5 If you have any comments regarding this pack, or need any additional help in using it, please contact: SUZANNAH YOUDE: or tel: 01622 221678 All information in this pack was correct and all links active at time of upload but may be subject to change