Tips on MC Exam PPT

Tips on how to be successful on
the APLaC Multiple Choice Exam
Tip #1: Know the Categories
Category #1: Questions about
Function or Reference
Most of the questions
on the test are of this
type of question!!!
These questions test your
ability to understand how
language works in each
These questions ask you
to analyze the syntax and
The shift in point of view has
the effect of . . .
The syntax of lines _____ to
_____ serves to . . .
The second sentence is
unified by metaphorical
references to . . .
As lines _____ and _____ are
constructed, "_____" is
parallel to which of the
The antecedent for "_____" is
Category #2: Questions about
Main Idea /Meaning in Context
These questions
test your
understanding of
the author's ideas,
attitude, and tone.
To prepare for
these questions,
everything that you
The theme of the second
paragraph is . . .
The speaker's attitude is best
described as one of . . .
In context, the sentence
"_____" is best interpreted as
which of the following?
The atmosphere is one of . . .
Which of the following would
the author be LEAST likely to
Category #3: Questions about
Author’s Purpose or Meaning
These question measure
your ability to interpret the
author's theme, meaning,
or purpose.
These questions are
closely tied to specific
word choices.
However, you must now
determine why the author
chooses the wording, not
what effect it produces.
These questions
demonstrate the
understanding of the
author's thematic reason
for choosing certain
Which of the following best
identifies the meaning of
Which of the following best
describes the author's
purpose in the last
The author emphasizes
"_____" in order to . . .
The sympathy referred to
in line _____ is called
"_____" because it . . .
Category #4: Questions about
Organization & Structure
These questions test your ability
to perceive how the passage is
For example: you need to know
if the passage follows a
compare/contrast structure or if it
gives a definition followed by
Other passages may be
organized around descriptive
statements that then lead to a
You also need to understand how
the structure of the passage
For example, you must know
how one paragraph relates to
another paragraph or how a
single sentence works within a
The quotation "_____" signals
a shift from . . .
The speaker's mention of
"_____" is appropriate to the
development of her argument
by . . .
The type of argument
employed by the author is
most similar to which of the
The relationship between
_____ and _____ is explained
primarily by the use of which
of the following?
Category #5: Questions about
Writing Modes
These questions
ask you to identify
and recognize the
various writing
modes that authors
 You must know the
difference between
and exposition.
The pattern of exposition
exemplified in the passage
can best be described as . . .
The author's use of
description is appropriate
because . . .
Which of the following best
describes the author's
Because the author uses
expository format, he is able
to . . .
The speaker's rhetorical
strategy is to . . .
Tip #2: The Power Guess Strategy
Power Guessing
In one multiple choice
questions you have a
1 in 5 chance (20%) to
get the answer correct.
If you can eliminate
three wrong answers
you have increased
your odds to a 1 in 2
chance or 50%.
you don’t answer a
question it will be
considered incorrect.
Tip #3: Code Your Answers
Code Your Answers
Use a (+) for an
answer you think
may be correct.
Use a (?) for an
answer you are
unsure about, but
may want to answer
Use a (-) for answer
you are sure is
Tip #4: Time Management
Time Management
60 minutes to
answer 55
You will be reading
4-5 passages.
5-7 minutes to read
each passage.
1 minute to answer
each question.
Tip #5: Read, Read, Read
Read, Read, Read
The exam states:
“Read the following
passage carefully
before you choose
your answers.”
Take this advice. If
you fully comprehend
the passage, you will
have a better chance
to be successful on
the questions.
Apply the Liu Method
as a note taking
Tip #6: Focus on the Easy, Avoid the Hard
Focus on the Easy, avoid the hard.
If question refers to
early part of passage
= easy question.
If question refers to
the end of passage =
hard question.
If you spend more
than 3 minutes on a
hard question, guess
or skip it!!!
Put your energy on
the easy questions to
raise your score.
Tip #7: Playing the Odds
Playing the Odds
If you have to guess, stick
with one letter.
 If you are slow reader, read
the first paragraph, final
paragraph, and each topic
 If you are running out of time,
answer each question with
the same letter.
 Remember: If you get a 7 or 8
on the Free Response
Essays, you only need to get
+50% on the Multiple Choice
Exam to get a 3 or 4 on the
APLaC Exam – good enough
for college credit.
Please Stand for Think on Your Feet