Deception in Macbeth Mary Beth

Mary Ntalianis and Beth Allday
Throughout Macbeth things are not always as they seem.
Deception is always present, with Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the
three witches.
From the very first scene, the deception within Macbeth’s world is
clearly defined.
It is important to study some classics, such as
Shakespeare as his plays use themes that still apply
in our world these days. Themes like deception,
ambition, betrayal and greed are still present for us.
We can relate to them and relate world issues to
lessons learnt in Shakespeare’s plays. All these
themes are present in Macbeth.
“Measures designed to mislead the enemy by
manipulation, distortion, or falsification of
evidence to induce the enemy to react in a
manner opposite to the enemy's interests.” Deception
The Three Weird Sisters set up the theme of deception with their
opening lines “fair is foul, and foul is fair”. These lines hint to the
reader that people and events in the play will not be as they
appear, probably to teach him a lesson to not be blinded by
ambition. By doing this the witches deceived Macbeth.
Macbeth was supposed to be a loyal subject to
the king. However, he betrayed this loyalty by
murdering him. Macbeth himself said, initially,
"as his host, who should against his murder shut
the door, not bear the knife myself". However, he
deceived his ruler and assassinated him.
Macbeth also deceived his best friend Banquo
by killing him. He would not let friendship stand
in the way of his throne.
Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to “look like the innocent flower, but be
the serpent under't”.
By this she means to say that they
will act as perfect hosts for when King
Duncan comes to stay with them. But
behind his back they will be planning to
murder him.
Banquo tries to be the voice of reason and portrays feelings of
doubt by telling Macbeth ‘That, trusted home, might yet enkindle
you unto the crown, besides the Thane of Cawdor. But tis’ strange,
and oftentimes to win us to our harm the instruments of darkness
tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray in deepest
By saying this Banquo is warning Macbeth that even though the
witches have given him one piece of honest information they may
use his trust in them to deceive him in the future and cause him
Some literary devices that Shakespeare uses to make Macbeth
more interesting and effective are:
- Irony
- similes/metaphors
An example of irony in Macbeth is that he is supposed to be a
“great king” but it’s really his wife that’s calling the shots
Macbeth also tells Duncan “and our duties are to your throne and
state, children and servants, which do but what they should, by
doing every thing safe toward your love and honour”
This is not only deceptive, but ironical because of King Duncan’s
high opinion of Macbeth and Macbeths promise to keep him safe
because later in the play, Macbeth kills Duncan for his throne.
An example of imagery in Macbeth is the imagery of clothing. Macbeth is
constantly represented as the wearer of clothes not belonging to him “New
honors come upon him, like strange garments, cleave not to their mould, but with
the aid of use”
An example of symbolism are the use of darkness, he says “Come, thick night,
and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell” calling on night, which represents all
things ‘dark’ and evil, to help him go through with the murder.
Blood is also another example of symbolism used
in Macbeth, it represent his guilt that wont go away.
After murdering Duncan, he says “Out, damned
spot! Out, I say!” as he cant seem to get rid of the
blood…or the guilt
"Doubtful it stood, as two spent swimmers, that do cling together”
The Sergeant compares two sides of the battle to two tired swimmers
who cling to each other and drown as a result.
"And pity, like a naked new-born babe."
Shakespeare is comparing pity to the helplessness of a new-born infant.
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour
upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full
of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Macbeth compares life to a useless actor
The universal idea of deception, shown in Macbeth, is simply not to
deceive one another.
Also to watch out for deception, as it is shown by the three weird
sisters that your dreams, ambitions and what you want to believe
can be used against you to deceive you
Self deception is a human
weakness. No matter what
someone may say, it is hard to
change someone's’ opinion if that
is what they truly believe. This is
shown in William Shakespeare’s
play, Macbeth, through the actions
of various characters.
Shakespeare clearly shows the
idea of self-deception through
their actions and how this selfdeception leads to moral disorder,
and tragedy.